اضيف الخبر في يوم الجمعة ٢٣ - أبريل - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
French driver fined for wearing niqab
France moves to ban the face-covering veil
French driver fined for wearing niqab |
The unnamed woman told LCI television on Friday that police stopped her last month while she was driving in the city of Nantes, near the French Atlantic coast.
My eyes were not covered. I can see just like you and my field of vision was not obstructed
"My eyes were not covered. I can see just like you and my field of vision was not obstructed," said the woman, who did not give her name. She said she would appeal against the decision.
Sarkozy's plan to ban face-covering Islamic veils, such as the Afghan burqa or the niqab, have sparked fierce debate among politicians and France's Muslim community.
Polls have shown while most French voters back a ban, legal experts have warned it could violate the country's constitution. France's highest court has warned the government that a complete ban could be unlawful.
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