تعليق: عاجل إلى السيد امير منصور : لقد تم حذف مقالي الجديد؟؟ | تعليق: شكرا استاذ بن ليفانت وأقول : | تعليق: شكرا استاذ بن ليفانت وأقول : | تعليق: وجهة نظر | تعليق: الزراعة وصديقى الطيب . | تعليق: جزاك الله جل وعلا خيرا استاذ حمد ، واقول : | تعليق: ... | تعليق: شكرا جزيلا استاذ حمد ، وجزاك الله جل وعلا خيرا، وأقول : | تعليق: المؤمنون والكافرون والمنافقون. | تعليق: جزاك الله جل وعلا خيرا استاذ حمد ، واقول : | خبر: تركيا: اعتقال أكثر من 1400 متظاهر بعد سجن أكرم إمام أوغلو أبرز منافسي أردوغان | خبر: البرلمان المصري يوافق نهائياً على قانون المسؤولية الطبية | خبر: فضيحة تسليح السعودية.. هل تواطأت حكومات إسبانيا مع المجازر في اليمن؟ | خبر: وثائق سرية بريطانية: مصر جهزت خطة لإنشاء دولة فلسطينية انطلاقا من غزة في الخمسينيات | خبر: مصر تواجه عجز المعلمين بمد الخدمة 3 سنوات | خبر: هل يحق للمغرب احتجاز مياه نهر مشترك مع الجزائر؟ فراغ قانوني يُؤَزِّم قضية “وادي كير”، والنزاع تحكمه | خبر: برنامج الغذاء العالمي: 70 ألف لاجئ كونغولي ببوروندي مهددون بالمجاعة | خبر: رئيس شبكة MBN: هذا ما سيحدث إذا تم إغلاق الحرة | خبر: الحكومة المصرية تعيد مناقشة بعض مواد قانون العمل الجديد | خبر: تصويت تمهيدي في تركيا لدعم إمام أوغلو لانتخابات الرئاسة رغم اعتقاله | خبر: البيت الأبيض: التزام إماراتي باستثمار 1.4 تريليون دولار في أميركا | خبر: مصر: 3 ملايين أسرة خرجت من برنامج تكافل وكرامة | خبر: اليونيسيف تحذر من خطر نقص غذائي يواجه أطفال نيجيريا وإثيوبيا | خبر: تركيا.. اشتباكات عنيفة مع استمرار الاحتجاجات على اعتقال إمام أوغلو منافس أردوغان | خبر: من أصول مصرية.. ما علاقة عيد الأم بالحضارة المصرية القديمة ونهر النيل؟ |
The Fundamental Thought of Islam

محمود دويكات Ýí 2008-10-02

Many of the complications that beset Islam as a religion can be attributed to its own people. They do not accept the simple creed of Islam itself. On the contrary, they prefer complicating the simple creed by further researching for more “complex” interpretations of the simple text that declares the idea. This fondness of complicating the simple text is mainly to satisfy the demands of their endless questions.

The basic creed of this religion is to surrender to God only - unification and glorification of God - and then prepare for meeting Him (through doing good deeds) in the Judgment Day where He will account us – as humans – on our acts, especially those acts that harmed others deliberately. This is the basic idea of Islam and the rest is details, and those details can vary by variable understanding of humans.

Let me give an example - more scientifically -: In Building Engineering the main idea is to design the building so as to serve a specific period of time that is assigned to it. Therefore, the basic equation is very simple and goes as follows: The resistance of the building (elements) is to remain greater than the applied loads or effects on the building (elements) throughout the duration of its life. This is a very simple principle!! However, when this simple principle is put to application, then every nation has its own method in achieving that purpose. And every one of these methods is termed as “Design Code”. So, there exists an American Code, European Code, Indian Code, Chinese Code, Japanese Code, Egyptian Code, etc. The main differences among these codes are in the calibration of the details so as to suit the Homo-Environmental parameters of the region where construction takes place. For example, in Europe, safety factors in the design equations are low, while in Syria or Egypt, safety factors are high. One of the reasons behind this difference is related to increased level of fraud, deceit and indifference in the latest countries compared to the first countries. And so forth, the details differ due to differences in homo-environment.

And the same thing can be said about this religion: there is a basic idea and there are details. Islam has maintained the purity of the basic idea through its source book, with replicating it in several ways and several expressions in its source (Quran). In spite of the fact that differences and variations are natural aspects of humans, however, Muslims fell victims of the sectarian and political differences among themselves, and then they appended it to their religion and they accentuated these differences among themselves and made it more important than the main idea of Islam itself, and then they started fighting each other in the name of these differences, while these differences are a natural consequence of the mental and behavioural variations in human kind. As these variations are intrinsic in all humanity, and are implanted by God Himself so as to cause people to know each other, to form acquaintances, and to interact with each other (And We made you into nations and tribes in order to let you know each other)[49:13]. Not like what is happening in Iraq, Palestine, and other places, where they are fighting each other on the base of these differences.

Let us go back to this book, which calls itself as a “Quran”, and states that there is no doubt in it and that it is detailed, etc. Indeed, the most obvious thing in this book is that there is no God but The Only Mighty God and that He is the only worthy for being worshipped and obeyed, and that good deeds must be done in order to win in the Last Day of Judgement. This basic idea is repeated on several levels and orientations in the Quran, such as: (and whoever does good deeds, either male or female, while s/he is believing (in God), then we will let them into Paradise) [4:124] Also (Compete in doing good things, your final belonging is to God) [5: 48]. And (Compete in doing good deeds, wherever you are God will gather you all) [2:148]. Also (Believe in God and the Last Day and propagate virtue and forbid what is evil and rush to doing good deeds, and those are of the righteous) [3:114]. Also (and those who believed and did good deeds, those are the owners of the Garden will abide by forever) [2: 82]. Also (and those who believed and did good deeds then He will fulfil them their wages and God does not love aggressors) [3:57]. Also (and those who believe and do good deeds we will settle them in Gardens) [4: 57, 122]. Also, (But (as for) those who believe and do good deeds - We tax not any soul beyond its scope - Such are rightful owners of the Garden. They abide therein.) [7: 42]. Also (and worship your Lord and do the good, so that you may prosper) [22: 77].…etc.

We note that all over the Quran that that basic idea is repeated very clearly and unequivocally that: whoever believes in God and do good deeds and considers meeting God on the afterlife then that person, at that Day, has nothing to fear from or feel sad because. However, and despite that this simple meaning is repeated in hundreds of places in Quran, the followers of this religion still complicate the issues in it. And the most severe tragedy is that some of them place themselves in the place of God Himself and tries to judge most other people either to heaven or to hell based on how much they concur or differ with their own personal points of view!!

The principle of the divine discourse in the Quran is very simple: God does not account you on the details which He did not outline for you. So, do not strain yourself trying to dig for these details, because if you do so, then the results may turn to be harsh on you!! Read what God says, which illustrates this simple and flexible principle (O you who believe, do not keep asking about things that when they are shown to you they cause you hardship) [5: 101].

And as a further clarification, let us read these verses that talk about Moses, peace be upon him, when God inspired him The Tablets, God says (and We had written in the tablets from everything an exhortation and detailing for everything, therefore take them strongly, and order your people to take the best in them, I shall show you the House of heretics) [7:175]. Reading the verse once more you will find that God said he had written in the tablets details for everything, however, He then says to Moses to order his people to take the best in them! How can this be understood? Did not the tablets contain the details of everything? Why to let the people choose the “best” in those tablets then? The basic idea is that you should not complicate the issues, but rather, you should take the best of what God told you to do, such that it best suits reality. This point outlines for us how flexible and lenient God can be in accepting what the humans are trying to do in their life in His path. God repeats the same idea for Muslims about Quran, when He says (and follow the best of what was brought down to you from your Lord) [55:39]. Similar to how God ordered Children of Israel to take the best of what was brought down to them, He also orders us, as submitters to Him, to follow the best of what was brought down to us. The word “best” means that you have to evaluate the situation in front of you, and that you should not drift behind the voices that dictate on you what you should do. You should slow down, think! And look into the consequences, compare!, and look at the same issue from different angles, since there may be other ways for acting, and thus you should choose the best and closest way to the basic idea of this religion (Which is: doing the good deeds and preparing to meet God, glorified He is). And don’t ever be one of those who follow the thoughts of others, who call for achieving personal goals (for themselves or their parties) on the account of what this religion asks you to do, of doing the good and causing no harm for others. As then, if you blindly follow the thoughts of others, then you will be like the ones who follow the Devil, who soon will disown you. God had warned us from this, read His words, thoughtfully (And Satan said when the matter hath been decided: Lo! God promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, and then failed you. And I had no power over you save that I called unto you and ye obeyed me. So blame not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me, Lo! I disbelieved in that which you before ascribed to me. Lo! for wrong-doers is a painful doom.) [22:14] …Indeed!!.

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