Improving Local Governance in Latin America

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Improving Local Governance in Latin America:


A Toolkit to Empower Civil Society Anti-Corruption Efforts




The Latin America Local Governance Toolkit assesses the existence, effectiveness, and citizen access to key governance mechanisms and anti-corruption safeguards at the sub-national level in three Latin American countries: Argentina, Ecuador and Peru.  The indicators seek to measure accountability and transparency across the public sector, considering issues such as local public financial management and fiscal transfers, local civil service regulations and conflicts of interest safeguards, transparency around local state-owned enterprises, and the financing of local political parties and candidates.  Generated through a collaborative partnership between Global Integrity, an international NGO that tracks governance and corruption trends, and local think tanks – CIPPEC (Argentina), Grupo FARO (Ecuador), and Ciudadanos al Día (Peru) – the Toolkit is being used by stakeholders in each country to design and advocate for evidence-based, sub-national governance and integrity reforms.




Join us for a discussion on the Toolkit’s methodology, results and local advocacy efforts on






Monday, November 16, 2009


3 – 5pm


1025 F St. NW, Suite 800, Washington D.C.


Coffee and empanadas will be served




¨       Nathaniel Heller, Managing Director, Global Integrity


¨       Miriam Kornblith, Director, Latin America and the Caribbean, National Endowment for Democracy


¨       Daniel Ritchie, Secretary, Partnership for Transparency Fund


¨       Leslie Harper, Modernization of the State Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank



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