Rashad Khalifa

السبت ٢٥ - فبراير - ٢٠١٢ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال:
Dear Dr. Mansour, I have been debating Edip Yuksel on facebook and he made the following claim about you: "Mansour was influenced by Rashad and became a Quranist" I defended you from this claim and said that you reached your conclusions without Rashad Khalifah's help and declared that I would email you. Edip is trying to impose Rashad as the most influential figure in the Quranist movement. Since you are a historian, could you please clarify the role that Rashad played in the Quranist movement in general and his influence on your personal development. It would also be helpful to write a historical synopsis of the Quranist movement in general. To see my debate with Edip please follow the link below: http://www.facebook.com/notes/edip-yuksel/who-influenced-the-uprising-of-quranist-movement/10150557326711512?notif_t=note_reply Kind regards Eyad Nusayr Tucson, AZ
آحمد صبحي منصور :


Rashad Khalifa believed in himself as a messenger who had revelation from God. When he claimed himself as a messenger of God , he published an article saying (God insists). So, he was bluffing when he said ( Quran and nothing but Quran). I said to him , if you claim a Holy revelation from Allah, then what the difference between you and the Sunni scholars?  He evacuated me from his mosque because of this. 
In my belief, Rashad Khalifa was not Quranist at all. He was a real Sufi.
Before knowing Rashad Khalifa, I was persecuted in Al Azhar during ( 1977 - 1980 ) and in 1985.. This was because of my books and researches that established the hard core of the Quranic trend. In 1987, I was fired from Al Azhar ,and put in jail because of my eleventh book ( The sinful Muslim). This was before meeting Rashad Khalifa. Coming to his mosque in Tucson in 1988, there were a lot of discussions and debate between the two of us in Arabic Language.This debate proved to me how ignorant he was in the difference between the classic Arabic Language and the unique Arabic Quranic terminology. He was also very ignorant in the Islamic fields and Muslim traditions and the gap between Islam and Muslims. This Arabic knowledge is the necessary backbone for any Quranic scholar. My English was so maimed in that time that I could not read any of his writings. This includes his translation of the Quran and his newsletters. I had a lot of time after leaving him in 1988 to improve my English. In some months in late 1988, I read most of his translation of the Quran and discovered some outrageous errors. I understood why he used to keep me talking in Arabic only with him to isolate me from his people. 
It was a very painful time. I try to forget it.

مقالات متعلقة بالفتوى :
اجمالي القراءات 9717
التعليقات (1)
1   تعليق بواسطة   إياد نصير     في   الأحد ٢٦ - فبراير - ٢٠١٢ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Thanks again!

 I wish to thank you again for the inofrmation you provided. I have already posted the link to this page at the Facebook discusion I mentioned above 

أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 4991
اجمالي القراءات : 53,693,828
تعليقات له : 5,344
تعليقات عليه : 14,646
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

مشروع نشر مؤلفات احمد صبحي منصور

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قاعة البحث القراني

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باب القاموس القرآنى

باب علوم القرآن

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