Naiem A. Sherbiny في الإثنين ٢٨ - يوليو - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً
TOMORROW, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will pardon hundreds of prisoners who have served more than half of their sentences, an annual gesture of mercy coinciding with commemorations of the July 23, 1952, "revolution" that brought Egypt's military-backed regime to power. If past practice holds, those freed will include some convicted of violent crimes such as murder and rape. Yet the government has announced that people convicted of the distinctly non-heinous crime of forgery will not be eligible. Is Egypt suffering from an intolerable plague of counterfeiters? No, but its best-known political prisoner, Ayman Nour, happened to be convicted on that charge in a blatantly rigged 2006 trial.
Egypt, I like your style
Why Egypt should join the ICC
No citizenship without social justice
America wants Iraq’s last drop of oil
“Islamic Economics” – Islam less, economics more-1
An Islamic case for a secular state
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