The Character of Egypt after the Arab Conquest
Authored by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
We have authored this book in 1984 to teach it for our students at the History Department, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, before we have tendered our resignation, as an assistant professor, after much trouble and inquisition-like persecution suffered by us there. Death threats continue to appear in our email inbox nowadays, as Wahabis seem not to stand our writings that undermine their religion (i.e., Wahabism) that contradicts Islam, and we have temporarily stopped writing new books to finish some older books and to re-publish them online (both on our Quranism website: and on our page as a writer within the Marxist and Leftist Modern Discussion website: These old books were first published and printed in Cairo, Egypt. This book, as a historical research, attempts to answer a very important question: to what extent has the Arab conquest of Egypt influenced Egypt in terms of the strategic, political, and religious aspects?
CHAPTER I: The Political Strategy of Egypt after the Arab Conquest
CHAPTER II: The Arab Conquest and Egyptian Religious Life
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