They Ask You about the Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood Group

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-03-10

They Ask You about the Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood Group

Published and revised in March 8, 2017

Authored by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy


N.B.: This article is originally an annex in a book authored by us titled "The Roots of Terrorism in the Saudi Wahabism and the MB Group" published in Arabic online in May, 2007, on our website.



A) Most Egyptians know about the Sufi saints and their mausoleums in Egypt and many Egyptians believe they are 'holy' and 'sanctified' men, such as Al-Sayed Al-Badawi, Ibrahim Al-Disouky, Abou Al-Hassan Al-Shazily, and Abou Abbas Al-Morsi, etc., but most Egyptians do not know that the Sufi saint called Al-Sayed Al-Badawi and his followers at the time were fanatic Shiite leaders of a secret organization or movement that aimed to topple the Egyptian Mameluke regime seven centuries ago to restore the Fatimid Shiite rule. This secret Shiite movement had branches in Mecca, Iraq, and North Africa, but its main headquarter and base was in Egypt. This secret Shiite organization had adopted a long-term policy of preparing and teaching followers, leaders, and disciples to propagate certain religious culture and to recruit agents, and after about a century, the Shiite-Sufi saints Al-Badawi, Al-Rifaai, Al-Disouky, Al-Shazily, and Al-Morsi were the last leaders of this Shiite secret movement, and they remain until now within Egyptian religiosity of the Muhammadans as great Sufi saints, just as they presented themselves as such to people seven centuries ago. Most people in Egypt now do not know the historical fact that when they failed in their endeavors to restore Egypt to the Fatimid Shiite rule by toppling the Mameluke regime that ruled at the time, these 'saints', who had secret codes of communication and other real names apart from their pseudonyms that linger until now within their mosques and mausoleums, had sought revenge from the Mameluke State by setting fire to all churches all over Egyptian cities from Alexandria to Cairo and Aswan simultaneously in the same manner – except for the Hanging Church.        

B) The above point is proven in our book titled "Al-Sayed Al-Badawi between Fact and Myth" published and printed in 1982 in Cairo, Egypt, and then online on our Quranism website. In the conclusion of that book, we have asserted the similarity between this Shiite secret organization or movement and the terrorist movement/group of the Muslim Brotherhood (henceforth, the terrorist MB). The Shiite one ended in political failure seven centuries ago; yet, its religious influence still remains until now as mausoleums of these Shiite Sufi men are still being worshipped by the gullible masses in Egypt. We have asserted the vital importance of reforming the religious thought of Muslims (or rather the Muhammadans) by questioning, criticizing, and discussing all inherited religious notions and traditions, in light of the Quran, so as to prevent the Egyptian youth from adhering to destructive notions that cause massacres, bloodshed, and acts of violence and terrorism. As usual, no one took heed of our warnings in the above-mentioned book, and after ten years of its being published and the uproar it caused,  Egypt since 1992 has witnessed terrorist crimes that shook the country to the core, and the battle between terrorists and Egyptian police and security officers is still ongoing. During the years of this Shiite secret movement, Egypt was ruled by the military regime of the Mamelukes who faced the crusaders, and Christians in Egypt at the time were victims of such struggle between the crusaders and the Muhammadans, as the latter dreamed of one Arab 'Islamic' caliphate to unite all countries under one rule instead of weak isolated rulers who reigned over separate regions and cities. Hence, such conditions and circumstances, in our opinion, are repeated in the 20th century in Egypt and led to the establishment of the terrorist MB in 1928. As the Shiite movement led by Al-Sayed Al-Badawi adopted a long-term policy of preparing and recruiting agents and preachers and teaching them within a certain culture and religion within secret/covert and overt/open organizations, the terrorist MB group has done the same in the 20th century in its main headquarters in Egypt and in its branches worldwide. This similarity between the movement of Al-Sayed Al-Badawi asserts the fact that the terrorist MB is not merely a political entity of power-seekers; rather, it has insidiously prepared citizens in Egypt, slowly but steadily within the religious culture, media, and education, to believe in the MB as part of 'Islam' and as representative of it, and this has made the gullible sacrifice everything, even their lives, for the sake of the terrorist MB. Such Sunnite Wahabi culture propagates the corrupt notion of dividing Egypt, and then the whole globe, into two camps: the camp of peace/Islam and the camp of war/disbelief, thus turning any local wars into global warfare, which people felt all over the world after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.               

C) Most writings authored by others, in Arabic and in other languages, about the terrorist MB rarely tackle the fundamentalist and historical roots of the MB deeply enough. We attempt to do so here briefly within this question-and-answer format to simplify matters for readers.


1- Do the MB members represent Islam?

Of course not; no one dares to claim to embody or to represent Islam. Islam is not a person; it is a religion and a faith containing a theoretical basis and certain tenets, principles, rituals, commands, and prohibitions. The terrorist MB members in their demeanors, mottoes, and principles contradict in every respect the religion of Islam (i.e., the Quran). This contradiction between the terrorist MB and the Quran is generally and briefly proven by the fact that the Quran itself asserts that those who manipulate religion for the sake of worldly gains and seeking transient, temporal ambitions are the real enemies of God; hence, the terrorist MB members are the enemies of God because they manipulate the name of Islam as a tool to ascend to power and authority in a given country.      

2- Do the MB members represent Muslims worldwide?

Of course not; Muslims now comprise three main sects or denominations that include many doctrines and schools: the Sunnites, the Shiites, and the Sufis, in additions to minorities such as Quranists, Ibadis, and Baha'is. The terrorist MB members belong to the Sunnite sect which is the most fanatic and extremist one among the Muhammadans. 

3- Do the MB members represent the whole Sunnite sect or religion?

Of course not; Sunnites are subdivided into four well-known main doctrines of Abou Hanifa, Malik, Al-Shafei, and Ibn Hanbal, and the latter is the most extremist and fanatic doctrine of the Sunnite religion to which the terrorist MB members and all Wahabis worldwide belong.

4- Do the MB members represent the whole Sunnite Ibn Hanbal doctrine?

Of course not; the Sunnite Ibn Hanbal doctrine is indeed subdivided in its turn into many schools of thought, but the most extremist and fanatic school of it, to which the terrorist MB members belong, is the school of thought of Ibn Taymiyya.

5- Do the MB members represent the whole school of thought of Ibn Taymiyya?

Of course not; the school/line of thought of Ibn Taymiyya contains many trends, but the most extremist, fanatic, and violent of those trend is certainly the Wahabi trend. The third current Saudi state, the KSA, established by Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, is the one behind the establishment of the terrorist MB group in Egypt by the Wahabi Levantine sheikh named Rasheed Reda and his friend the Wahabi Levantine sheikh named Moheb-Eddine Al-Khateeb as well as their disciple, the ambitious youth at the time Hassan Al-Banna in 1928 in Egypt.

6- The MB members then belong to a minority trend called Wahabism; why then did they acquire such authority?

Because of the relentless support to the MB by the KSA that established them in the first place. Both the terrorist MB group and the KSA have cooperated within certain favorable local, regional, and international circumstances and conditions to make people worldwide think that the KSA and the MB represent Islam, despite the contradiction between their religious culture and the Quran itself. 

7- How did the Wahabi Saudis establish the MB movement?

  King Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud was the founder of the third current KSA within the period 1902 – 1932 and after he conquered the city of Riyadh with his troops in 1902, he gathered many Bedouin youths to make his Wahabi clergy and sheikhs teach them the tenets of the Wahabi religion that include declaring all non-Wahabis as infidels and apostates, which means to raid and massacre them, to steal all their possessions, to conquer and occupy their lands, and to enslave their women and progeny. They were taught that non-Wahabis are never deemed 'Muslims', even if they believe in the Quran, but considered as polytheistic disbelievers (this included all Jews and Christians as well, not just Sufis, Shiites, and all non-Wahabi Sunnites). Hence, Wahabis at the time declared endless jihadist wars against everyone else in Arabia. Those Bedouin Wahabi youths came to be known as the Najd Brothers, who were savage, fierce, fearless fighters, with readiness to commit suicidal missions if necessary, and who raided, looted, and massacred people as they spread their terror all over Arabia, Iraq, and the Levant by the atrocities they committed more often than not. After recruiting and using this group called the Najd Brothers (Najd is the area in Arabia where Riyadh is located), Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud managed with their military help to conquer and annex to his burgeoning kingdom most lands of Arabia, after defeating Yemen and destroying south of Iraq and Jordan; he conquered Hejaz in 1926 (where Mecca and Yathreb are located). It is noteworthy that Great Britain at the time allowed, helped, and sponsored Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud and British agents spied on him and assured him of Britain's support if he would avoid British colonies in the Gulf. Later on, some leaders of the Najd Brothers (namely, Feisal Al-Daweesh, Ibn Bajad, and Ibn Heithlein) revolted against their king Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud. The reason, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud announced the birth of the third current KSA in 1932 and stopped his expansionist movement in Arabia at a  certain borders endorsed by Britain. The leaders of the Najd Brothers insisted on annexing Iraq (as military 'jihad' for them was endless until they conquer the whole world!), and they declared Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud as an apostate/infidel who submitted to the will of the British Christian infidels; they had to revolt and rebel against him. Great Britain at the time threatened Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud in case his men would not leave southern Iraqi borders in peace and stop raiding at this area, and the British built there some fortresses to defend Iraqi against Bedouin raids of the Najd Brothers. The Najd Brothers were infuriated by the establishment of such fortresses that put an end to their expansionist ambitions or their 'jihad' and they insisted that Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud must never stop their attacking Iraq and their fighting the British forces there, but he feared to lose his alliance with Great Britain and let them down. The Najd Brothers accused him of allying himself to 'Christian infidels' and of his being an apostate. More details on that topic are found in our book titled "The Wahabi Opposition Movements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Twentieth Century", found in English on the following link:        

Of course, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud conquered and annexed the Hejaz regions with the swords of the Najd Brothers whose massacres terrorized cities of Hejaz and made their people surrender, and thus, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud controlled pilgrimage season and pilgrims, and he seized the chance to enlist the help of Great Britain to get rid of the Najd Brothers who were massacred off by British planes that bombarded them and by the other trained soldiers and troops loyal to Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud until the Najd Brothers' movement ended. Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud spread the idea of forming Wahabi Brothers outside Arabia to replace the troublesome Najd Brothers and to spread Wahabism all over the 'Islamic' world countries, with special focus on Egypt and India. In Egypt, Wahabi agents paid by Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud managed to turn the Sharia Society, in Cairo, from a Sufi center to a Salafist Wahabi one with branches all over Egyptians governorates, led by the Levantine Wahabi sheikhs Rasheed Reda and Moheb-Eddine Al-Khateeb, who also established the Muslim Youths Movement to provide Wahabi young men with military training needed later, and among the leading young men of such movement was Hassan Al-Banna, who later on was chosen to be the leader or guide of the MB established in 1928. Another society established by Salafist Wahabis led by the Azharite sheikh Hamid Al-Fiqi (the agent and friend of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud) was "Ansar Al-Sunna" (Supporters of Sunna). All those agents and bodies financed the MB (and GB financed it as well) that replaced the Najd Brothers. The overt announced aim of the MB in the 1930s in Egypt was to teach people about 'Islam' (but of course, spreading Wahabism under the name of ''Salafism'' was the real purpose), while the secret aim remains until now to reach power and authority by establishing a Wahabi theocracy/caliphate in Egypt and other Arab countries and later on the 'Islamic' world. The main tool of this political aim has been to spread Wahabism worldwide as if it were 'real' or 'original' Islam. Hence, with branches of the terrorist MB insidiously mushroomed throughout the Arab world and the 'Islamic' world, and later on in the EU and USA and the whole West, Wahabism spread worldwide within the Muhammadans.            

8- This is about the MB group in Egypt, what about the Najd Brothers among the Bedouins in Arabia within the reign of King Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud?

 Their rebellion against him failed as he defeated them in all battles within the period 1929 – 1932, with the help of Great Britain, as they were killed off, and in 1932 he gave his kingdom the name of his family: the KSA stands for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

9- What was the type of the relation between the MB and the KSA?

  Hassan Al-Banna, who was merely an impecunious teacher in a primary school, managed with Saudi financial help to establish 50 thousand branches of the MB quarters all over Egyptian soil from Alexandria to Cairo and Aswan, and apart from establishing the MB branches worldwide, he managed to train the secret military apparatus of the terrorist MB, whose main pillar was the Algerian Fodil El-Ouartilani the mysterious aide of Hassan Al-Banna who led a revolution in Yemen to disturb the balances there to serve Saudi purposes and interests, but this revolution failed and the KSA disowned it, though the rebels managed to assassinate Imam Yahya M. Hamid Eddine the ruler of Yemen in 1948. The KSA refused to admit Fodil El-Ouartilani inside the Saudi land when he tried to flee Yemen and he remained for a while in a ship at the sea with the heaps of gold he stole from Yemen while ports of Arab countries refused to welcome him because they hated the role he played in Yemen, until some MB members managed to smuggle him and his load of gold into a Lebanese port and he moved from the Levant to Turkey, to re-appear later on as the second man of the Algerian Liberation Front that signed its charter in Cairo in 1955, whereas Ahmed Ben Bella signed at the end of the list of signers of this charter. The Egyptian government discovered the veritable danger and threat posed by the terrorist MB and its overt bodies and secret organizations after what occurred in Yemen in 1948, as Hassan Al-Banna masterminded events in Yemen, and thus, Hassan Al-Banna was assassinated in February 1949 in Cairo, after the Egyptian police found out about secret dossiers of the terrorist MB group that showed details about its military militias and group of assassins controlled and led by the MB leaders. It is a very known history that during the era of President Gamal Abdel-Nasser, the MB members were in conflict with the Free Officers and had many disputes with Nasser who made the 1952 coup that turned Egypt from a monarchy into a republic, after supporting the coup at first, and many of the MB members were imprisoned, while most of them fled to the KSA, and many of them were planted into other countries, with Saudi money, to serve in spreading Wahabism worldwide. It is a very known history that during the era of President Sadat, he allied himself with the MB members (and many suspect Sadat of serving the Saudi regime until he was assassinated) and released them from Egyptian prisons while allowing them to infiltrate all Egyptian ministries, syndicates, and governmental bodies; indeed, the MB members controlled the Egyptian educational, religious, and cultural life and they dominated Al-Azhar and most mosques as well as Egyptian media, financed of course with Saudi money. The MB members at the time in Egypt (1970s) continued to train their own militias and many jihadists movements sprouted from the terrorist MB group, and when they had their own disputes with Sadat eventually and they managed to assassinate him in October 1981. Their control of many aspects of Egyptian media, culture, education, al-Azhar, and religious life goes on in the era of Mubarak, the President who has chosen to chase armed terrorists while allowing the KSA and the MB to go on controlling many aspects inside Egypt and presenting and propagating Wahabism as if it were 'real' or 'original' Islam.                

10- How have the MB member served Wahabism and the KSA?

The Egyptian MB members served the KSA by spreading Wahabism and Saudi influence all over North African countries and the Levant as well as among the Muhammadans living in the EU and the USA and the West countries in general. Indeed, the terrorist MB members succeeded in presenting Wahabism to most middle-class people in Egypt and most of the cultural elite members of the Muhammadans in modern ways and methods that differed from the harsh ways of M. Ibn Abdul-Wahab (founder of Wahabism) with his savagery, extremism, fanaticism, and fundamentalism. The terrorist MB members phrased Wahabi tenets within political mottos acceptable to the gullible masses among the Muhammadans in the Arab world, such as 'Islam is the solution' and 'the aim is to apply Islamic sharia', without offering details about how to apply such mottoes to those masses who never read anything, let alone to read in politics and religion. Hence, the terrorist Wahabi MB members aborted the enlightenment intellectual reformist project led by Muhammad Abdou, head of Al-Azhar who died in 1905, who called vociferously to the return to the Quran only and to discard heritage and traditions of Middle-Ages books, to reform Muslims and religious thought. the MB managed to make people forget all about M. Abdou so as not to let his ideas impede their aim to rule Egypt and the other Arab and 'Islamic' countries within a Wahabi theocracy one day in the name of 'Islam'. Hence, the dominant cultural and political climate has been changed to serve the purposes of the MB and of the KSA to dominate many Egyptians, thus spreading hatred and extremist attitudes against the West, Jews, Christians, Shiites, and women in general. Ideas of M. Abdou in his intellectual reformist project which resurface every now and then in Egypt (by enlightened thinkers and by Egyptian Quranists) are deemed now as heresy and disbelief that entail to persecute or to put to death those 'apostates' and 'infidels' to death.             

11- What are the reasons of the dispute between the MB and the KSA despite their shared Wahabism?

From the very beginning, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud refused to allow the Saudi-sponsored MB members to enter the KSA and he insisted that the MB activities must be confined to all countries, even the Gulf monarchies, except the KSA. But as he died in 1953 and the Egyptian Nasser regime persecuted and imprisoned the MB members in Egypt since 1954, most of them fled to the KSA, while being bred and trained to hypocritical ways and the practice of Shiite Taqiyya (i.e., to show overtly in words and deeds something contrary to one's real political and religious beliefs). Such has been their cultural background whose bases were established by Hassan Al-Banna to make the MB manage to infiltrate into all Egyptian cities in a manner suitable to conditions and circumstances of Egypt and its cultural climate of an agricultural society that differed from the desert and Bedouin environment of Arabia. As many MB members stayed in the KSA in the 1950s and the 1960s, frictions were bound to happen and the MB members, with their 'modern' thinking that 'modernized' Wahabis teachings, who worked there in the field of education managed to create a generation of Wahabi opposition movement inside the KSA against the Saudi royal family. This made the Saudi regime and its official Wahabi clergymen attack the MB thought and theories as well as their thinkers like Al-Banna and Sayed Qutb, while the Wahabi fundamentalist opposition movement has sung the praises of such MB man figures.          

12- What is the main point of dispute between the MB and the KSA?

The conditions of the emergence of Wahabism, in the Najd region first, and the establishment of the KSA later on differ from those of the emergence of the MB in Egypt, because the Egyptian cultural and geographical environment differs from that of Najd. The Najd Brothers were Bedouin deserts who were brutal and savage with frankness that led to violence and bloodshed for whatever trivial reasons. It was impossible for the terrorist Hassan Al-Banna in the river agricultural environment of Egypt to be vociferous regarding Wahabi views of allowing violence and bloodshed in the name of religion, and he had to follow hypocritical ways and to flatter others by raising the sham banners of being 'moderate'. At the time when Hassan Al-Banna and his Wahabi Levantine tutors emerged, the dominant religion in Egypt (and in Al-Azhar) was Sunnite Sufism, and most Azharite clergymen at the time hated Wahabism. Hassan Al-Banna and other Wahabis had to use the term Salafism instead to appeal to Egyptians and unite them, like all Muhammadans elsewhere, with the idea of returning to an assumed 'original' or 'real' form of 'Islam' and to rule under its banner a caliphate similar to the Ottoman one by moving doctrinal differences aside, as most Muhammadans felt nostalgic at the time to the idea of restoring the caliphate rule system to unite Arabs against colonial powers. Such nostalgia allowed Al-Banna and his agents to infiltrate the Egyptian society gradually. Indeed, the ideas of the terrorist leader Al-Banna appealed more to ordinary Egyptians of the middle and lower classes who rejected the liberal trend in Egypt that seemed vague and without a definite plan for social justice, and most Egyptians hated the communist and Marxist ideas at the time and refused any West model to follow as well; they liked ad preferred the idea of a Pan-Islamic and a Pan-Arab model instead.  Al-Banna and his agents addressed all levels of the cultural elite members, the lower classes, the white-collar class, the peasants, etc. in different discourses using the Shiite ways of Taqiyya, while keeping the secret of their armed militias and group of assassins used by Al-Banna to murder his foes, and when some MB members got arrested in attempts to assassinate someone or caught red-handed after they had murdered someone, Hassan Al-Banna would disown such assassins and declare in public that they were never part of the MB group at all (!). Such hypocrisy and fabricating intricate lies and falsehoods while flattering everyone were the ways of Al-Banna taught to all the terrorist MB members for 20 years in the period 1928-1948, until Hassan Al-Banna was assassinated in February 1949, in Cairo, Egypt. Hence, the same ways of the MB thought managed to get many members of the MB to infiltrate most political parties and all secret communist organizations and even purportedly into the Free Officers movements that succeeded to turn the monarchical Egypt into a republic after the 1952 coup. Confrontations were bound to occur between the post-Al-Banna MB group and President Nasser, who was very cunning and smart and knew that the terrorist militia of the MB pose a veritable threat to the emerging republic and to the Nasser regime. After an attempt by the MB to assassinate Nasser in Alexandria in 1954, he arrested and imprisoned many MB members and persecuted others until most of them had to flee to the KSA, which was at the time opposing Nasser and his socialist project of Pan-Arabism. Though the MB members inside the KSA served Wahabism, they helped shed more light on racism, corruption, and tyranny of the Saudi royal family members. In theocracies such as the KSA (and Iran), a ruler would get his political authority from the religious authority of clergymen. This occurred in the first Saudi State, destroyed by the Egyptian armies in 1818 under Ottoman commands to Muhammad Ali Pacha, when it was established after forming an alliance between M. Ibn Abdul-Wahab, founder of Wahabism, and M. Ibn Saud its ruler. The former gave the latter religious 'legitimacy' to the prince Ibn Saud, ruler of the city of Al-Deireiya, in Najd, to conquer and rule Arabia in the name of the 'Islamic' sharia. This made Wahabism the source of rule, power, authority, and legitimacy for the Al-Saud family that sought power to rule as kings and princes. The family and household of M. Ibn Abdul-Wahab served as official sheikhs and clergymen to the ruling Saudi royal family at the time, until this first Saudi state ended in 1818. When the Wahabi Najd Brothers rebelled against Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, they asserted that the source of political authority is Wahabism and not the Saudi family itself, but they were merely fierce fighters of Bedouin origin and could never debate any theological matters and thus could not face the official Wahabi clergymen and scholars loyal to Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud. In the councils to attempt to appease the Najd Brother (before battles and before massacring them off), Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud asserted to the rebels that he had the legitimate right to restore the kingdom of his ancestors who established the first and second Saudi states and that had nothing to do with Wahabism as a faith. This made clear to the Najd Brothers that Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud made his family a higher source of authority than the Wahabi call itself. After getting rid of the Najd Brothers, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud named his kingdom after the name of his family: the KSA stands for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This superior and haughty attitude of the Saudi royal family members increased after the death of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud in 1953, as the KSA entered into the age of exporting oil and made use of its revenues to ally itself to the USA and to reach the leadership of the 'Islamic' world. Such superior and haughty attitude of the Saudi royal family members was manifested in how the Saudi State dealt with all non-Saudis that came to work inside the KSA (including the Egyptian MB members who fled the Nasserite Egypt), and this brought back to the collective mind the gap between the Saudi rule and the tents of Wahabism to which the Saudi royal family members must submit. Hence, the MB members who worked inside the KSA were not the only ones to feel inferior; all educated Saudi citizens felt the same, especially those who graduated from prestigious universities in the West countries to discover that high-rank jobs and posts inside the KSA were reserved to loyal cronies and henchmen as per tribalism and those subservient to the Saudi royal family members and not to those who had PhDs and other high certificates in any field however genius they were. This state of affairs created much resentment and frustration among many generations of Saudis who got closer to the MB inside the KSA. The frustrated and oppressed, but well-educated, cultured, and religious, Wahabi Saudi youths felt rejection toward the Saudi royal family members and their official scholars and clergymen serving the Saudi regime and admired the extremist and fanatic ideas of the MB thinker Sayed Qutb that reflect Wahabi terrorism. Of course, these frustrated generations of Saudis hated the Saudi alliance with the USA and felt furious at unprecedented rates of corruption, extravagance, dissipation, and immorality of the Saudi royal family members, but they imitated the MB in hypocrisy and Taqiyya and infiltrated many classes with their ideas beneath the surface of the Saudi life, and later on, the MB managed to had its impact and huge influence on the Wahabi mentality of these generations of Saudis. Hence, those Wahabi rebels began to declare the Saudi royal family members as infidels and apostates who forsook Islam, as per ideas of Sayed Qutb, and the opposition movements became vociferous and public after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and the Saudi regime enlisted the help of the USA, as  the Saudi royal family members could not protect their kingdom and their citizens even after spending trillions of $ to buy weapons. The Wahabi opposition felt furious to see USA build American military bases in Saudi lands, and the MB that desired to take over the rule of Arabia instigated the opposition movement to declare their outspoken and open criticism of the Saudi royal family members. Even the Wahabi clergymen that used to attack the MB learned from it how to flatter and appeal to all parties while practicing Taqiyya; the official Wahabi clergymen and scholars serving the KSA would meet any West country officials by 'sweet' talk about the tolerance of their 'Islam' and about how they disown Bin Laden and his likes, while their discourse addressed to Arabs and Saudis would include the importance of going on with Wahabi military 'jihad' (i.e., worldwide terrorism).                                          

13- Do any disputes between the KSA and the MB influence negatively the relations between them?

Not at all; their shared bonds and background of using, spreading, and propagating Wahabism as if it were Islam are still the same to maintain (and to seek) power and authority everywhere, by attempting to convert most of the Muhammadans to embrace Wahabism. The terrorist MB group in that shared common interest and goal offers intellectual side and thought as well as agents with experience in organization, recruiting, and mobilizing, while the KSA offers unlimited sponsoring and financing along with huge political power and influence with grand potentials to control media, arts, TV channels, publishing houses, and mosques (including the Cairo-based Al-Azhar) as well as endless secret and overt institutions and centers worldwide, especially in the Arab world and the 'Islamic' world of the Muhammadans. Hence, the KSA and the MB need each other, and both managed together to change the political, cultural, and social climates in the Arab world and the 'Islamic' world of the Muhammadans until now, making people there nearer to violence, fanaticism, bigotry, extremism, hatred, animosity, especially when dealing with non-Muslim (or rather non-Wahabi) and with the West, and they managed to make most people hate the mere idea of religious reform from within real Islam (i.e., Quranism) and to feel animosity toward human rights and democracy.          

14- What is the political strategy of the MB?

It can be summarized in this sentence; to educate and inculcate the Wahabi culture and creed to people in a given society to make them submit to the MB authority (under the guide that it represented 'Islam') without questioning MB rulers after they take over the rule. This notion of a theocrat who would rule without any opposition is part of the religious and political views of the MB and Wahabis in general. The MB cannot rule Egypt now; because they know they will fail the test inevitably as they will be severely criticized by all activists who support human rights and democracy; the MB will fail miserably if they rule Egypt one day; they will be heavily questioned about how to apply their notion of 'Islamic', or rather Wahabi, sharia and their other mottoes. The MB cannot apply democracy at any level and will not stand any sort of accountability and criticism, as their Wahabi notions make a theocratic tyrant rule his sheep/cattle like a shepherd and never to be questioned by any mortals at all, as those who oppose a theocrat are opposing God (!).     

15- Some Islamist political movements reached power (and sometimes left it) in some country within democratic mechanisms; why cannot this be applied to the MB members especially that they have declared their adherence to democracy?

The only Islamist political movements that approve of democracy are Sufis in Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Bangladesh. The Muslims, or rather Muhammadans, are subdivided into Sufis, Shiites, and Sunnites, with Sunnites as the extremist sect and the Sunnite Wahabis as the most extremist and fanatical doctrine. Sufi Muhammadans are more peaceful and tend to acknowledge pluralism; indeed, Sufism is based on many subdivisions of Sufi orders that branch actually into other many orders. Hence, democracy seems to be compatible within Sufi people who are tolerance with those who adhere to other religions and who admit to pluralism.      

16- Why then the MB group members in the media worldwide condemn terrorism and announce their adherence to human rights, democracy, rights of women, rights of minorities (like Copts) as well as the freedom of expression and religious freedom?

This is surely part of their hypocrisy and Taqiyya adopted by Hassan Al-Banna before to deceive the gullible masses in Egypt and elsewhere.  

17- How could we make sure that the MB group members are deceitful? How could we make sure that we discover their true tendencies, intentions, and goals?

We are not to stop at merely questioning the MB members and their ideas, but to discuss, test, and debate their ideas in media, mosques, educational centers and institutions, clubs, cafes, streets, etc. When the MB members claim they believe in religious freedom, they should be asked about the case when a Muslim converts to Christianity or Judaism. Would the MB put him to death as an apostate? If so, they contradict Islam (Quranism) and the Quranic higher values of religious freedom and the freedom of thought, as per more than 500 Quranic verses. Would the MB support these Quranic verses or not? If the MB members claim in their mottoes that the Quran is their constitution, they must imitate Quranists in their rejection of the so-called Sunna, narratives, hadiths, and fiqh as well as all notions linked to the Wahabi Sunnite religion, because such narratives assert the putting to death of anyone who rejects or forsakes 'Islam'. If the MB members claim that they are against terrorism (defined as indiscriminate massacres of the innocent peaceful civil people who never attacked Muslims), this is great, but this must be put to the following test: what is their opinion of the crimes called Arab conquests committed after Muhammad's death falsely in the name of religion? Such crimes are against the Quranic sharia and they were perpetrated to form an Arab Empire led Arabs to fight, massacre, rob, and enslave peaceful non-violent people who never attacked Arabia at the time. What is the opinion of the MB members about the false hadith ascribed forcibly to Muhammad centuries after his death about his being commanded to fight all people everywhere to convert them by force to 'Islam'? Such hadith and its similar related ones contract the Quran, of course. Would the MB members admit to this fact? What would they say about Al-Bokhary who authored and fabricated such hadiths that urge compulsion in religion? Would the MB apologize for the crimes committed by its terrorist members from the 1930s to 1990s in Egypt and elsewhere? Would they disown the perpetrators of the heinous crimes, terrorist acts, and assassinations? The MB members claim they believe in higher values such as justice, equality, and citizenship rights without religion-based discrimination; what are their views then about the treatment of Christian minorities throughout Muslim history? What are their views then about hadiths that urge mistreating and persecuting of Jews and Christians and showing contempt toward them? What are their views then about misinterpretations of the Quran (especially about treating non-Muslims) being taught intentionally all over the Muslim world, especially in the Cairo-based Al-Azhar University? Why the MB members dare not to disown and reject in public all Sunnite Salafist Wahabi fiqh (jurisprudence) because it contradicts human rights and Quranic facts? Could the MB members reject statements issued by their late guide the terrorist Mustapha Mashhour about how to make Copts in Egypt submit to the MB and preventing them from performing the military service in the Egyptian  army? Would the MB group apologize in public for such insulting statements and refute them? What is the opinion of the MB members about Egypt being ruled one day by a Coptic Christian president? Salafist Wahabi fiqh would prevent and prohibit that, while modern democratic mechanisms should allow it. Would the MB support democracy in that respect or not? Would they support their Wahabi roots instead? If they support the Wahabi Salafist fiqh, they would be contradicting the Quran and democracy, and if they support democracy, they must announce everywhere their rejection of Wahabi Sunnite Salafism and all of the so-called hadiths that urge fanaticism, extremism, tribalism, and racism. What are the real views of the MB members regarding women's rights? Would they support the Salafist Wahabi fiqh that oppress women in dress codes and all aspects of life, or would they support a woman president one day and a woman judge in Egypt? If they would choose the latter, they must reject in public all the anti-feminist Wahabi Sunnite notions of the Ibn Hanbal Sunnite doctrine that give birth to Wahabism later on. Would the MB endorse beating of wives, cutting off hands of thieves, stoning adulterers and adulteresses to death, and putting homosexuals to death? It is known that Iran puts homosexuals to death, whereas the KSA authorities never do that; otherwise, they would kill off most of the Saudi population, apparently. What are the views of the MB members about Sunnite Wahabi fiqh of flogging those who do not pray in mosques and those who drink wine? If they reject in public all fiqh and hadiths about such issues, they must also reject the three-volume book titled "Sunnite Fiqh" authored by their MB imam and scholar Sayed Sabek, with its introduction penned by Hassan Al-Banna, as this book contains the putting to death of so many people for so many acts they do and notions they believe in. This book urges putting to death all non-Wahabis who reject the Ibn Hanbal doctrine without any trial or questioning, and such views were asserted in the Middle Ages by scholars like Ibn Taymiyya and in the 20th century by the MB scholar and sheikh Abou Bakr Al-Jazaeiry. Of course, such erroneous views that contradict the Quran are repeated in all Azharite school-books and the books taught at Al-Azhar University. Thus, if the MB members are faithful to democracy and higher values cherished by all human beings – and advocated in the Quran as we have proven in all our Quranist writings published on our website – they must disown, reject, and expose all Wahabi Sunnite books of traditions, narratives, hadiths, and fiqh as well as Al-Azhar institution and anything like it worldwide, all imams of the Middle Ages, and the Ibn Hanbal doctrine. Hence, the MB members must announce their return to the Quran as the sole criterion to re-read centuries-old traditions within objectivity and in light of human rights and higher values. We personally tend to think that the MB members will NEVER do that; their priority is to seek power in Egypt and other nations using Wahabism as the opium of the Muhammadan masses; they never seek to reform religious thought and notions of the Muhammadans using the Quran as the only source of Islam. Besides, the MB members in general are ignoramuses who has no knowledge of the Quran (real Islam) or even the Muslim history and the Muhammadans' sects and how they developed and so on and so forth, let alone knowledge of how to prove the contradiction between Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi traditions and history on the one hand and the Quran itself on the other hand. Another reason for the fact that the MB members reject real religious reform embodied by Quranism is that they hate very much to follow Quranists and their pioneer, the author of these lines: Dr. A. S. Mansour. We sincerely wish that the MB members would repent and change their attitudes and views by supporting democracy, human rights, and higher values, as the three items are also supported by Quranic facts and values. In that case, Quranists would be the ones to follow the MB in the route to reform, and so would be all enlightened Quran-believing people who care about Islam. If the MB do just that, they would use their organizational skills to serve Islam peacefully and intellectually, and not to serve Wahabism and not any political ambitions, in order to seek to gratify God, if they really believe in Him. The real sharia of Islam (i.e., the Quranic sharia laws as understood by Quranists) respect all human rights and human dignity even in case of people who have different faiths/creeds or do not have any. The MB should rather seek to join reformist endeavors to change the religious and cultural climate by introducing enlightenment, if they really desire to eliminate the horrible effect of their Wahabi culture dominant in Egypt and elsewhere for over five decades. It is a sad fact that the MB members have taught many generations worldwide that Wahabism is 'Islam' to brainwash people to form an MB Empire or caliphate one day, while waiting patiently for their evil scheme to come to fruition.                                                   

18- What is to be done regarding the MB group?

Let us conclude here that the terrorist MB notions will never change and they seek power in all Arab countries and in the 'Islamic' world countries by waiting patiently and working slowly but steadily to brainwash nations of gullible masses, just as the Shiite Sufi 'saints' did seven centuries ago in Egypt to restore it to Shiite rule of the Middle-Ages Fatimids. Hence, generations and societies that have been made to be saturated with Wahabism will be ready one day to be like suicide bombers once they feel that a Wahabi caliphate would be established soon enough.   

19- Within many episodes of Egyptian history in the 20th century, the terrorist MB members were drawing very near to assume power and rule in Egypt, but they failed in every single time until now (e.g., in 1954 when they attempted to assassinate Nasser and in Oct.-Dec. 1981 after the assassinated Sadat); this makes us tend to think that they might have learned some lessons from their failed attempts and will not repeat past mistakes, as we presume. The Egyptian military rule and the military army have been the factors behind the failure of the MB members to ascend to power in Egypt. Nasser quelled and oppressed them in Egypt and helped military leaders in Algeria to reach power instead of the MB members, but the terrorist MB members and imams (e.g. the Egyptian clergymen Al-Ghazaly and Al-Shaarawy) dominated Arabicized education in Algeria and caused Wahabi extremism and terror to dominate Algeria in the 1990s, and the military regime in Algeria managed to remain and to prevent MB reaching the rule of Algeria within elections, amidst passivity of the Algerian people, and the MB terrorists have committed massacres against Algerian innocent people to take revenge from the Algerian military rule. In Sudan, the military leader and MB member Omar Al-Bashir is the president who arrested and imprisoned the Islamist  leader Hassan Al-Turabi. Because of Salafism/Wahabism and the terrorist MB group activities, India was divided into India and Pakistan. With Saudi oil revenues, Wahabi schools and universities were built in Islamabad and they educate the sons of poor classes to teach them Wahabism, and Taliban sprang from such Wahabi schools in Afghanistan, causing trouble and unrest within Pakistani-Afghan borders as Wahabi Pakistanis crossed borders to Afghanistan to join Taliban terrorists. After the Taliban reached rule and power in Afghanistan, they failed eventually, after the whole world got the taste of the terrible tragedy and calamity when Wahabis assume power in a given country. In general, the MB Wahabism will never fit the modern world in the 21st century, but they are still trying to go on with their MB political strategy of brainwashing whole nations to accept their imminent theocracy if it ever comes to pass.              

20- If this is the MB political strategy, what are the plans and tactics of the MB group members, then?

For sure, huge financial sums are easily reaching the MB members as support and aid from so many countries and organizations, especially the KSA. It serves the interests of the terrorist MB group to assert the imaginary animosity between Muslims and Jews by making use of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The MB-affiliated terrorist Hamas group turned peaceful political struggle for establishing a Palestinian State into terrorist acts massacring Israeli civilians and thus making any compromise to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible. It serves the interests of the terrorist MB group to assert the imaginary animosity between Muslims and Christians, and this is supported by the American foreign policies in Iraq particular and in the Middle East in general, and the MB members turn such political conflict into a religious one as per Wahabi/Salafist/MB notions. The terrorist MB members benefit from asserting the imaginary animosity between Muslims and Copts in Egypt to stir some extremist Copts to attack Islam within cyberspace and this makes room for anti-MB moderate Muslims in Egypt to hate Christian Copts. Middle-Eastern tyrannical rulers within military regimes are the typical arch-enemies of the MB members, especially in Egypt (the Mubarak regime) and in Syria (Al-Assad regime); yet, the military regimes serve the MB members indirectly when they increase their sponsoring and care for the Sunnite Wahabi culture and help it to dominate the more. Hence, the military regimes and the MB terrorist group share one point: hatred and fear of any political and religious reform. This is why the Muslim reformist thinkers are chased away by military regimes that desire to maintain the status quo to serve their purposes – and those of the MB members. Hence, the MB members are helped by both their allies/friends and their foes/rivals as well. The Wahabi Gulf monarchies – especially the KSA – help the MB group by spreading Wahabism as if it were 'real' Islam and spending billions to do so through media, websites, TV channels, TV series, books, etc. Simultaneously, the military rivals for power spread and propagate Wahabism to maintain the status quo by the Wahabi opium for the masses and to serve the oil-rich KSA and its authority. At the same time, scattered terrorist crimes are committed and organized by the MB militias worldwide so as to make the USA and the West countries get busy and be distracted from the veritable danger of infiltrated MB members in most regimes of the world, East and West. This infiltration include brainwashing all Muhammadans on the globe with the Wahabi culture, to the extent of commanding a Wahabi to become a suicide bomber anytime and he would not hesitate to do it, while assuming he is serving God (!). Hence, once Wahabism dominate a society that would obey the MB members blindly, this will pave the way for the MB to ascend to power in a given country. This Wahabi domination would allow the terrorist MB members to find at least 500 thousand suicide bombers at least in a country like Egypt for instance, and this will terrorize Egyptian secular people as well as Copts, Baha'is, Quranists, atheists, etc. as well as all opposition figures and thinkers who would flee from Egypt; once the MB group members reach that point, they would easily rule and dominate over the rest of Egyptians (i.e., millions of Muhammadans) as per Middle-Ages norms, and they would thus be able easily to invade and rule other countries in the Arab world.               

21- How the MB could be confronted and eliminated then?

The only effective way to get rid of the MB danger is the intellectual war of ideas from within Quranism (real Islam) to refute all MB and Wahabi/Salafist notions and prove how they are contradicting Islam, and this intellectual endeavors must be supported with judiciary confrontations in courts worldwide to ban the MB and declare it as a terrorist group. Yet, we assert here that eliminating them by military force or any violent means is unacceptable at all; as their will make the terrorist MB victimize themselves as if they were martyrs. The intellectual refutation and confrontation by Quranism will certainly undermine their Wahabi line of thought and thus the MB will certainly come to an end soon enough. Ideological war is won easily when a destructive line of thought is refuted and debunked using an alternative and constructive line of thought. Military confrontation will never eliminate Wahabi thought and ideology of the MB, jihadists, and Salafists and heir likes and may increase their number and their sympathizers worldwide. Let us give historical examples; Saladin established his Ayyubid State by removing the last Fatimid caliph, Al-Aadid, who mysteriously died (possibly by being poisoned). But the collapsed Fatimid caliphate was a theocratic state based on the Shiite Ismaili doctrine and ideology, and Saladin realized this fact; he had to make Sunnite Sufism replace the Shiite Sufism from within the dominant culture of the masses among the Muhammadans at the time. Thus, Saladin closed down Al-Azhar (the Fatimid Mosque and center for propagating Shiite Sufism) and built Sunnite Sufi centers to serve his propaganda and to eliminate Shiite creed tenets gradually from Cairo and the whole of Egypt gradually. This made Sufism as the official religion replace Shiite ideas for centuries and dominate Egypt during the Ayyubid, Mameluke, and Ottoman eras. Sufism was defeated and made to decline only by the Wahabi agents of the Saudi royal family in Egypt and later on by the MB members. Muhammad Ali Pacha, ruler and king of Egypt, sent his Egyptian armies led by his son, Ibrahim Pacha, to defeat Wahabis and destroy their first Saudi state and its capital in 1818, and he never thought about undermining the Wahabi ideology within intellectual endeavors, and he made no use of the presence of Al-Azhar when it was dominated by Sunnite Sufis, who were enemies of the Sunnite Wahabism. This is why Wahabism rose again from the ashes and the second Saudi state emerged later on, and the third current one has been established in the 20th century. Nasser of Egypt persecuted, tortured, and imprisoned the MB members and led many of them to flee from Egypt, but he never faced and undermined their ideology intellectually as he never managed to reform Al-Azhar properly to make it perform this mission, and when he died, Sadat created a suitable climate to propagate Wahabi/Salafist MB notions and made the MB popular with their books narrating their being tortured and persecuted by the Nasserite regime in the 1950s and the 1960s. Hence, the MB members made use of the Nasserite persecution after Nasser died, while he lost his struggle against them because he never sought to undermine their ideology from within Islam. As for the failing Mubarak regime, its head and men have failed miserably on all levels in Egypt until now, and they have support Wahabism and persecuted Quranists and all preachers of religious and political reform while accusing them of showing contempt to Islam (!), because Quranists undermine and refute traditional Sunnite Wahabi fiqh and notions using the Quran itself. Simultaneously, some MB members have been persecuted and tortured in the Mubarak prisons, as the Mubarak regime hates and stubbornly resist any type of reform (on the cultural, educational, political, judiciary, economic, and religious levels). Hence, the Mubarak regime opposes democracy and religious reform while making Egypt sink lower on all levels, while undermining all opposition political parties. The Mubarak regime stop all political awareness activities in Egyptian universities while allowing room for all Wahabi preachers in all mosques, Egyptian State media, Al-Azhar, etc. to serve the KSA and thus serving the MB unawares. This makes the MB the alternative in case Mubarak is gone, as al real reformist thinkers and civil societies and organizations that call for human rights and democracy are marginalized and oppressed. Thus, it is very foolish of the Mubarak regime to serve the MB to infiltrate into the Egyptian collective mind; all people predict they would rule Egypt when Mubarak is gone one day. Hence, to undermine and eliminate the MB danger cannot be done unless using the peaceful ideological confrontation and intellectual war of ideas that will make thought endeavors refute and debunk Wahabi notions from within Islam (Quranism). Apart from the prohibition of any military actions against the MB in Egypt and the Arab world, the intellectual war of ideas against Wahabism should not include any secular notions/people and any non-Muslim persons (Christians, etc.). This applies to the judiciary confrontation to ban the MB as well. Hence, refuting Wahabism must be done solely by Muslim reformers and thinkers who have long history of struggle against religious terrorism and extremism and enough experience in Muslim thought and history while being loyal to human rights, citizenship rights, democracy, and higher values in general. Such traits apply only to Quranists; they are the only ones able to refute Wahabism/Salafism and MB notions from within Islam (Quranism) and because they have expertise in the tools, methods, and culture of the terrorist MB. The MB members can never surpass the deep knowledge of the Quranists. Another field of confrontation is certainly the cultural confrontation; Wahabi preachers of hate and of falsehoods are not merely imams, scholars, and sheikhs in mosques, TV shows, and articles in the press; rather, they are those who write period drama series aired in Egyptian State TV channels, as they provide false historical ideas to serve Wahabism and revival of caliphate rule system by propagating extremist, fanatic ideas and notions. Hence, the cultural confrontation entails producing alternative period drama TV series and TV shows and programs based on real history of the Muhammadans to discuss the rarely tackled issues of Salafism and Wahabism to refute them in light of Islam and Quranic facts, thus proving how Wahabism contradicts the Quran. Indeed, Quranist TV series of that type (there are many of them authored by us, Dr. A. S. Mansour; we refer readers to this link for further details: must avoid demagogy and direct preaching and be of a high artistic level to attract viewers and must be produced with high budgets while specifying some TV satellite channels to air those series and programs/shows to convey the message to all Muslims worldwide to influence them, especially within dubbing them into several languages. As for Quranist TV shows, they must tackle all contemporary issues as well as historical roots of major problems of today, with refutation of Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi notions, and of course, such material must be made available within cyberspace in several languages. Hence, media and propaganda will help spread enlightenment and undermine and eliminate Wahabism, and consequently the terrorist MB group members. This will move the public opinion toward the next level of confrontation: the judiciary one: the legal centers must be consulted so as to undermine the MB and declare them as a terrorist group and to raise other cases to force the Egyptian State to reconsider its policies and governmental bodies and apparatuses, especially regarding Al-Azhar University in order to install values of justice, equality, human rights, citizenship rights, and to impose reform on all levels (especially education, cultural fields, and religious life) and to reform the Egyptian Constitution. Al-Azhar Law must be modified  to change its mechanism to help in religious reform. Suing many corrupt people who ruined many things in Egypt will restore peace and justice, and this will certainly eliminate Wahabism and the MB who never exist except within the atmosphere of tyranny, injustice, corruption, and oppression. Hence, an enlightened society will influence the Egyptian public opinion and raise people's awareness within democratic mechanisms that will make everything and every issue open for debate within an atmosphere of trust, secular laws, and real reform on all levels paving the way for real change to the better within the Egyptian cultural and religious climate.                                                             



  Real reformist thinkers announce their views, plans, and hopes in public and makes them open for discussion, because they only seek to gratify God by raising awareness of people to apply reform. We know that our frankness in our writings sometimes annoy readers; but we do not care about sentiments (negative and positive) of readers as we desire nothing from anyone; we have no hidden agendas nor any political ambitions or indeed any worldly ambition for glory, money, or fame. We never seek piecemeal solutions regarding our faith (Quranism) nor our homeland (Egypt). We sincerely hope Egyptian will benefit from our ideas presented here to save our beloved Egypt with its millennia-old civilization and its people and future. Egypt must be saved from being invaded by the Ibn Hanbal doctrine Wahabis of all types (MB and others) so as to avoid a possible civil strife and utter ruin. The whole world got the taste of what a Wahabi theocracy would look like when terrorist activities wreaked havoc in Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, Pakistan, etc. and how Wahabi theocracies have caused people to suffer in Afghanistan and the KSA. Egypt has nothing more to lose after being impoverished by the Mubarak regime; it has only to save itself from a possibly coming MB rule that would ruin Egypt for good with not the smallest or faintest glimmer of hope to save it. The backward, obscurantist Sunnite fiqh was never suitable for the Middle Ages, and it will never fit our modern age; we fear the collapse of Egypt if it would sink into the abyss of the MB. Let us all unite – all real Muslims who really believe in the Quran and seek reform and all Egyptians who love their beloved country – to save Egypt from a worst fate ever that may make people long for another military regime similar to Mubarak's. This is no time for passivity or inertia; all Egyptian must unite to face this danger to avoid the veritable danger of a possible MB rule; our voice as a Quranist thinker is screaming in the wilderness to warn all people to pay attention and to take heed, but we receive nothing in return but verbal abuse via email messages. May God help Egyptians and open up their eyes to the Truth. May God come to the help of us all.    




Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour

اجمالي القراءات 6021

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5156
اجمالي القراءات : 58,011,046
تعليقات له : 5,475
تعليقات عليه : 14,866
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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