Friends: it happened again.
This time, it's my cousin Reda Abdelrahman.
Since August, he was taken hostage by Egyptian national security thugs in order to pressure our family into silence. They raided his home after midnight, terrified his young children, and starved him in custoday . Two month later, they fabricated a terrorism case against him to keep him in pretrial detention.
A high-school tacher at Al-Azhar himself, Reda was never engaged in politics nor advocated violence, yet he was detained twice before, threatened and fired from his job, and banned from travel. Since 2016, he even stopped writing about Islamic reform online on his personal blog and our website.
For our family, facing death threats by terrorists has been only outpaced by legal threats by authorities of "insulting Islam," because of our secular and pro human rights interpretation. For Sisi's desperate thugs to play the terrorism card with us, they have given us every opportunity to expose them for who they are; a violent mafia.
I ask for your help and support as we prepare to mount a sustained campagin to #FreeReda and hold every single thug behind his abusive and arbitrary detention to account. More to come soon.
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم...
أرفع صوتى مع كل مظلوم وأناشد السلطات الأمنية فى تحرى الدقة فى موضوع أخى الكريم الأستاذ رضا والإسراع فى الإفراج عنه لعلمى الشخصى أنه لا يوجد أى شائبة أو حتى لمحة تدينه فى ما نسب إليه.
وأنا معكم أخى الحبيب د.احمد قلبا وقالبا إلى أن يتم الإفراج عن أخى الحبيب رضا. وإن كان هناك أى لبس فى التحريات فأرجوا من السلطات الأمنية إعادة التحرى ولا يمكن أن يستمر الظلم الذى يعتمد على أهواء وليس حقائق مادية ملموسة أو أى مسائل شخصية لا علاقة لها بالأخ العزيز رضا.
{ وَمَا اللهُ يُرِيدُ ظُلْمًا لِلْعِبَادِ } (سورة غافر 31)