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INTRODCUTION: our research methodology – the Quran has no different layers/aspects of meanings – the scientific methodology to understand the Quran – the problematic aspect of researching books of traditions.

A Preliminary CHAPTER: What is Islam and its history and application in the era of Muhammad – what is Islam – the definition of Islam and belief – the definition of polytheism and disbelief in the Quran – Islam as God's religion to all humanity – Paradise is for every good believer among human beings – the one content of all celestial messages – God's religion is Islam – history of Islam within ancient nations – the Islamic monotheistic religion of Abraham – Arab tribes – Abraham's progeny among Arabs and Israelites and keeping Abraham's religion – Muhammad as a follower of Abraham's religion and not as a founder of a new religion – Abraham in the Quran – the Quranic command to adhere to Abraham's religion – an overview of the Qorayish tribe and the fabrication of earthly, man-made religions – firstly: how Arabs have distorted the Islamic, monotheistic Abraham's religion before the revelation of God's final message of the Quran – secondly: how Qorayish has established its earthly, man-made religion by distorting Abraham's religion before the revelation of the Quran – thirdly: Qorayish and the establishment of earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans after the revelation of the Quran – fourthly, How Qorayish opposed the Quranic reform of the Islamic Abraham's religion – the struggle of Qorayish against early believers during Muhammad's lifetime – how Qorayish, led by the Umayyads, persecuted early believers in Mecca and chased them in Yathreb – how Islam was applied within the Quran-based Yathreb city-state led by Muhammad for ten years (622 – 632 A.D.): introduction – the role of the Quranic revelation in guiding Muhammad's actions and in bridging the gap between Islam and the religious behavior of the early believers during Muhammad's lifetime – features of the Yathreb city-state: the best possible human application of Islam – the gap between Quranic sharia legislations and their application during the era of Muhammad.          

CHAPTER I: The establishment of contradictions between Islam and the Muhammadans during the era of the corrupt four pre-Umayyad caliphs (11 – 40 A.H./ 632 – 661 A.D.) – the beliefs map of people between Muhammad's era and the era of the corrupt four pre-Umayyad caliphs: introduction – a brief overview of the era of the corrupt four pre-Umayyad caliphs – the most dangerous types of the so-called companions: – (A) the Meccans of Qorayish "the freed ones" and their Umayyad leaders – (B) opportunist and hypocritical desert-Arabs and Bedouins – (C) groups of those with weak belief – (D) the unknown group of those adamant in hypocrisy – the influence of the struggle between Qorayish and desert-Arabs on establishing the contradictions between Islam and the Muhammadans during the era of the corrupt four pre-Umayyad caliphs: introduction – the secret role of the hidden, lurking forces in formulating the policies of the corrupt four pre-Umayyad caliphs and its influence in paving the way for establishing the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans that contradict Islam – a brief overview of the stages of renegades' war, Arab conquests, and civil war – the movement of the renegades – four dangerous escalations resulting from the renegades' war and the conquests – the major immigrant companions and the possibility of their being spies working for the Umayyads – the conflict over spoils and the outbreak of the civil war among the companions planned by the Umayyads – Those cursed desert-Arabs! Those cursed Umayyads! – conclusion.       

CHAPTER II: Contradictions between Islam and the Muhammadans are completed during the Umayyad caliphate (41 – 132 A.H./ 661 – 750 A.D.) – an overview of the Umayyad caliphs – general features of the Umayyad caliphate – allowing bloodshed, promiscuity, and immorality – an overview of how the Umayyads manipulated Islamic rituals - how the Umayyad undermined Islam – how the Umayyads manipulated prayers to serve their purposes – building the so-called Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and performing pilgrimage there instead of the Kaaba – the fabrication of hadiths and the beginning of earthly, man-made religious legislations during the Umayyad Era – invention of hadiths is the first step in the emergence of the earthly, man-made religions during the Umayyad Era – the nature of the contradictory earthly, man-made religions during the Umayyad Era – the beginning of Sunnite fiqh legislations during the Umayyad Era – the influence of Arab conquests on the intellectual and religious trends – on the threshold of the Abbasid Era.

CHAPTER III: The development of the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans during the Abbasid Era (132 – 658 A.H./ 750 – 1258 A.D.) – an overview of the Abbasid Era – the division of the Abbasid Era – comparing between  the Umayyad caliphate and the Abbasid caliphate –  the Abbasid caliphs – the main differences between the Umayyad caliphate and the Abbasid caliphate – the Abbasid clergymen: how the caliph Abou Jaffer Al-Mansour established the Abbasid caliphate clergymen – comparing between  the Abbasid caliphs Al-Saffah and Al-Mansour – Al-Mansour and the bases of the Abbasid clergymen: fabrication of hadiths and visions/dreams – clergymen of Al-Mansour reached the mainstream culture of the masses – the influence of the Abbasid clergymen on the revival of the religion of ascetics – the return of asceticism and ascetics – the boycott of Abbasids as the main ritual of ascetics – ascetics established their religion based on fabricated tales – the beginning of inventing stories by ascetics about miracles – how ascetics criticized the Abbasids – how ascetics invented visions/dreams – the influence of Abbasid clergymen on creating the religion of Weepers – the influence of Abbasid clergymen on deifying caliphs during the reign of weak caliphs – the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans complete their development during the Abbasid Era – the development of the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans from mere doctrines into full-fledged religions – an overview of the Sunnite religion – the Shiite religion – the Sufi religion (Sufism) – the struggle between the Ibn Hanbal doctrine followers and Al-Mu'tazala thinkers during the Abbasid Era – the military struggle and mutual propaganda between the Sunnites and the Shiites during the Abbasid Era – the Shiite states that were enemies to the Abbasids during the Second Abbasid Era –  the fabrication of the Sunnite Sufism to replace the Shiite religion in Egypt – an overview of the Sufi-Sunnite religion: its start and dominance – realistic examples from history of the earthly, man-made religions during the Abbasid Era.     

CHAPTER IV: The Dominance of the Sunnite Sufism during the Mameluke Era (648 – 921 A.H./1250 – 1517 A.D.) – an overview of the Mameluke Era – introduction – firstly: steps of establishing firmly the Mameluke State in Egypt – Mameluke sultans and how authority was typically inherited: Mamelukes and the art of intrigues and schemes – an overview of the Mameluke religion of Sunnite Sufism – how Sunnite fiqh submitted to the Mameluke religion of Sunnite Sufism – the influence of Sufism on the impoverishment of fiqh schools and intellectual life in general – how Sunnite fiqh has been influenced by Sufism – theoretical fiqh – fiqh of preaching – the submission of Sunnite fiqh scholars to Sunnite Sufism – the persecution inflicted on Ibn Taymiyya during the Mameluke Era.

CHAPTER V: The struggle among the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans during the Ottoman caliphate and the dominance of the Sunnite Sufism – a general overview of the Ottoman caliphate – different views regarding the Ottoman caliphate – the establishment and development of the Ottoman caliphate – a brief historical overview of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire – the Ottoman caliphate of 'Islam' and the Muhammadans in a general overview – the struggle between the Sunnite Sufi Ottoman Empire and the Shiite Safavid Empire in Iran – the political nature of the Ottoman rule – features of Sunnite Sufism during the Ottoman Era – the influence of the Sunnite-Shiite conflict on the collapse of the Mameluke rule and bringing the Ottomans in Egypt – the emergence of Ismail the Safavid, the Shiite Sufi ruler, as a danger threatening both the Mamelukes and the Ottomans – How the Mameluke sultan Al-Ghoury allied himself to the Shiite Sufi ruler Ismail the Safavid, and the influence of such alliance on the collapse of the Mameluke rule – how Ismail the Safavid schemed and plotted against the Ottoman sultan Selim after the death of the Mameluke sultan Al-Ghoury.    

CONCLUSION: The moral lesson drawn from the complicated relation among Turkey of the Ottomans, Iran of the Safavids, and Egypt of the Mamelukes.  


A Historical Overview of the Emergence and Development of the Earthly Religions of the Muhammadans:
A Historical Overview of the Emergence and Development of the Earthly Religions of the Muhammadans: PART ONE: From the Pre-Umayyad Caliphs to the Ottomans
Authored by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
We began writing this book in 2006 but we delayed its online publication; it is the seed that has provided the basis for other books of ours published on our website, such as "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs", "Preaching to Sultans: from the Pre-Umayyad Corrupt Caliphs to the Cursed Mubarak", "The Second Major Arab Civil War", "The Karbala Massacre", and "The Ibn Hanbal Doctrine Is the Mother of Wahabism and the Cause of the Destruction of Iraq in the Second Abbasid Era", in addition to an unfinished book on bloodshed committed during the era of caliphates and how the Sunnite worldview has divided the known world into two warring camps. This book about the emergence and development of the earthly, man-made relig