Introduction:___________________________________________________________ 3
Chapter One: Unfulfilled Joy: A Great Step by Al-Sisi: Reforming the School
Chapter Two: __________________________________________________________ 6
The Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi and The ISIS Members of Al-Azhar__ 16
Chapter Three: ________________________________________________________ 21
Criticism with Hope: Al-Sisi Taking the Wrong Route (1) _____________________ 21
On Reforming Al-Azhar. Al-Sisi Taking the Wrong Route (2) On the Lack of
Reform of Law of Demonstrations.________________________________________ 24
On the Call of President Al-Sisi for a Revolution in Religion ___________________ 32
If We Were In the Shoes of Al-Sisi_________________________________________ 35
Criticism for the Sake of Preaching and Clearing One's Conscience,after Despair
concerning Reform: I Said to him: Shut Up! You Are Lying like Abou Hurayrah! _ 38
On Judging President Al-Sisi Using the Quran of God: Does Al-Sisi Believe in God? 42
Does Al-Sisi Believe in the Last Day?_______________________________________ 46
Al-Sisi and Moses' Pharaoh: ___ Highness that Reaches Self-Deification: (I Am Your
God The Most High). ___________________________________________________ 56
Al-Sisi and Moses' Pharaoh: From Disbelief to Repentance____________________ 59
Al-Sisi and Moses' Pharaoh: The End and the Moral_________________________ 64
Between Two Opposites: Al-Sisi and Omar Ibn Abdul-Aziz. ____________________ 70
Al-Sisi and Destructive Bets Concerning Egypt and the Region. _________________ 78
Chapter One: Unfulfilled Joy: A Great Step by Al-Sisi: Reforming the School Curricula of Religious S
Chapter Two: Advice along with Hope
Chapter Three: Criticism with Hope
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