Where is Bin Laden hiding?
?Where is Bin Laden hiding
After September 11, the United States along with its allies declared a Global War against Terrorism and declared Bin Laden as the most wanted man on Earth. As a result of this war and on the assumption that Bin Laden is hiding in the mountains and caves of Torah Bora, this area had been bombed several times, the last one took place in August this year, but Bin Laden is still alive and still broadcasting video tapes and most gravely, He is still recruiting more Terrorists.
Isn’t it the time that politicians in Washington should ask themselves simple questions? Are we bombing the right place? Are we using the right weapon? Where is Bin Laden really hiding?
In fact, the way the war against Terrorism is conducted, and the weapons used are transfusing Radical Islamic Terrorist groups the blood necessary for survival, and make them grow stronger and most ironically enable these groups to recruit more suicidal human bombers.
The problem arises from a simple fact that is missed by many of those leading the war against Terrorism; Bin Laden is hiding in some other caves, not the caves in a mountain, but the caves in the minds of people hypnotized by ideas spread by Radical Muslim Scholars (Sheikhs) in the Kingdom of Evil and the Republic of Evil. Those Radical Scholars are the real enemy and the ideas they are spreading are the cause of this wave of Terrorism the world is suffering from, and because of which Islam is being wrongly accused that it is a religion of terrorism.
It is there where the Free World should search for Bin Laden and this is where the real war against terrorism should take place, not in Iraq or Afghanistan. Bin Laden is only a result not a cause of terrorism and looking for him in the wrong place is only a waste of resources and time. The War against Terrorism is doomed to fail if the military part of it is considered the primary element; in fact this war should and must be looked at as an intellectual kind of war, a war of ideas and convictions.
As once said “terror is the essence of totalitarian domination”, the war against Terrorism should be directed towards totalitarian ideas and philosophies whether such ideas are political or religious. It is in the caves of such ideas, Bin Laden is hiding. The intellectual war against the totalitarian regimes in the communist world succeeded before, without the need of drastic military actions and there is no reason that prevents it from getting the same result against Terrorism.
If we look around, we will find only two places where the petrodollars are used to spread totalitarian religious ideas that spread terrorist radical religious thoughts justify killing innocent people as an act of salvation and an order of God, in a very similar way to the Era of the Medieval Inquisition, these two places are
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