( 11 ) : Section 2
CHAPTER IV: The Cunning of Qorayish behind the First Civil Wars

Firstly: The Calm before the Storm:


1- Contrary to what the historians, such as Ibn Ishaq and his likes, had written, Arabia enjoyed a peaceful calm shortly before the death of Muhammad. Yet, it was the calm before the storm; once Muhammad died, the storm stirred at first in Yathreb by the attacks and war waged by those who declared their rejection of Islam. Such storm stirred in several locations simultaneously all over Arabia, which belied a conspiracy prepared and planned long ago with devilish cunning and its time of execution was the death of Muhammad, and such conspiracy was led by Qorayish agents: those riff-raff persons who claimed to be prophets.


2- Shortly before the death of Muhammad, Islam spread all over Arabia, but OVERTLY. This was NOT a spread of faith/creed within hearts, as this is judged only by God, the Omniscient, in the Last Day, but we mean Islam in terms of general peace and security within behavior and demeanor. 


3- Overtly, on the surface, Yathreb enjoyed peace and security shortly before the death of Muhammad, but the Quran has exposed the fact that many of Yathreb dwellers were hypocrites and disbelievers loyal to Qorayish, however hard they feigned to be faithful and religious persons, and that is why God promised some among them, and NOT all of them, Yathreb dwellers to enter paradise: "Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Those with him are stern against the disbelievers, yet compassionate amongst themselves. You see them kneeling, prostrating, seeking blessings from God and approval. Their marks are on their faces from the effects of prostration. Such is their description in the Torah, and their description in the Gospel: like a plant that sprouts, becomes strong, grows thick, and rests on its stem, impressing the farmers. Through them He enrages the disbelievers. God has promised those among them who believe and do good deeds forgiveness and a great reward." (48:29).


4- The same sham, shallow, and overt faith found in Yathreb was all over Arabia as well, with no real faithful belief in hearts of Arabs, however peaceful they had become shortly before the death of Muhammad, as we know from the Quranic Chapter 110. This Chapter indicates that they did NOT convert to Islam, but adhered to peace overtly in terms of demeanor and behavior, as witnessed by Muhammad and as peace is the uppermost value within the message of Islam. Muhammad could never read their minds and hearts; all Arabs came to him declaring peace on the superficial level. Unlike what was written in the historical accounts of Ibn Ishaq who wrote that internecine wars were prevalent shortly before the death of Muhammad, we maintain that calm prevailed, and the storm began to stir once he died. This atmosphere of calm and peace was enjoyed for a short time all over the Arabian peninsula, and then the storm of wars waged by those renegades who rejected the new faith broke out suddenly, concocted and planned by the Qorayish cunning that would have eliminated mountains.


Secondly: Qorayish Made Use of Islam to Dominate over Arabia after Loss of the Importance of Mecca in Trade:


1- Firstly, we are to remember that the Qorayish rich elite members knew that the Quran was a source of guidance, but they rejected it to preserve their interests in manipulating the Kaabah for venal economic reasons in the Qorayish trade. God tells us in the Quran that the Qorayish tribesmen said this about the Quran: "And they say, "If we follow the guidance with you, we will be snatched from our land."…" (28:57). God asserts that Qorayish tribesmen denied the Quran for economic and financial reasons: "And you make it your livelihood to deny it?" (56:82). Prophet Muhammad used to feel sad because of their stubbornness and falsehoods, and God has reminded him that they did not disbelieve him but deny the Truth of the Quran itself after understanding it: "We know that what they say grieves you. It is not you they reject, but it is God's revelations that the wicked deny." (6:33).


2- Qorayish tribesmen saw that defeating Islam was impossible; they had to live with this reality, or else, they will lose its stature and everything indeed. Moreover, Qorayish tribesmen saw that its religious hegemony of the past vanished apparently as Arabs no longer worship idols because of the Quranic enlightenment and the Quranic rationalism and intellectual war against polytheism. Hence, most Arabs realized that Qorayish have manipulated them to secure its caravans of trade in return for deifying and worshiping idols and myths, and the Kaabah lost its stature as a center of the Qorayish trade. Hence, it was expected that leaders of Qorayish would think deeply about their future and wealth under the new conditions: how to undergo and to manipulate such conditions to serve their purposes. Of course, they peremptorily sent their spies and agents, among the sly ones loyal to Qorayish, to Yathreb, and even some of their evil leaders feigned conversion to Islam in Mecca, before immigration to Yathreb. All leaders of Qorayish declared their conversion to the new faith once Mecca was conquered, hoping to make use of Islam to restore their high stature especially that Muhammad was originally a Meccan of the Qorayish tribe, and so were some of his companions. Most immigrants to Yathreb were originally Meccan persons. Some of them used to remain loyal to Qorayish, and were hired as agents to spy on Muslims, to supply Qorayish with information while betraying Muhammad and Islam. Qorayish made use of the Umayyads' close relations and connections with other tribes outside Mecca to contain and control early Muslims in Yathreb in a cunning way that would have eliminated mountains. Qorayish made use of the naivety of Arab Bedouins around Yathreb. Thus, after losing centrality of Mecca in trade, Qorayish wanted to manipulate Islam itself to serve its purposes of leading all Arabs, using a most cunning plot: inciting a religious war using those who rejected Islam to create a dilemma for the early Muslims, which would result in restoring the leadership to Qorayish unrivaled, when the tribe would emerge with an apparent solution to the dilemma. Thus, usual raids of Bedouins against Yathreb turned into a religious war of renegades under leaders who claim to be prophets. Such claims were foreign to thoughts and intellectual capabilities of Bedouins; hence, we conclude that this was a cunning plot of Qorayish tribesmen, who specialized in manipulation of religion and in how to control and direct Bedouins into the desired route, using a quasi-religious cover to justify the raids and wars to rival and undermine Muhammad's prophethood after his death.               


3- The Qorayish cunning ways were used in plots and conspiracies in an unprecedented manner; the Qorayish tribe had made, secretly, a pact with desert Arab, the Bedouins, as well as with the hypocrites inside and outside Yathreb, some immigrants within its dwellers, and spies and agents planted carefully around Muhammad, all of which were loyal to Qorayish. Some agents around Muhammad were famous companions mentioned in history later on, and who waited to lead Muslims once Muhammad died. All this was not enough to restore the lost stature of Qorayish as leader of all Arabs; the Umayyads and sons of Abou Sufyan who converted to Islam shortly before the death of Muhammad had to lead the scene as well to lead all Arabs later on. The kick-start was the earthquake of the war of the renegades to terrorize early Muslims and then Qorayish would emerge as savior of Islam and Muslims! No plan could ever be more devilish at the time! No one would dare to contradict Qorayish later on about anything. Once the tribesmen of Qorayish and its spying agents undertook the leadership of Muslim armies and troops against the renegades, this military leadership was bound sooner or later to turn into rule, dominance, control, and power of Qorayish over all Arabia. Thus, the war battles had to go on for some time to set the foundations of the Qorayish hegemony by its leaders who feigned to be Muslims. Once Qorayish managed to unite all Arabs against an internal enemy, it was easier later on to defeat and to vanquish the renegades and then to form peace treaties with them to make room for the real goal: Arab conquests of neighboring lands around Arabia. This fatal, lethal step had to be justified by purposeful distortion and adulteration of the sharia of Islam to turn self-defense fighting into military aggression against all non-Arab nations in the Levant, Iraq, Egypt, North Africa, Persia, etc. to conquer and invade and colonize all these regions under the rule of Qorayish. The conquered nations were subdued and coerced to 'choose' either conversion to ''Islam'' (a Qorayish variety of creed, contradicting the Quran) or to pay annual tributes, or else engage in endless wars. Thus, Qorayish achieved its dream of establishing an Arab empire with Qorayish tribesmen on its head as rulers; those major tribesmen of Qorayish were the Umayyads, exclusively.     


Thirdly: Evidence from Written Historical Accounts:


1- It is a well-known fact that historical accounts ignore lots of events referred to in the Quranic text; one of the reasons of this phenomenon was the fact that narrators and writers of such historical accounts were the descendants of the so-called companions of the lifetime of Muhammad, and they intentionally ignored any events that condemn their forefathers; events mentioned pointedly in the Quran. For instance, among such ignored events are the following: 1) repeated details mentioned in the Quran about the existence of hypocrites in Yathreb, 2) repeated Qorayish military raids against Yathreb before the divine command of self-defensive fighting, and finally 3) the last attack committed by Qorayish extremists after Muslims conquered Mecca peacefully, and those extremists tried hard to expel Muhammad out of Mecca. Hence, the Quranic Chapter 9 is filled with warnings addressed to such extremists, giving them a period to repent during the four sacred months. The Quran is filled with instances of companions insulting Muhammad and conspiring against him; several verses talking about deeds, conspiracies, actions, and plots, whereas historical accounts never mention all these events chronicled in the Quran. The historical account of Ibn Ishaq about Muhammad's lifetime was written in the earlier days of the Abbasid Era, collected from oral narratives registered by Ibn Ishaq. This gap of time allows ample room for distortion and fabrications. Ibn Ishaq added stories of his own fabrication, claiming that he heard such accounts from the historian Ibn Shehab Al-Zahry, though he never met with him. The book of Ibn Ishaq is filled with falsehoods, not authenticated history; all histories in the world are relative, not absolute truths or facts. The only source of absolute historical facts of Islam and of the lifetime of Muhammad is the Quran. This is the historical methodology adopted by us, Quranists; we reflect upon, contemplate, and analyze the Quranic verses, and then compare them with historical accounts to differentiate between falsehoods and facts. Accordingly, it is very difficult to find traces of the Qorayish cunning plots and conspiracies in written historical accounts, recorded decades after the death of Muhammad. We admit that even our narrative and personal opinions here in this book are categorized as intellectual deductions liable to be criticized, of course. Yet, we try to complete the puzzle picture using the Quranic verses. Let us shed light on what historians had written about the renegades' wars that broke out once Muhammad died, not shortly before his death; let us quote some of what historians had written.     


2- We read this in historical accounts written by historians about the critical conditions of early Muslims between hypocrites inside Yathreb and attacks of Bedouins from outside the city, while Qorayish tribesmen had emerged as 'saviors': (…most Arabs rejected Islam, waging wars or threatening to fight one another, except the tribes of Qorayish and Thaqeef. False prophets like Musaylama and Tulayha acquired countless followers, the latter collected followers from among the common people of the tribes of Tay'e and Assad, while the tribe of Ghattfan followed the false prophet Oyyiena Ibn Hisn, who claimed that a prophet from either the tribe of Assad or the tribe of Ghattfan, who were allies, was better than the Qorayish prophet Muhammad, who died and Tulayha claimed to be his successor, who will lead other Ghattfan and other tribes …). This means that it was a surprise to find that most Arabs had rejected and became renegades, except for the tribe of Qorayish in Mecca and the Thaqeef tribe in the city of Ta'if, and that common desert-Arabs (Bedouins) were the main supporters of the renegades' rebellious wars. 


3- We quote here another piece of historical accounts about the cultural level of such false men who claimed to be prophets: this piece tells us about the fierce battles between early Muslims and the army of renegades led by the false prophet Tulayha: (…Oyyiena Ibn Hisn led a troop of 700 soldiers from the Bani Fezarah tribe, along with Tulayha, and they fought fiercely, while Tulayha, wrapped in his swathes, stood uttering prophecies to them. As the battle grew fiercer, Oyyiena asked Tulayha if Gabriel the Angel came to him or not, and Tulayha answered in the negative, and after a while during the same battle, the same question was repeated by Oyyiena with curses, and Tulayha gave him the same negative answer. Within the third and last time, Tulayha told him that Gabriel told him that the fierce battle will go on, with unforgotten results. Oyyiena Ibn Hisn  said to Tulayha that the unforgotten result was that he was exposed as a false prophet, and he shouted to the fighting tribesmen of Bani Fezarah that Tulayha was an inveterate liar, leading them out of the battle field, to make Tulayha lose the battle …). Eventually, Tulayha fled the battlefield, and later on, he declared his conversion to Islam once more, and he fought within battles of the Arab conquest of Persia! Historians had written the following about the same battle after the flight of its military leader Oyyiena Ibn Hisn: (…Tulayha prepared his horse and the camel for his wife, fleeing the battlefield for fear of being surrounded by the soldiers who fought against him, and before he managed to flee, he shouted at his soldiers of the Bani Fezarah tribe to flee along with their wives. When his army was defeated, he fled to the Levant, as a guest within the Tribe of Kalb, claiming his conversion once more to Islam, as he got wind of the news that both tribes of Ghattfan and Assad converted to Islam once more. Tulayha remained in the Levant until the death of the caliph Abou Bakr; he once performed pilgrimage to Mecca during the caliphate of Abou Bakr, whom people told him about the presence of Tulayha, but Abou Bakr told them to leave Tulayha alone as he became a Muslim now. Later on Tulayha returned to Yathreb and swore fealty to caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, and the latter reminded him of those killed during renegades' war because of him, telling him he would never like him, but Tulayha told Omar that those killed were martyrs for God's cause, and that he was now a good Muslim who repented lying to people about the claim of being a prophet. When Tulayha left the Levant for Iraq, some people seized in captivity Oyyiena Ibn Hisn, and presented him before Abou Bakr, and people shouted at him that he was an infidel who rejected God and the true faith, but Oyyiena Ibn Hisn, tied with ropes, said to them that he never believed in God before this moment, and that he repented and returned to Islam, and hence, Abou Bakr released him instead of having him killed…). Tulayha, the false prophet from the tribe of Assad, had composed such devilish verses that he claimed to be divinely revealed to him: (…We swear by the pigeons and the doves, and by the fasting birds that have fasted before you years ago, that our empire will certainly reach Iraq and the Levant…).


4- As for Sajah, a woman who claimed to be a prophetess, historical accounts tell us that (…she wanted to defeat Abou Bakr militarily, and for that purpose, she sent a letter to Malik Ibn Nuweira asking for support; yet, he advised her against her intentions, and to enlist the help, in her project to be a leader/prophetess, of the Bani Tamim tribe. She told him that she was merely a woman of the Bani Yarboo tribe, seeking no monarchy, leaving it to men…). (…Malik, Sajah, and Wakee' met one day, hearing the verses of Sajah, saying: "Prepare the horsemen, get them ready for looting, raiding other tribes in their tents with no bashfulness!'', and she chanted other verses to the soldiers who were about to raid the Yamama tribe: "Attack the Yamama tribe, beating the drums of war, in a just, fierce fight, feeling no guilt or shame!"…). Such were the 'revelations' of Sajah!


5- Later on, Sajah made a pact of alliance with another man who proclaimed himself as a prophet: the most famous one who did so in history of Arabia: Museilama the Liar. At first, Sajah tried to wage a war against him as a rival, but he managed to win her to his side: (…he showered her with gifts, and he sent her a letter asking permission and a promise of safety to be able to visit her, and she agreed to that. He showed up at her location along with 40 tribesmen from Bani Haneefa tribe. Museilama told her that he as a prophet and she as a prophetess ought to have authority over the half of the lands, leaving the other half to the Qorayish tribe, if justice was to be applied, as God appointed both of them as prophets!…). As for the next quotation, we apologize for quoting the coarse language of both Museilama and Sajah; we quote them to prove they were among the riff-raff of the Bedouins. Both Sajah and Museilama were along together: (…he ordered her to remain alone with him by dismissing her followers, attendants, and servants. She obeyed him; he prepared a sumptuous tent to appeal to her and remind her of the carnal joys of sex. Once alone inside it, she asked him about the 'divine' revelations he received. He told her: ''God created women for men, for the purpose of copulation and begetting children, and there is no miracle more wondrous than a pregnant woman who later gives birth. God created orifices in the female bodies, for men to enjoy and use for their pleasures of both sexes, to spread their offspring on earth", and she told him that she believed in his being a prophet sent by God. He proposed to her by saying: "Let us get married at once, and with your followers and mine, we will rule and dominate all Arabs'', and she gave her consent. He felt overjoyed and began chanting verses of poetry: Let us get to fucking, for I have prepared the bed for you/ We can fuck inside this tent anywhere, not just in bed/ you can choose any position you like to enjoy with me the carnal pleasure. She told him to try all positions with her tonight, as her revelation entailed so. They remained inside the tent for three consecutive days, and later on, returned to her tribe. Her followers asked her about the whole affair, and she said that she got married to him and she believed in his being a prophet. They blamed her for not receiving a dowry or a gift from him. She demanded her dowry, but he told her that her dowry was that he cancelled the dawn and night prayers ordained within Islam of Muhammad. One of her followers who witnessed all this, Otarid Ibn Hajib, chanted this verse: Our prophetess we adore and worship passionately/ For she is unparalleled; as prophets of other people are males…). Eventually, historians claim she re-converted once more to Islam and became a pious repentant, dying eventually in the city of Basra, Iraq, with 'Islamic' funerary rituals and prayers offered to her, during the caliphate of Mu'aweiya, the first Umayyad caliph. Historians wrote some of the verses of Museilama the Liar, that he claimed to be 'divinely' revealed to him: (…O croaking frog, croak as much as you like; water above you and mud beneath you; you never stop thirsty ones from drinking, and never soil the water… He once chanted as well: Plant, sow, and reap the wheat, and then grind it into flour, and then spread ghee over the flour to make food, and glorify the holy wheat… He was once visited by Talha Al-Namry, who asked him about his conditions, and Museilama told him that he used to receive visitation from an unknown man in the dark, and Talha told him that he was a liar and a false prophet, whereas Muhammad was a true prophet of God, but infidels loved the liar and rejected the faith of the truthful one…).





1- Qorayish manipulated and made use of the naivety combined with belligerent fierceness of desert Arabs, i.e., the Bedouins, and controlled them to initiate what historians call wars of the renegades (i.e., those who forsook and rejected Islam), and made some of them to claim themselves as prophets, supported by famous cavaliers in Arabia at the time, such as Oyyiena Ibn Hisn, a.k.a. the Fool, and Amr Ibn Maady Yakrab. This phenomenon of the emergence of false prophets came to an end once their role was fulfilled by serving the purposes of Qorayish and its plans. Such false prophets declared their return to Islam, and they became soldiers in the Qorayish military troops to conquer neighboring countries. Once Arab conquests were done, desert Arabs and Bedouins realized the painful truth: the Umayyads confiscated the best possessions, lands, and money of the conquered nations within the caliphate of Othman. Hence, they rebelled against Othman and assassinated him during their revolt, and later on they became the Shiites of Ali the caliph, and then assassinated him as well. Eventually, they became united under the term Al-Khawarij (i.e. the renegades) who fought intermittently the Umayyad Dynasty. Such changes occurred within one generation: Bedouins became Muslims, rejecters of Islam, converts once more, conquerors, renegades, assassins, and then Al-Khawarij. In all cases, they bore grudges against Qorayish that manipulated them to serve its purposes with its cunning that might have eliminated mountains.       


2- Thus, the Qorayish tribe manipulated desert Arabs (Bedouins) as tools to establish its empire and then got rid of them as soon as was possible. The same policy has been followed in the 20th century by Al-Saud, the royal family of the KSA, as they have trained desert Arabs of the Najd area in Arabia in martial arts, calling them the Najd Brothers, and used them to fight and pave the way, with bloodshed, to the establishment of the current third state of Saudi Arabia, and then, Al-Saud fought them to get rid of them. This has been recently repeated in Egypt; the terrorist MB group members have used and manipulated the simpletons and the riff-raff and have sacrificed them in the nearest chance to serve the purposes of the supreme guide! Hence, the ignorant citizens were used by the terrorist MB members as steps in the ladder leading to the fulfillment of their political ambitions, leading eventually to their downfall. Let this be a useful lesson to Egyptians to beware of those who manipulate creeds to appeal emotionally to citizens to deceive them.


3- This is what we have learned from the history of Qorayish and from the Quran itself. God will tell the Qorayish tribesmen in the Last Day that they had followed the footsteps of Moses' Pharaoh and his likes: "And you inhabited the homes of those who wronged themselves, and it became clear to you how We dealt with them, and We cited for you the examples." (14:45). This is a uranic prediction that Qorayish will never heed the Quranic stories, about Moses' Pharaoh and others, to draw lessons from them; in fact, Qorayish had established a tyrannical theocratic empire, and live in arrogance like Pharaoh, but under the banner of Islam! Shame on them! This is an unprecedented cunning way and a devilish plan in human history; and that is why God tells Muhammad in the Quran about their cunning plans this verse: "They planned their plans, but their plans are known to God, even if their plans can eliminate mountains." (14:46). But in 14:47-51, God tells Muhammad to rest assured that they will be inevitably punished in the Afterlife. We, all human beings, are to heed such warnings: "This is a proclamation for humankind, that they may be warned thereby, and know that He is One God, and that people of understanding may remember." (14:52)   


4- Did Muslims heed the Quranic warnings? To have an answer to this question, suffice it to look at the deplorable conditions of today's Muslims.

The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs
The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs

Written in Arabic by Ahmed Subhy Mansour

Translate d by Ahmed Fathy


Any Muslim readers who read this book will never forget it; they might either curse the author of this book, or praise him, but they will never feel the same after the perusal of this book that exposes the so-called 'righteous' caliphs using what is written about them in authoritative historical accounts that are honored and revered by the Sunnites themselves.


Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
February, 2014