اضيف الخبر في يوم الثلاثاء ٢٢ - ديسمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
To: Egyptian House of Representatives
Egypt, the craddle of civilization, needs your help petitioning for democracy in Egypt. Dictatorships ruled Egypt for more than half a century. Egyptian presidents rule for decades with very little progress to show for. Egyptians are yearning for a transparent democratically elected government that truly represents them.
مقالات متعلقة :
- The Muslim Brotherhood and Democracy
- The Challenges to Transition to Democracy in Egypt By Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Ali
- A Message to Our Beloved Quranists: We Would Like To Have This Simple Means of Support For the Sake of Islam
- Democracy And Terrorism
- The Majority between the Quran and Democracy
- The Persecution of Egypt’s Coptic Christians Continues
- The straw that may break Egypt's back
- Amid fears about the fate of prisoners in the event of an outbreak of the Corona epidemic, Egyptian security forces are holding a member of the Qur'anic minority in Egypt
- The Struggle of Abbasids against Arab Tribes in Egypt
Egypt is due for a historic presidential elections in 2010. A few candidates are "allowed" to run for the first time in recent Egyptian history.
Egyptians nominated Mohamed ElBaradei, the renowned Nobel Peace Prize winner to run for Egyptian President:
This petition is for Egyptians and people of conscience around the world to support free elections in Egypt to let Egyptians elect their president and government official who truly represent their aspirations and best interest. A president and government by the people, from the people and for the people.Sincerely,
http://www.petition online.com/ DemEgy/petition. html
Every one like to see change in Egypt must sign this petition.
Yes we can see peaceful change in Egypt . Enough is Enough .... Kefayaah Kefayaah to the corruption
Please sign this petition and forward it to your mailing list.
ElBaradei is expected to swear allegiance to the Egyptians
البرادعى ينتظر مبايعة المصريين
البرادعى فى بيان،إنه يقبل الترشح إذا ما رأت أغلبية المصريين أن ذلك فى مصلحة الوطن،
دعوة للتبرع
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