The Axis of Evil which Supports Terrorism in our Modern Era (4): The Najd Region in Saudi Arabia

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-05-22


The Axis of Evil which Supports Terrorism in our Modern Era (4): The Najd Region in Saudi Arabia



Published in April 8, 2019

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy




Firstly: the Najd region and the emergence of terrorist movements which carry religious banners/mottoes:

1- In Najd, the Wahabi call (i.e., the revival of the extremist Hanbali Sunnite doctrine by the religious leader M. Ibn Abdul-Wahab) has emerged in a village there known as Al-Ainiyya; it is the same village where the leader of the renegades, Musaylimah the Liar, emerged and revolted against the Qorayish tribe and the caliph Abou Bakr once Muhammad died. The self-proclaimed prophet, Musaylimah, claimed he received divine revelation from heaven and he raised a religious banner/motto: (for Qorayish is half of the land and for us the other half). Of course, Musaylimah and his renegades were defeated by Abou Bakr; later on, the Bedouins of Najd became Al-Khawarij rebels against the caliph Ali and his Umayyad rival Mu'aweiya. Al-Khawarij men raised religious banner/motto of the so-called Al-Hakimiyya: (rule is God's only). This silly motto indicates that "Hukm" (or rule/governing/reign in Arabic) is for Al-Khawarij rebels as deputies or representatives of God on earth! This motto was their pretext to massacre everyone who did not join them, as we have explained in previous writings of ours. During the Second Abbasid Era, the rebels known as the Qarmatians emerged also in Najd with a Shiite call, as we have explained in the previous article. In our modern era, Wahabism has emerged in Najd in the 18th century A.D. with an extremist Hanbali Sunnite call which resents the existence of Shiites, Sufis, and non-Wahabi Sunnites.          

2- Of course, despite the different raised religious banners/mottoes, the belligerent, murderous, suicidal rebels in all eras have but one religion of Satan; i.e., to justify and permit massacring and robbing men and raping and enslaving their women by claiming that this is a religious duty rewarded in Paradise in the Hereafter.


Secondly: religious calls of terrorists entailed religious education and military preparation to turn ordinary criminals into jihadists:

1- Without any religious banners/mottoes, the Bedouins and Desert-Arabs of Najd were highwaymen who launched 'secular' raids to attack caravans of pilgrims to rob them. It was necessary for religious terrorists to prepare and equip them with religious education and proper military training to turn them into jihadists who commit the same crimes but in a wider scope with more massacres while they assume that they are performing good deeds rewarded in the Hereafter. Ordinary criminals know that they are guilty; there is hope that they will repent one day; in contrast, when religious criminals or jihadists assume that their crimes are part of religious duties allowing them to enter into Paradise, they will never repent; they believe that neglecting such religious duties would make them enter into Hell. This is why such suicidal religious terrorists and criminals are keen on massacring everyone and committing more bloodshed while fighting relentlessly and ferociously. Ordinary Bedouins or Desert-Arabs who attacked caravans of pilgrims within 'secular' raids were sometimes defeated and kept off. In contrast, those Bedouins or Desert-Arabs of Najd who had a religious call were suicidal in their fighting against others and aimed at massacring as many people as possible. For instance, the leader of the Qarmatians, Abou Taher, was a 17-year-old youth  who had 800 soldiers on horseback and 800 infantry soldiers when he defeated the Abbasid military troops in 312 A.H. Likewise, many historians describe the fighters in the military troops of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, the founder of the third, current Saudi kingdom, of being suicidal in their fierce fighting; their raised banner/motto during fighting was (the scent of Paradise draws near; where are those who seek it!).   

2- The Qarmatians had their Shiite religious institutions which brainwash the Qarmatian youths and convince them through the Shiite Qarmatian religion that jihad by massacring others is something commendable. Before the Qarmatians, Al-Khawarij fighters did the same within their religious doctrines to teach the youths about suicidal, fierce jihad. Following the footsteps of both Al-Khawarij and the Qarmatians, Ibn Abdul-Wahab taught the Bedouins and Desert-Arabs the Wahabi culture of violence and terrorism, and they became soldiers who served the Al-Saud family members and helped establish the first Saudi kingdom (1745 – 1818 A.D.). Likewise, within the military efforts to establish the third, current Saudi kingdom, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud built special colonies/villages to train the youths as suicidal fighters and to inculcate into them the Wahabi tenets of terrorizing and massacring others; they fought relentlessly and ferociously as the Najd Brothers, killing off even women and children. We have explained this in detail in our book, in English, titled "The Wahabi Opposition Movements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Twentieth Century", found on this link:

3- The Najd Brothers caused many troubles to their master and king, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, within their opposition; they resented his policies which violated the Wahabi teachings and tenets about the prohibition of having relations with 'infidels' and 'polytheists'. Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud had cordial relations with the British 'infidels' of Great Britain and a fairly good relations with the 'polytheistic' rulers of Egypt. Within the Wahabi religion, all non-Wahabi 'Muslims' are polytheists, and all foreigners or non-Arabs were infidels. Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud established a new brotherhood in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, or the terrorist MB organization, in 1928 A.D., to be an alternative to the troublesome Najd Brothers fought and defeated by Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud in 1930 A.D. Of course, the terrorist MB organization is established by the Saudi/Wahabi minds; the members of that organization took advantage of the liberal climate in Egypt at the time; their leader, Hassan Al-Banna, managed to attracted frustrated, angry youths, inside and outside Egypt, to join him; they converted to the religion of terrorism, Wahabism, and were ready suicidal fighters. During the reign of Sadat in Egypt (1970 – 1981 A.D.), he enlisted the help of Wahabis (especially the terrorist MB organization) to get rid of the leftists and Nasserites. Later on, these Wahabi terrorists rebelled against Sadat and they assassinated him in Oct. 1981. They infiltrated Upper Egypt and recruited frustrated youths and criminals to join their Wahabi armed gangs as terrorists who robbed and killed on a larger scale in the name of the religion of Islam (of course, Islam has nothing to do with such terrorism and violence). This notion is still being practiced until now by the Wahabi terrorist organizations like the MB, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS. This is why brainwashed Wahabi suicidal terrorists are like time-bombs ready to explode anytime anywhere unexpectedly!        


Thirdly: the Wahabis in their expansion and annexing stretches of land in Arabia followed the religious footsteps of the Qarmatians:

1- Inside the Najd region, within 'secular' struggles, several emirates or tiny states emerged and disappeared; no one raised religious banners/mottoes for a long time. Yet, once Ibn Abdul-Wahab emerged in Najd in the emirate of Al-Dariyya, which was a forgotten city of no consequence in comparison to the emirate or city of Riyadh and the other emirates/states of the Gulf region, the Wahabi call of religious terrorism helped establish the first Saudi kingdom in Al-Dariyya; the Wahabi Saudis managed to control Najd and then to annex the Gulf and Hejaz regions; they also launched military attacks against Ottoman regions in the Levant and Iraq; the Ottomans had to enlist the help of the powerful governor of Egypt, M. Ali Pacha, whose Egyptian military troops managed to destroy the first Saudi kingdom and its capital, Al-Dariyya, after long battles in an exhaustive war.   

2- If it had not been for Wahabism, Al-Dariyya would have remained a city or an emirate without much power or importance; it would have been crushed by other tiny emirates/states around it inside the Najd region. This means that Wahabism has changed conditions in Najd and in Arabia as the Saudi kingdom emerged and collapsed twice; Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud has established the third, current Saudi kingdom (and made several wars until it reached its current borders in Arabia) based on Wahabism and the Najd Brothers; he expanded the Wahabi call in Egypt and in India. With the oil revenues and the Saudi alliance with the USA, the Wahabi call spread in the USA and the West in general within overt/open and covert/secret organizations. This type of expansion is reminiscent of the expansion of the Qarmatians in the Middle-Ages.  

3- Sadly, in worldwide media, the Wahabis are called 'Islamists' and the Wahabi movements are described as 'Islamist' movements despite the fact that Wahabism has nothing to do with Islam (i.e., the Quran). We, Dr. A. S. Mansour, are the one who preach and proselytize the Only True Islam (i.e., Quranism) rejected by most people, and within our writings, we call for religious reform through Islamic secularism based on the Quranic higher values of justice, peace, mercy, charity, religious freedom, direct democracy, and human rights. Yet, no one describes Quranists as Muslims; in contrast, Quranists suffer persecution and discrimination, and media blackout is imposed on them!


Fourthly: the Wahabis in their massacring everyone followed the religious footsteps of the Qarmatians:

1- In the previous article, we have written about how the Qarmatians raided the caravans of pilgrims. The same is repeated by the Saudi Wahabis who attacked a caravan of Yemeni pilgrims in 1923 A.D. / 1341 A.H. after taking permission from Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud. The Wahabis massacred all pilgrims in this caravan and stole everything in it. This caravan included about 3000 Yemeni pilgrims (in Ihram clothes) who were ambushed in Aseer (a region between Yemen and Saudi Arabia) by the Wahabi military troops led by the prince Khaled the nephew of king Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud. The Wahabi soldiers opened gunfire at the Yemeni pilgrims, killing all of them off, except two men who ran away and informed the Yemeni authorities of the tragedy. If it had not been for these two survivors who managed to flee, no one would have known of this massacre. Of course, there are many massacres committed by the Wahabis in the villages of the Levant and Iraq and no one heard of such massacres. An eye-witness, the judge Yahya Ibn Al-Eriani, mentioned that the Saudi Wahabi soldiers during the massacre of the Yemeni pilgrims chanted the slogans like: (exterminate all of the polytheists!) and (the scent of Paradise draws near; where are those who seek it!).         

2- The massacres committed by the Wahabis, who made killing all non-Wahabis permissible in their wicked religion of Satan, are discussed in our previous books within the topic of establishing the first Saudi kingdom and the third, current Saudi kingdom; in these books of ours, we quote some lines from the book titled (The Glorious History of Najd) by the Wahabi historian of the first Saudi kingdom, Ibn Bishr, who took pride in the massacres committed by the 'Muslims' (he meant the Wahabis) against the 'polytheists' (he meant peaceful non-Wahabi people who suffered from Wahabi violence and aggression). For instance, Ibn Bishr wrote the following about the massacre of Karbala (which took place in 1801 A.D.): (... Thank God, the Lord of the Worlds, for allowing the faithful Muslims to invade Karbala and to behead and enslave its people. We will never apologize for this victory granted to us by God; we promise all disbelievers and infidels a similar fate ...).

3- The accounts of the Wahabi historian Ibn Bishr about the massacres committed by the Wahabis do not differ much from the accounts of the historian Ibn Zini Dahlan (who died in 1886 A.D.) who was the enemy of Wahabism; he wrote the following about the massacre of Al-Ta'if which took place in 1804 A.D. / 1217 A.H.: (... When the Wahabi Saudi soldiers entered into Al-Ta'if, they killed all people with their swords: men, women, children, babies, elderly people, ordinary people, princes, and noblemen. They broke into houses, shops, and mosques to search for those who hid themselves in them and killed all of these people, including those who were praying and reading the Quran ...).

4- Another massacre in the city of Al-Ta'if took place in 1924 A.D. within the military efforts to establish the third, current Saudi kingdom; the Wahabis attacked the Hejaz region and sieged Al-Ta'if; once they managed to enter into the city, they put its inhabitants to the sword, massacring more than 2000 persons, including men, women, and children. The killed men included high-rank scholars and good sheikhs; the Wahabis stole all goods, possessions, and money in the city and burned it down, and this was typical of them in all their atrocities to frighten people of other cities and urge them to surrender without resistance or fighting.   

5- Of course, mentioning the details of all massacres committed by the Wahabi Saudis entails an entire book; it is noteworthy here that Saudi Arabia now is keen on destroying its neighboring countries; it helped in the destruction of Iraq and Syria and it is destroying Yemen now, causing famine and death to spread among Yemeni men, women, and children shamelessly! 


Fifthly: the Wahabi terrorist ISIS organization is the legitimate offspring of the Saudi Wahabi ideology:

1- The USA employed Saudi Arabia and its Wahabism to fight against the USSR in Afghanistan; jihadists and their families flooded Afghanistan and settled there and also in Peshawar (in Pakistan) to get proper military training and to be taught Wahabism in several institutions/madrassas for adults and children; some of such madrassas witnessed the emergence of Taliban (i.e., armed students); the Wahabi terrorist Taliban movement controls parts of Afghanistan now.    

2- After the defeat of the communists in Afghanistan, the USA was no longer interested in the jihadists it helped create. Bin Laden established the Wahabi terrorist Al-Qaeda organization to fight against the USA and the West. Because of the Saudi interference in Iraq, Wahabi terrorist organizations spread there including the one of Al-Zarqawi who swore allegiance to Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda; suitable conditions and circumstances led Al-Zarqawi to establish a Wahabi (supposedly 'Islamic'!) State in Iraq in 2004. After the death of Al-Zarqawi in 2006, the Wahabi ISIS terrorist organization has emerged in 2014 and managed to established a temporary State in Iraq and the Levant, and the Syrian city Al-Raqqa was the capital of this Wahabi State of ISIS. Of course, we do not need to mention here the massacres and suicide-attacks committed by the ISIS terrorists in the West, the East, and the Middle-East.   

3- The Wahabi ISIS terrorist organization resisted the international alliance against it and fought against the USA, Russia, and Turkey; later on, the ISIS terrorists were defeated and their State collapsed slowly but steadily in Iraq and Syria; yet, the ISIS terrorists still have their supporters in the Egyptian Sinai peninsula, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, the Philippines, the USA, and the West in general. Even if the ISIS terrorists were annihilated altogether, similar Wahabi revenge-seeking terrorists will emerge in the near future because of the fact Wahabism, the religion of terrorism, is still flourishing in the West, the East, and the Middle-East. Besides, the Wahabi ISIS organization is still alive within the cyberspace, attracting supporters more than ever and recruiting lone wolves among ordinary people worldwide.   



 The abovementioned details must never distract us from the basic fact that the axis of evil which supports terrorism in our modern era is the Najd region in Saudi Arabia.

اجمالي القراءات 4725

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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