Egyptian-US Tension Escalating because of Aid

اضيف الخبر في يوم الثلاثاء ١٥ - يناير - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Almasry Alyoum

Egyptian-US Tension Escalating because of Aid

The Washington Report issued on Sunday by the World Security Institute (a US non-governmental institution) monitored the new tensions in Cairo-Washington relations, saying: "The concepts and the terminology used to describe Egyptian-US relations range between 'strategic' relations, 'partnership' and 'friendship'."

The report added: "These relations have recently witnessed a great deal of tensions and divisions because of several issues. These issues have affected the relations between the two countries and have lately escalated."

The report pointed out that aid has played a major role in affecting Cairo's decision and that the Egyptian economy now heavily relies on this aid, indicating that one of the causes of this tension was aid.

The report talked about the democratic transformation as being one of the points of dispute between Egypt and the US and affirmed that Washington has been focusing on democracy in Egypt, given its status in the Arab World.

It also noticed that the Egyptian authorities refuse US orientation with regard to this issue because they consider it a form of interference in internal affairs. Cairo believes that every country has its own peculiarities and that it should deal with these issues by itself.

The report then moved on to human rights as a third source of tension saying: "Human rights have become a priority for the current US administration. US reports on human rights are very critical of the Egyptian government for its violating human rights and the rights of prisoners, for it carrying out random arrests and referring civilian prisoners to military courts."

It then pointed out that these reports deal with tensions between Muslims and Copts and that it is being talked more and more in the US about the oppression of Copts and the violation of their rights in Egypt in spite of official sources' denial.

It then mentioned that, in spite of the establishment of the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) under the chairmanship of former UN Secretary General Boutros Ghali, the issue is still a source of tension between Washington and Cairo

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