Dr. Al-Ansari: heaven is not just for one sect

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأحد ١٣ - مايو - ٢٠٠٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Al Arabiya.net

Dr. Al-Ansari: heaven is not just for one sect

On May 10, Al Arabiya.net, a Saudi-owned online news service, reported: Dr. Abdel Hamid Al-Ansari, a professor of Sharia at the University of Qatar, called for separating religion from history. He said that religion was sacred while history wasnt. He then considered that the Companions of the Prophet were human and fought over the [title to the] authority. He then criticized the saying that heaven was only for one sect. On the other hand, he stressed the importance of banning suicide operations which he said were due to the religious rhetoricÂ… that is planting hatred.

He also criticized some of the ideas of Sheikh Youssef Al-Qardawi and said: I would rather sit next to Youssra [a popular Egyptian actress] than next to Al-Qardawi. Dr. Abdel Hamids statements were made in an interview on the Idaat program [aired on Al Arabiya television]Â… Al-Ansari is considered to be one of the most prominent figures defending the ideas of enlightenment, progress and modernity in the Arab world. He was known for his continuous calls to reform the curricula and defended the rights of women and minorities. He stood against suicide operations and considered that they did not have any religious justification.

Al-Ansaris articles and ideas are raising a lot of controversy and are being faced with opposition and with criticisms, to the point where one of his critics described him as being one of the writers of the Marines promoting the American presence. Firstly, Al-Ansari called for the separation of religion from historyÂ… He said: In the history of Muslims, the Companions of the Prophet argued over the authority. The Companions were human and had ambitions. This must be divested of its sanctityÂ… He added: Is it possible for heaven to be monopolized by one sect knowing that the Mecca summit recognized all the Islamic sects which recognize the oneness of Allah?

On the sidelines of these statements he diverged and confirmed previous statements in which he said he would rather sit in a place next to Egyptian actress Youssra than next to Sheikh Al-Qardawi. He said: I respect him but differ with him. I said I would rather sit next to Youssra on a plane because I dont feel free around him. He continued: I criticize Al-Qardawis political positions and his anti-west stand and saying that dialogue with the Jews can only be conducted with Jewish bombs. I am in favor of dialogue with the Jews. On the other hand, he said that the phenomenon of suicide bombers was due to religious speech.

He said: When a Muslim goes to listen to the Friday sermon, he comes back tense and hostile toward civilization because the sermon focuses on the bad side and exaggerates it. He added: I call for the banning of suicide operations because there is nothing in Islam which says one is allowed to blow himself to harm the enemy or any other. Those who are blowing themselves up amid Israeli civilians are doing so for political and ideological reasons which have nothing to do with religion.

He added: There is a contradiction and a duplicity which we dont recognize when we say that those conducting suicide operations in Iraq are martyrs and those conducting them in the Gulf are terrorists. He continued: I believe that the American presence in Iraq is legitimate and is not an occupationÂ… - Al Arabiya.net, Middle East
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