تعليق: منطق الفرعون | تعليق: وما زال أبو هريرة يتلاعب بالمُسلمين. | تعليق: معذرة أستاذنا احمد صبحي منصور ؛ هناك سوء فهم ! | تعليق: اهلا استاذ مصطفى | تعليق: عاجل إلى السيد امير منصور : لقد تم حذف مقالي الجديد؟؟ | تعليق: شكرا استاذ بن ليفانت وأقول : | تعليق: شكرا استاذ بن ليفانت وأقول : | تعليق: وجهة نظر | تعليق: الزراعة وصديقى الطيب . | تعليق: جزاك الله جل وعلا خيرا استاذ حمد ، واقول : | خبر: تركيا.. توقيف صحافي سويدي بتهمة “الإرهاب” وإهانة أردوغان | خبر: غالبيتها بمصر والإمارات.. تفاصيل استحواذ “بلاك روك” الأمريكية على موانئ بالشرق الأوسط، وهكذا ستتأثر | خبر: 9 دول بغرب أفريقيا تعلن اليوم الأحد أول أيام عيد الفطر | خبر: عدم توافق مصري سعودي نادر الحدوث عاجل.. العيد ليس غداً في مصر والأردن وسوريا والعراق وعمان | خبر: وزير الصحة المصري يطالب مريضاً بالقصور الكلوي بـشكر الحكومة وعدم الشكوى | خبر: ما أهداف مصر من إطلاق سوق الدين للمواطنين؟ | خبر: ما فرص انضمام كندا للاتحاد الأوروبي؟ | خبر: كيف وصف بوتين خطط ترامب لضم غرينلاند إلى أمريكا؟ | خبر: بسبب الفقر ...مصر... عزوف عن شراء حلويات وملابس العيد رغم التخفيضات | خبر: استطلاع: 57 بالمئة من الفرنسيين على استعداد لمقاطعة السلع والخدمات الأمريكية | خبر: مقاطعة المنتجات الأميركية تصل ألمانيا | خبر: مصر: أهالي جزيرة الوراق النيلية يطالبون بالإفراج عن معتقليهم | خبر: 28 مليون شخص يواجهون الجوع الحاد في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية | خبر: واشنطن تعلن إلغاء 300 تأشيرة طلابية لمن تظاهروا دعما لغزة | خبر: مصر..أحزاب وشخصيات سياسية تطالب بالعفو عن سجناء الرأى |
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Seventy-One

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-08-24

                     Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Seventy-One



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy






About the Quranic Term (Ta'ifa)

Published in July 10, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the meaning of the Quranic term (ta'ifa)? Is it related to religious sects? Any ideas? … Thank you …


 It does not refer to doctrines/sects at all; it simply means a group of people or a collection of things. It means a collection of items like caravans of trade within the battle of Badr in 8:7. It means a group of people in other Quranic contexts; e.g., the Israelites in 28:4, the People of the Book in 6:156, 3:69, and 3:72, the groups of believers with Muhammad in 4:102, 73:20, and 9:122, and the hypocrites in 4:81, 4:113, 33:13, and 9:66.





Rights of the Nearest of Kin in Zakat

Published in July 17, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in the USA and my brother lives in Egypt; I'd like to give him charity/Zakat money; my brother lost his job in 1990 because of false witnesses and a scheme plotted against him; he is innocent; after losing his job, he rented his car for safaris and bringing tourists to and from Cairo Airport. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic now, he is penniless and even the car is too old and useless now; after he reached the age of 60, his pension he applied for was LE 90 and then the Al-Sisi regime issued a decree to raise pension sums; his pension now reached LE 900 (i.e., the minimum pension sum in Egypt now). This sum is nothing because of soaring prices in Egypt; my brother feels so depressed because of being poor despite the fact that his wife works and her salary is part of the monthly budget of their house; yet, he refuses to accept any money from me! Because of his dignity, he never spends the money I sent for him; he says he keeps these sums for me so that he'd return them to me when I would visit Egypt one day! I believe I should help him within Zakat but he refuses; am I wrong or not?! … Thank you …


 As far as Islam (i.e., Quranism) is concerned, your brother should be less sensitive; Zakat money should be paid also to the nearest of kin. You should continue to provide him with money sums as much as you can; one day, he will accept them. This is his responsibility not yours; your own is to pay Zakat to him and to other categories as per the Quran. In fact, we assert here that your brother is a man of a noble nature in such dire times of collapse. May the Lord God bless and reward him.        





About the Wild Animal Mentioned in 5:3

Published in July 17, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is the wild animal mentioned in 5:3 the lion or some other animal? ............  … Thank you …


 The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Prohibited for you are carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, and animals dedicated to other than God; also the flesh of animals strangled, killed violently, killed by a fall, gored to death, mangled by a wild animal - except what you rescue, and animals sacrificed on altars..." (5:3). The wild animal here is not only a lion; it includes also leopards, cheetahs, foxes, wolves, bears, and birds of prey. Yet, if preys of such wild animals were still alive when rescued, one can slaughter and eat it. Of course, any meat and other food items offered at mausoleums are prohibited food items; yet, the Muhammadans continue to consume them. They never understand the Quranic text. In contrast, the Muhammadans hate the pigs and swines and assume them to be impure though the Quran commands us only not to consume their flesh.





The Battle of the Confederates

Published in July 20, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … So, I can infer from the Quranic Chapter 33 that within the battle of the confederates, a trench was dug around Yathreb to prevent the troops of the enemies from attacking it; and then, the Lord God Himself defeated the troops sieging the city by a wind and invisible soldiers. No fighting occurred. What do you think? … Thank you …   


 That is true. The trench was necessary to prevent the aggressors from entering into Yathreb and committing a massacre there. Though the trench is not mentioned in the Quranic Chapter 33, we infer its existence from several verses: "O you who believe! Remember God’s blessings upon you, when forces came against you, and We sent against them a wind, and soldiers you did not see. God is Observant of what you do." (33:9); this means no fighting occurred and the wind sent by Allah to the stationary troops who sieged Yathreb; this siege is impossible without a deep trench. "When they came upon you, from above you, and from beneath you..." (33:10); this also indicates a siege which did not lead to attacking the city and fighting never took place. We refer you, for more details, to our subtitled-into-English episodes within our YouTube show titled (Quranic Moments) about the battle of the confederates starting from Episode No. 1073.






The Unjust Party

Published in July 23, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I sent my car to the mechanic's and he took four hours to supposedly examine and fix the problem and he demanded at the end US$ 140 from me; yet, the car is not fixed! I gave him only U$ 40 since it is still broken down and he tricked me by replacing a part in the engine uselessly and without informing me beforehand; he expects me to send him the rest of the sum (i.e., US$ 100) tomorrow; I will not, since he tricked me; what is your own view? Who is the wronged party and who is the unjust party? Any ideas? … Thank you …        


 As per your own words, he is the unjust party who deceived you; he never fixed your car and made an unnecessary action to get more money from you though your car did not need such action; you do not have to pay him any more money.





A Question of Inheritance (1)

Published in August 15, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … A man died recently and he is survived by his wife, his four daughters, and his brothers and sisters; how should the inheritance money be distributed as per the Quranic sharia?  … Thank you …      


 The wife of the deceased man should receive 1/8 of the money; the 2/3 of the money should be given to the 4 daughters (within equal 4 shares); the rest is for the brothers and sisters as per this Quranic rule: "...The male receives the equivalent of the share of two females..." (4:11).






Plants and Animals in the Quranic Text

Published in July 28, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, …  Within your Quranist point of view, what is the difference, in the Quranic text, between plants and animals on earth? … Thank you …      


 Of course, plants do not move; see 15:19, 22:5, and 50:7-9; in contrast, animals are creatures which move on their own accord; see 8:38, 11:6, and 11:56. Of course, (planting) is the Quranic notion about the creation of  human beings from the earth/dust: "And God germinated you from the earth like plants." (71:17).





Churches and Harmful Mosques

Published in August 9, 2020



Question:  … Dear Sir, …  In your writings, you mention that you once performed prayers inside a church in Cairo, Egypt, and once more in a church inside the USA. Yet, you mention many times that prayers are never acceptable in harmful mosques of the Muhammadans; are churches, in your own view, better than harmful mosques?! Please explain to me your praying inside churches ........ … Thank you …      


 Thank you for your good question. We assert here that it is prohibited to attend polytheistic sermons and perform prayers in mosques of the Muhammadans (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18522) since lies about Allah, the Quran, and Muhammad are being told in such harmful mosques. Those who attend such polytheistic sermons are implicitly agreeing with the lies of polytheists propagated in them. In the USA, we prayed inside an office inside a church away from the altar and the congregations; the people there respected our desire to pray alone so as not to miss one of the five daily prayers. Inside Cairo, Egypt, the people in the church brought to us a prayer rug and we also prayed in a room away from the altar and the congregations; this room is dedicated to Muslim invitees (within forums held inside this Egyptian Coptic church) who would like to pray there. Of course, we never hear (or have heard) any Christian sermons of any kind since they advocate polytheism (i.e., deifying mortals) like the sermons delivered inside harmful mosques. Pious Quranists/monotheists never attend meetings of propagating religious lies/falsehoods in feasts or houses of worship of the earthly religions. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "And those who do not attend preaching of falsehoods; and when they come across indecencies, they pass by with dignity." (25:72).  






About Abortion

Published in August 19, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Syrian gynecologist who lives and works in a European country where abortion is legal; I feel worried; I do not know if abortion is legal in Islam or not (is it a sin/crime or not?!); where I live now, abortion is OK only up to the 4th month of pregnancy; some sheikhs assume that souls never enter into the fetuses until the 4th months as per some hadiths; is that true? I know you do not believe in hadiths.... Yet, in other countries, abortion is OK up to the 6th month! The medical reasons are as follows:........... I am confused; I do not want to commit the sin of murder unawares! What shall I do?! Any advice?! Please reply ASAP........    … Thank you …   


 The hadiths you refer to are mere lies and rubbish/nonsense reflecting the obscurantism/ignorance of their fabricators and their eras. What is prohibited as a grave sin in Islam is to murder/kill souls unjustly or within aggression; this includes fetuses when souls are breathed into them. The controversy here is about when this would happen. We are not a medical doctor; we are not an embryologist; we assert here only our Quranist view; the general view we asserted before is that signs of souls having been breathed into fetuses is when hearts with pulses are formed and embryos are vibrating with life and movements; this means aborting a lifeless piece of blood and meat is NOT murdering a soul. Islam is the Quran only; hadiths of any type are never part of Islam. It is prohibited that you specialize in abortion since you would be forced to abort women in any stages of pregnancy indiscriminately. You do not have to commit this crime; you can stick to other types of medical work within your specialization.  





About the Quranic Verse 96:19

Published in August 14, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "...prostrate and come near." (96:19); "We are aware that your heart is strained by what they say. So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be among those who prostrate. And worship your Lord until the inevitable death comes to you." (15:97-99). My question is as follows: Is there a relation between straining of one's heart and prostrating? … Thank you …     


 We do believe that prostration to the Lord God sincerely, reverently, and within piety and fear of the Lord God is a sure way to relieve one's heart (in times of sorrow and fear) and to attain a sense of security and serenity since one is nearer to the Lord God during prostration.






Repelling Others from the Holy Quran

Published in August 16, 2020


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Within online chatting, I mentioned your name within a discussion of a topic with some Salafists; they sent me verbal abuse and insults! Some of them advised me to never read your books or watch your YouTube videos! They told me to read books of certain Salafist authors/sheikhs such as..........  I wonder how could I preach/proselytize Quranism among such mentalities?! Any help? Any ideas?  …  Thank you …        


 It is impossible that a convergence would occur between the ideas of Salafists who repel others from the Holy Quran and the ideas of Quranists who preach the Holy Quran to others. Please, our son, do not waste your time with such polytheistic Salafist/Sunnite Muhammadans; those who seek guidance only in the Holy Quran should not waste their precious time in online chatting with enemies of the Holy Quran. Quranists should always bear in mind that one's lifetime is limited and predetermined by the Lord God; one draws nearer to death every single hour and every single minute/second; the pious ones must be busy filling their Books of Deeds with good deeds; this is the best investment of one's time and efforts for the sake of earning the Eternal Life in Paradise in the Hereafter. Hence, the pious Quranists must move away from the polytheistic, Quran-hating ignoramuses (or dumb cattle) and must never waste their time discussing anything with them.  





Innate Nature or Inner Instinct

Published in August 19, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … You mention a lot in your writings and videos that the innate nature or inner instinct within the human souls is Islam (or literally, submission to the Lord God within monotheism); yet, many people deify dead human beings like Sufi 'saints'/sheikhs, Hussein, Ali, Christ, Buddha....etc. How come? What makes them forget that monotheism is ingrained in their souls as you say? …  Thank you …


 This is because this innate nature or inner instinct of monotheism can be corroded or marginalized inside the human soul when it deifies things/relics/items/tombs and mortals. Yet, when any polytheists face life-threatening situations, the latent monotheism inside their souls resurges and they implore the Lord God for deliverance and forget their false deities/gods.





No Percentage in Written Will and Testament

Published in August 20, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Is there a maximum percentage of money within written will and testament?  …  Thank you …


 Not at all. You can decide on whatever percentage of your wealth to be included within your written will and testament as per what is known in your society as pertaining to justice and equity/fairness. This is decided as per the life conditions of (some of) the inheritors included in your written will and testament.






The Disbelief of Sunnite Authors of Exegeses

Published in August 21, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … In a book of interpretation or exegeses of the Quranic text, I read that a man named (Osir) is the one intended in 2:259. Is that true? If not, what is the truth, then?! ......... Any ideas? …  Thank you …


 The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Or like him who passed by a town collapsed on its foundations. He said, “How can God revive this after its demise?” Thereupon God caused him to die for a hundred years, and then resurrected him. He said, “For how long have you tarried?” He said, “I have tarried for a day, or part of a day.” He said, “No. You have tarried for a hundred years. Now look at your food and your drink - it has not spoiled - and look at your donkey. We will make you a wonder for mankind. And look at the bones, how We arrange them, and then clothe them with flesh.” So when it became clear to him, he said, “I know that God has power over all things.”" (2:259). You can see, our son, that there is no mention of Osir here at all about this unnamed man whose slumber/death went on for 100 years as a miracle done by the Lord God. In fact, we have written before that Osir is the Pharaonic god of death Osiris worshiped by some polytheists among the Israelites at one time as they were influenced negatively by the Ancient Egyptian religion: "The Jews said, “Osir is the son of God,” and the Christians said, “The Messiah is the son of God.” These are their statements, out of their mouths. They emulate the statements of those who disbelieved before. May God assail them! How deceived they are!" (9:30). Please, our son, do not waste your time reading lies/falsehoods and contradictions/discrepancies of books of exegeses/interpretation authored by Quran-hating human devils whose only objective was to undermine and cast doubt on the Quranic text. No one should fabricate lies while assuming s/he can know all about the unseen realm of the past.





Yes, he Can Marry her

Published in August 20, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  If a man committed fornication with a married woman, can he marry her after her divorce or after her becoming a widow? Any ideas? …  Thank you … 


 Yes; he can marry her after his sincere repentance, and hers of course, and after completing her waiting period as per the Holy Quran.






About the Quranic Terms (Forooj) & (Farj)

Published in July 13, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like you to tell me about the Quranic terms (forooj) and its singular form (farj) … Thank you …    


 The term (farj) means a hole or a slit and its plural form (forooj) means holes or slits. The heaven have no holes: "Have they not observed the sky above them, how We constructed it, and decorated it, and it has no cracks/holes/forooj?" (50:6); it will be filled with holes/cracks upon the destruction of the universe when the Hour comes: "And the sky is fractured" (77:9). The term (farj) refers to the female genitalia here: "And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her womb/farj..." (66:12); "And she who guarded her womb/farj. We breathed into her of Our spirit, and made her and her son a sign to the world." (21:91); the plural term (forooj) refers here to chastity (or genitals) in general for both women and men: "Those who safeguard their chastity/forooj." (23:5); "And those who guard their chastity/forooj." (70:29); "Tell the believing men to restrain their looks, and to guard their privates/forooj...And tell the believing women to restrain their looks, and to guard their privates/forooj..." (24:30-31); "...men who guard their chastity/forooj and women who guard...God has prepared for them a pardon, and an immense reward." (33:35).





A Question of Inheritance (2)

Published in August 17, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir,  … A man died and is survived by his mother and his brothers and sisters and some half-brothers (i.e., who are sons of his father only); do the half-brothers have inheritance shares or not? … Thank you …    


 Yes they have. There is no distinction between brothers/sisters and half-brothers/half-sisters in the Quranic inheritance laws. As per 4:11, the mother of the deceased man should inherit 1/6 of the money, and the rest of the money, the siblings of the deceased should take their shares in it as per this Quranic rule: "...The male receives the equivalent of the share of two females...As for the parents, each gets one-sixth of what he leaves..." (4:11).





Pricks of Conscience?!

Published in August 17, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  For the last six months, I stopped attending the Friday congregational prayers in the nearby mosque as I follow your fatwa about avoiding harmful mosques of the polytheistic Sunnites and about never hearing their sermons of blasphemy and polytheism; yet, I feel I miss attending the Friday congregational prayers so much! I am a Quranist man, but I feel guilty and I have pricks of conscience because of never entering into mosques, esp. when I read the Quranic Chapter 62. ........... What am I supposed to do about this?! Any pieces of advice? … Thank you  …  


 You have no right to experience any sense of guilt or pricks of conscience; bad, old habits die hard, that is all. Of course, bad habits of earthly, terrestrial religions die hard as well and in a very long time, we think. Of course, monotheistic believers who seek guidance must follow the Quranic Truth and be ready to reject and discard any old habits and traditions inherited from the parents and forefathers; the Quranists suffer persecution when they declare in public such rejection of myths, falsehoods, and blasphemies. It pertains to disbelief to attend sermons containing lies/hadiths ascribed to Allah and to Muhammad; such sermons are insulting to Allah especially as they contain ridiculing the Quranic verses by changing their meanings to accommodate Sunnite/Sufi/Shiite myths. "He has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear God’s Verses being rejected, or ridiculed, do not sit with them until they engage in some other subject. Otherwise, you would be like them. God will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers, into Hell, altogether." (4:140); "And those who do not witness false talk, and when they come across idle talk, they pass by with dignity." (25:72). Of course, instead of pricks of conscience, you should be happy to be guided to Quranism as the Only True Islam; you should feel remorse for attending, in the past years of your life, the Friday congregational prayers and sermons containing blasphemies, falsehoods, and lies. You should implore the Lord God for forgiveness and pardon for listening to such polytheistic talk. Of course, your pricks of conscience and sense of guilt indicate that you have not fully purified your soul/heart from the Sunnite abominations. You may choose for yourself; of course, choices are harder to make within religious freedom.










The Quranic Term (Rijs)

Published in August 18, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … What does the Quranic term (rijs) mean? … Thank you in advance for your time …


 It means sins/abominations which must be avoided by pious monotheists; this is addressed to Muhammad: "And abandon abominations/rijs." (74:5). It also refers to devilish whispers here: "He made drowsiness overcome you, as a security from Him. And He sent down upon you water from the sky, to cleanse you with it, and to rid you of Satan’s whispers/rijs, and to fortify your hearts, and to strengthen your foothold." (8:11). This Quranic term refers to types of torment in this world: "“We will bring down upon the people of this town a torment/rijs from heaven, because of their wickedness.”" (29:34); "Whenever a torment/rijs befell them, they would say, “O Moses, pray to your Lord for us...." (7:134); "...so We sent down upon them a torment/rijs from the sky, because of their injustice." (7:162); this term also refers to torment in the Hereafter; e.g., the torment for those who seek to undermine and cast doubt on the Holy Quran, such as the polytheistic, disbelieving Sunnites who doubt the perfectness and the completeness of the Quranic text and never believe in the Quran only; they believe in other texts and 'holy' books/tomes alongside with it: "As for those who strive against Our Verses, seeking to undermine them - for them is a torment of a painful plague/rijs." (34:5); "These are God’s Verses which We read to you in Truth. In which discourse, after God and His Verses, will they believe?...This is guidance. Those who disbelieve in their Lord’s Verses will have a torment of agonizing pain/rijs." (45:6-11); of course, this (rijs) or torment is inside Hell: "But those who strive against Our Verses - these are the inmates of Hell." (22:51); "But those who work against Our Verses, seeking to undermine them - those will be summoned to the torment." (34:38).






This Is Not Prohibited

Published in August 18, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  I am a young single man and I have female friends about my age; I shake hands with them and this is sometimes accompanied with kisses on the cheeks and or a simple hug; they are my female friends and not girlfriends; we are friends and we have no sexual feelings at all towards one another; of course, I never feel sexually aroused by this. Is what we do prohibited in Islam (i.e., Quranism) or not? Any ideas?  … Thank you …  


 This is not prohibited; it is OK when you and your male and female friends greet one another that way (i.e., handshakes, hugs, and kisses on the cheeks); yet, what is prohibited is when you harbor sexual feelings inside your heart/soul within such situations.

اجمالي القراءات 3227

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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