Repeating the same mistakes

عمرو اسماعيل Ýí 2006-10-06

in democratic, well-governed states that will respond to the needs of their people -- and conduct themselves responsibly in the international system…Transformational diplomacy is rooted in partnership, not paternalism""
So , Either to be up to your words , and up to the Principles of Democracy and mostly the Principles of the American Constitution or pull back from the Middle East and leave us to our Destiny. At the time being you are doing more harm than good and your last trip to the Middle East is a good proof , tying to make a coalition among regimes that are not Democratic and hated by their people. You only made radical Islamic movements win more grounds and Popularity.
I hope I could convey the message as a Middle East Citizen who is dreaming of the Day that Real Democracy will be a fact in the Region, the same Democracy the Western Citizen is enjoying, there is no compromise in that aspect and US should not make any Compromise about what kind of Democratic Governments States that we will be considered partners in this troubled region.
It is the time of real Transformational Diplomacy.

Dr Amr Ismail
اجمالي القراءات 6564

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
التعليقات (2)
1   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الجمعة ٠٦ - أكتوبر - ٢٠٠٦ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

great article

Dear Amr,

It is good to see you and read your thoughts once again; welcome to this site, unlike “the other site” you are here among friends.

Your article is, as usual, an excellent one, you hit the nail right on the head, however, every thing you mentioned and more, is known to this stupid administration and had been told to them from the get go. The State department has so many analysts whose main job is to collect and analyze all points of view, and report to the decision makers.

It is very hard to believe that they have not heard that one before, but they are not super humans, they are people just like you and I, and the fact they could make a mistake and not learn form history, is just another proof of their human fallibility,
Politics and the influence of special interest groups, and lobbyists is another factor.

No one regardless of their position or responsibly in society likes to end up wrong, but there are many calculations of gain and loss, very similar to a game of chess are involved, and like the vast majority of individuals, who make the wrong decisions in their life, they did the same thing, made the wrong decision.

Let’s hope that the next administration will change course, given the fact that they will be running on an opposite platform to this stupid administration.

One more thing, it takes two to tangle, the people and governments of the Middle East are as much to blame as the Bush admin. And I, after a lot of thought and analysis, lay the blame on the people NOT the governments, something that I will hopefully be writing about.


2   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   السبت ٠٧ - أكتوبر - ٢٠٠٦ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Among Friends , is really what I feel

The great is the comment and not the article. I really feel that I am among friends whom I appreciate and cherish .. I somtimes ask myself what Miss Rice is doing in this administration .. she looks more Democratic. Thanks very much for your comment and I expect the Republican party will loose any presidential election for years to come.

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