الأحد ٠٥ - أبريل - ٢٠٢٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً
Thank you for this email.
This is my response:
About Al Masjid Al Haram ( The Holy Mosque in mecca )
1 - It is the physical house. This is meant in the literal sense of the word. Abraham and Ismail “rasised” or “built” the house to restore it as a place of worship for generations to come.
The Quran calls the Kaaba “ancient house” which means that the Kaaba was built before Abraham, after which it was used by Pagans, until Allah (swt) pointed to Abraham the place of the ancient House and ordered Abraham to purify the Kaaba, destroy all the idols, and rebuild it on its old foundation , and ordered him to invite people to preform Hajj from all over the world.
2 - More details :
In Sura Al Imran (3:96), Allah (swt) says that the Kaaba is the first house that was ordered for people to perform pilgrimage
In Sura Al Haj (26-28), Allah (swt) say: remember when we appointed to Abraham the place of the House, and ordered him not to worship idols, and to purify my house..) ( And invite the people ( for Al Hajj) they will come to you walking or riding, from far distances. )
In Surah Al Baqara (127), Allah (swt) says: remember when Abraham and Ismail raised the foundation of the house, saying “Oh Lord accept this from us, you are the all hearing, all knowing”
Muslims are ordered to pray all five prayers facing towards the Kaaba.
In Surah Al Baqara (144), Allah (swt) says: face towards the Kaaba whever you are, face towards. And it was repeated again in ( 149: 150) wherever you go, face towards the Masjid
However, there are two contexts for this. If you know the direction, your should face the Kaaba.
If you do not know the direction, you are free to choose any direction. Allah says : ( Allah (swt) possesses the East and the West, and no matter where you turn, God is abundant in his knowledge ( 2 : 115 ).
About the Quranic language :
The Quranic jurisprudence is based on one single meaning, and is not an allegory. Read ( And fight in the cause of allah those who wre fighting you and do not transgress, truly , Allah does not like the transgressors )
In my opinion, all the translations are influenced by the opinions of the old traditional tafsirs. And that is why we reject them . We ubderstand the Quran according to its very Arabic unique terminology . That why we are AhlAl Quran, the people of the Quran . We are experts in Arabic language and its history over centuries , and experts in the so called Muslin history and traditions , and use our knowledge in ubderstand The Holy Quran from within .
I advise you to read our English section.
Lastly :
1 - You are very welcome to our Ahl Al Quran trend.
One of my relatives lives in UK . He is Quranist and looking for one Quranist woman to marry. I can mention you to him if you are interested.
Shiekh Dr .Ahmed Subhy Mmansour
The International Quranic Center (IQC)
5314 Pillow LN, Springfield, VA 22151
703 962 0874 Cell
Website: www.ahl-alquran.com
More info:
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5124 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 57,084,703 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,453 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,830 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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