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Ex Muslim - Good day/evening Mr. Mansour, I found your content very sight opening ... ......
Ukraine & Palestine - Ukraine & Palestine Published in March 22, 2022 Translated by Ahmed ... ......
Ukraine & Russia Aga - Ukraine & Russia Again Published in March 30, 2022 Translated by A... ......
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reda elbtowy
Wrote  2754   Articles
Has  317   Comment
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Gratitude for the loved ones of the People of the Book......
Ahmed Mansour,
The Gaza crisis has highlighted the need for reform.......
Ahmed Mansour,
From the Archive
Another Message from a Homosexual Muslim Young Man
"...But God Cleared him of What They Said..." (Quran 33:69): About Lies and Falsehoods Invented by Hadiths-Fabricators about Moses
A Dialogue with A 15-Year-Old Syrian Girl about Fasting, Mingling of Sexes, and the Veil
Until When Would the Hackers' Attempts to Destroy our Quranism Website Continue?!
About The Previous Article Titled (A Message Addressed to the Egyptian President...)
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-Nine
Cursing in the Mechanism of Torment In Hell with Neither Mercy nor Light
Quranist Terminology: The Quranic Term (Walking) between the Direct, Declarative Style and the Metaphoric Style
After the Barcelona Terrorist Attack, We Renew our Call for the Prosecution and Trial of Terrorism Clergymen by the International Criminal Court
The Dimensions of Time, Space, Speed, and Elevation in This Physical Realm
More Details about Being Cursed
The official Saudi responsibility in September 11,
"Wherever You May Be, Death Will Catch up with You, Even if You Were in Fortified Towers..." (Quran 4:78)
Religious freedom between Islam and fanatic Muslims
REVISED Is Turkey's Erdoğan in Decline?
Swiss violation of the international law by imprion Col.Elghanam
Radical Coup in Kosova Muslim Leadership
Egyptian President Sisi deceive the whole world
Stars of Heaven within a Quranist Vision
Threatened researchers find refuge in Germany: Philipp Schwartz Initiative funds 46 more fellows
Mohamed Sadek
Mohamed Sadek The distortion of the image of Islam P 3.
The distortion of the image of Islam P 2 .
Abdelghani Bouchouar
Abdelghani Bouchouar .
English Books by Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
Le musulman pécheur peut-il sortir de l’Enfer pour entrer au Paradis?
Would Sinful Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?
An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad (PART I)
Each Human Soul Has Two Bodies
Those Who Believe In Muhammad Are Disbelievers
A propos de notre voyage de pèlerinage à La Mecque
About our Pilgrimage Journey to Mecca
Une vision coraniste du massacre des deux mosquées en Nouvelle-Zélande
l’Egypte dans le Saint Coran
Comment Comprendre le Saint Coran
Latest articles by friends of Ahl Alquran
Parasites In The Lands Of The Infidels
The concepts of exile and refuge are ancient ones existing across many civiliza ...
Egypt’s Resilient and Evolving Social Activism
With the decline of party politics in Egypt, social activism is becoming increa ...
Why did Trump strike Syria?
(CNN) In a policy shift that will make heads spin, the Trump administratio ...
In an interview, Amr Adly discusses his recent Carnegie paper on Egypt’s large private enterprises.
Nonresident Scholar Amr Adly, who is based in Cairo, has closely followed ...
It’s Time to Take a Hard Look at the U.S. Relationship With Egypt
Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi will be celebrated in Washington o ...
As we work to eradicate ISIS, Iraq's Christians, Yizidis need our help now more than ever
Three years ago ISIS began attacking Iraq's Christians and Yizidis in an on ...
Ahl Alquran Sections
Ahl Alquran Video
Opportunities of Interest
The Quranists' Plight
The 3rd Plight:
Monday May 28, 2007: In a surprising and unjustified assault, the Egyptian authorities arrested the representative of the International Quranic Center in Egypt and other Quranists. The Egyptian authorities detained the five quranists and charged them with contempt of religion, the Egyptian authorities also made the same charges against Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour -IQC President and Dr. Othman Mohamed Ali -IQC Representative in Canada
Media Coverage:
Rights group demands lifting travel ban from Quranist :
Reda is finally released, tells interrogation horrors :
Egyptian National Security Continues to Detain Quranist blogger : Egyptian National Security Continues to Detain Quranist blogger
The State Security refuses Visitation to Reda :
Why Does the Interior Minister Prohibits Visiting Reda Abdelrahman? : His Family Has Not Seen Him Since Last Ocotber!
International Quranic Center
Welcome to the English web site of the International Quranic Center . The IQC is committed to spreading a vision of Islam that is true to the letter and spirit of the Quran and that focuses on the consistency between the word of God and democracy and human rights.
[ Read More.. ]

We condemn all acts of violence, killing, and
Suicide bombings out in the name of Islam.

The major intention of establishing and founding the site “Ahl-Al-Quran” is to unify all those who believe that Qur’an is the ONLY source of Islam rituals, guidance and explanation of its legislations. So, it will be forbidden for anyone who adopts what-so-called Prophet Narrations (Haddith or Sunnah) to be used or adopted to express certain point of view or interpret the Holy Qur’an. [ Read More.. ]

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