Egyptian Minister of Interior Urged to Release Quranist Blogger
Egyptian Minister of Interior Urged to Release Quranist Blogger
Press Release
For more information, contact Ahmed Mansour at: +1-703-962-0874
Egyptian High National Security Court ordered the release of the Quranist blogger Reda Abdelrahman two weeks ago, revoking the Egyptian interior minister order issued for his arrest. "Arresting people solely on the basis of their religious beliefs is not acceptable" noted the historic court ruling. The order is yet to be executed by security. Reda's family and lawyers are pessimistic.
Muslim reformers are left between a rock and a hard place. The collapsing Egyptian regime is growing sensitive to political dissident and in desperate need to the support of the religious establishment who stands helpless against peaceful practice of critical thinking online. The case confuses observers since it involves unique collaboration between religious fundamentalists and Egyptian security In Egypt. "Mubarak claims to the US and the outside world that he is fighting terrorism" Said Ahmed Subhy Mansour, President of the International Quranic Center. "If that so, why is he persecuting peaceful Quranist bloggers who use internet to fight terrorism?"
Reda's lawyers found out that the case against him was initiated based on direct instructions from the head of Alazhar, Mohamed Sayed Tanatawi himself. His family confirmed prior threats and incidents to pressure Reda from Alazhar where he was reportedly interrogated by the institution's legal department regarding his online articles. Two months before his arrest, Reda was forced to sign a statement in which he promised "to stop publishing any articles on the Internet or any religious writing."
It worth mentioning that Reda is part of a global Islamic group of scholars called "Quranists" – a group of peaceful Muslim scholars and activists who adamantly support democratic reform inside Egypt and advocate a modern and progressive interpretation of Islam that respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international legal conventions. The Quranists reject the fanatic interpretations of Islamic law that are increasingly gaining strength in the Muslim world and see themselves as waging a "war of ideas" against radical Islam.
International Quranic Center (IQC),
5314 Pillow LN,
Springfield, VA, 22151
Tel: (703) 370-8137
Fax: (312) 281-2859
01 – 05 – 2009
اجمالي القراءات