آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-08-23
Fatwas Part Fifty-One
issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Fiqh Imams of the Lower Half of the Bodies
Published in August 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … As for your great YouTube show "Quranic Moments", you did a great job in exposing the trashy thought of the Middle-Ages Sunnite fiqh imams who were obsessed with sex and you raked their mud and threw it on their ugly faces; this will expose those Wahabis following their footsteps today; all of them are misguiding inveterate liars who invented laughter-inducing lewd fabrications … Sometimes I cannot help bursting out laughing at what you say about the Sunnite fiqh in your great subtitled videos … Thank you …
We are indeed exposing their Sunnite religion of Satan that oppresses and objectifies women, as Sunnite imams were and are obsessed with bodies of women whom they adore but are willing to subjugate, enslave, and control it in the worst types of mania and madness. Thus, the Sunnite religion is a pest and a psychological ailment developed through the centuries. This is not surprising; what is indeed surprising is that such a religion still exists via Wahabi/Saudi money that sponsors such madness and its imams. This is why Arab nations cannot witness a renaissance as long as they sanctify such trashy thought/ideology and deify clergy/imams who are indeed human trash and faithful servants of Satan who work against Islam.
Your Father Ishmael
Published in August 15, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I seek to know your pondering about this Quranic verse that mentions Ishmael within the context of the fathers of Jacob, though Ishmael was Jacob's paternal uncle and not his father or grandfather: "Or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob, and he said to his sons, "What will you worship after Me?" They said, "We will worship your God, and the God of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac; One God; and to Him we submit."" (2:133) … Thank you …
Ishmael was for the Israelites, sons of Jacob/Israel, among their (fore)fathers or patriarchs, not in the sense of a biological father or in terms of being a relative inherited by them, but as a prophet within the religious call; Jacob, Isaac, Ishmael, and Abraham were all prophets/messengers of God, and they were all linked to prophethood and united in the True Religion of God summarized in this testimony: There is no God but Allah. In the verse 2:133, we notice that Jacob/Israel is advising his sons, including Joseph, in his deathbed to adhere to monotheism as the True Religion of God. this very advise to follow monotheism as Abraham's religion was repeated by Abraham to his sons and grandsons, mentioned in the Quranic text after the verses about Ishmael and Abraham building the Kaaba in Mecca and before the verse you quote: "Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except he who fools himself? We chose him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous. When his Lord said to him, "Submit!" He said, "I have submitted to the Lord of the Worlds." And Abraham exhorted his sons, and Jacob, "O my sons, God has chosen this religion for you, so do not die unless you have submitted." Or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob, and he said to his sons, "What will you worship after Me?" They said, "We will worship your God, and the God of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac; One God; and to Him we submit."" (2:130-133).
Criticism of "Quranic Moments"
Published in August 16, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Within the recent episodes of your YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments", you are tackling topics of sexual nature in the Sunnite books, and these cannot be called 'Quranic' moments at all; this title implies that you ponder for few minutes about a Quranic verse. Why do not you do just that?! … Thank you …
You are extremely mistaken; we have mentioned in the very first video of our YouTube show "Quranic Moments" that every issue we tackle in Quranic verses will be followed by discussion, mocking, and refutation of Sunnite Wahabi notions that contradict Quranic verses. Thus, after we have talked about sexual rights of wives, it is natural to tackle Sunnite myths/sharia about the same topic and how such fabrications of misogynists oppress and persecute women. Quranists build their intellectual edifice by inferring notions from the Quran solely, and then destroy ''hallowed'' and sanctified notions of the Muhammadan religions; Quranists must expose deified imams of the Sunnite religion. We sincerely hope you are not still sanctifying these Middle-Ages imams! It is incumbent on Truth-seekers to expose and undermine falsehoods and fabrications (and their imams) so that the Quranic Truth will shine brightly in full glory. Real believers, in that case, must never fear the blame of others; some people advised our person many times before to confine our writings to Quranic ponderings and to avoid undermining and exposing 'holy' imams and the cursed four pre-Umayyad caliphs. We refused to stop exposing and undermining gods/deities of the Muhammadans. The reason: the Quran does not focus repeatedly on disbelievers, polytheists, hypocrites, criminals, sinners, etc. in vain or for no reason; rather, this is done to expose them in all eras and locations so that the Truth is made clear and the falsehoods are exposed. Thus, we (Quranist thinkers/writers) must go on exposing notions of disbelief adopted and embraced by the Muhammadans as they ascribe such notions falsely to Islam. Thus, this is the mission of real reformist thinkers. The Quran is fit to all eras and locations, and disbelief/polytheism will never end in this world. Only enemies of the Quran assume that polytheism and disbelief ended once Muhammad died; as if the Quran were a history book unrelated to reality around people in all eras. We are Quranists, you know, and we must spread the Quranic Truth and refute Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi myths. May God guide you to His Path.
The First of Muslims
Published in August 16, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … How come that God in the Quran commands Muhammad to declare himself as the first Muslim, as per 6:163, and yet, Abraham is described in the Quran as a Muslim as well as those who believed with him?! Who is the first Muslim, then?! … Thank you …
Of course, the meaning is the both Abraham and Muhammad were the first Muslims among their contemporaries in their eras. God has commanded Muhammad twice to declare this: "Say, "My prayer and my worship, and my life and my death, are devoted to God, the Lord of the Worlds. No associate has He. Thus I am commanded, and I am the first of those who submit/Muslims." (6:162-163); "Say, "I was commanded to serve God, devoting my religion exclusively to Him. And I was commanded to be the first of those who submit/Muslims."" (39:11-12). Of course, all real, pious believers, or servants of the Dominant Lord, implore God to be imams for the pious ones and to be among the first Muslims or forerunners: "And those who say, "Our Lord, grant us delight in our spouses and our children, and make us imams for the righteous ones."" (25:74). Sadly, this is easier said than done; we mean to say here that Quranic commands are one thing and applying them faithfully is a different matter. The reason: applying and attaining piety during all one's lifetime entails a will of iron so that one's soul is obeying God 24/7 while devoting all acts of worship and one's religion entirely or 100% only to God. This includes dedicating one's lifetime, soul, and money to serving God's religion for God's sake, while never fearing the blame of others at all. This is available for anyone among those who like to be among forerunners in Paradise, nearer to God, not merely among those on the right in Paradise, as per the Quranic Chapter 56, and to avoid being among Hell-dwellers; this division will be known to all on the Last Day. This means we are to ponder and apply these verses: "...Therefore, race towards goodness..." (2:148); "And race towards forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous." (3:133); "...So compete in righteousness. To God is your return, all of you; then He will inform you of what you had disputed." (5:48); "Race towards forgiveness from your Lord; and a Garden as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers. That is the grace of God; He bestows it on whomever He wills. God is the Possessor of Immense Grace." (57:21).
More on "Quranic Moments"
Published in August 17, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Could you please tackle on your YouTube show current issues like the Tunisian law allowing Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men and to have equal shares of inheritance like men? …Thank you …
We have already videoed special episodes (subtitled into English) about this Tunisian law and how it is compatible with Islam (Quranism), about how Quranism is against equal inheritance shares, and about the unjust incarceration of Mr. Abdullah Nasr and how the head of Al-Azhar must be prosecuted and tried by the international Criminal Court. Please share and spread these links of these three episodes all over cyberspace:
We Are Bored with Amateur Writers
Published in August 17, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a 38-year-old male graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy in 2004, living in Alexandria, Egypt, and I have memorized the entire Quranic text and I'm against Salafism/Wahabism … I'd like to be honored by being allowed to write articles on your great website; I have a special understanding of the Quran and I like spiritual experiences and I had some of them for the last 15 years; but I disagree with some Quranist views of yours and I like other views of yours very much …Thank you …
Thank you for your taking an interest in our Quranism website; if you desire to be a real Quranist, read our entire archive first and read articles of other Quranist writers so that you may learn. Later on you may join us as a reader (i.e., allowed to write comments) and then a writer later on. But we never like those newcomers who debate against Qurnaism and aiming to undermine our religion and school of thought; our mission is to destroy and undermine the religions of the Muhammadans and to spread the Quranic Light and Truth; we use the Quran as the Only Criterion to correct and reform; we never allow non-Quranists to write articles on religion on our website at all; we have suffered enough in the past years from amateur writers who were never convinced with Quranism and aimed to mock, ridicule, and undermine Qurnaism, which is True Islam to all Quranists. Newcomers must take months to read our entire archive first to learn about Quranism fully; they must not debate on settled issues so as not to waste our time and efforts. We are never going to allow into our website those who impede and hinder our caravan and school of thought.
A Question of Inheritance
Published in August 18, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Am I allowed to inherit a share of the wealth of my deceased paternal aunt who had but one married daughter? … Thank you …
No; the dead one's brother's son does not have an inheritance share since the deceased person is survived by progeny and/or siblings; you could have inherited your aunt if she had no progeny or siblings, as in that case, you would have been her nearest kin. Half of your aunt's money must be given to her only daughter and the rest for her nearest kin, after settling any debts and executing any written will and testament.
Prohibition of Debating against Quranic Verses
Published in August 18, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I do believe that hot inter-religious debates between Salafists and Orthodox Christians online and on TV channels in Egypt are against the divine command in the verse 6:68 about not to talk with those undermining or mocking the Quran till they change the topic of the conversation, as Salafists ridicule Christianity and this drives Christians to ridicule the Quranic verses … What do you think? …Thank you …
You are absolutely right about these bad debates leading to nothing but hatred and sectarianism. God says in the Quran: "When you encounter those who gossip about Our verses, turn away from them, until they engage in another topic. But should Satan make you forget, do not sit after the recollection with the wicked people." (6:68). This is why Quranists never debate with non-Quranists about Quranic verses they hate and adamantly ignore and overlook; we refer you to our article on that topic.
More on "Quranic Moments", Again
Published in August 19, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … We pose many questions to you in comments on your YouTube videos but you never reply; why is that?! … Thank you …
First of all, we are bored and sick to death with repeated queries of those who are very lazy and reluctant to read our entire archive of writings to search for possible answers to their FAQs. We are about to reach the age of 70; we are old and tired and have no time to answer FAQs as we have many unfinished books to write and many episodes to be videoed. Yet, we have told our eldest son, Mr. Muhammad Mansour, the director of our videos, to collect any new questions that seem to be important and we will answer all of them in one special episode soon. Thank you.
An Excellent Suggestion, But...
Published in August 19, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … In Syria, we are still suffering from the influence of evil Wahabis and Salafists; even fanaticism and extremism have influences other sects in Syria, and the Damascus Book Fair (a sign that the Syrian ordeal that began in 2011 is about to be over, thank God) is filled with books on religion and it holds only forums attended by bearded men and women in niqab! I am working on my MA thesis in French literature and my English is not that good as my French, yet, I've managed to convince many ex-Muslims among non-Arabs to return to real Islam (i.e., Quranism) as they rejected Sunnite Wahabism and the Shiite/Alawite religion after getting shocked by books of poisoned thought; I take pride in being a Quranist, but I wish you can, Sir, commission someone to voluntarily translate the Quran into English and into French in a way that will reflect your Quranist thoughts and notions, as the current translations are biased for and reflect the cursed Wahabi ideology; many of non-Arabs who converted to Wahabism (thinking as if it were Islam) have reverted to atheism once more; what is to be done?! … Thank you …
Your suggestion is an excellent one, our dear son, and we agree with you. We implore God to preserve and save Syria and its people and to enable them to re-build it and to retrieve its former glory, but we cannot commission anyone to do this; this task needs loads of time and special linguistic abilities; we ourselves have no enough command of the English language and for the rest of our life (not a long time, of course), we dedicate our time to finish unfinished books and care for many intellectual projects. We have no much lifetime left to us on Earth, as death draws nearer to us. We hope someone would adopt your idea and undertake the mission of translating the Quran into English and into French in a way that reflect Quranism. You are very welcome, our son to join our website as a reader and a writer.
A Question of Inheritance and Morals
Published in August 20, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … When my father died, he is survived by myself and my step-mother (his widow) and a 18-year-old son and 10-year daughter, who are the children of this step-mother and my younger siblings. They live in another city in a house of their own. When I distributed my father's money in the shares stipulated in the Quranic sharia laws, the son of my step-mother spent the whole sum on his addiction to drugs. This corrupt son is obeyed in fear by his weak mother, and he lost their money as well; but he and his mother demand from me to sell the house of my father to have their shares in its price; I agreed to buy their shares of the house with the total sum of LE 90.000, and they agreed to take the sum, but I insist on making the share of the daughter (my step-sister) as a bank deposit till she comes of age first, lest this corrupt step-brother (her brother) would lose all the money; yet, this son and my step-mother refused my suggestion, but I insist on it; what do you think? … Thank you …
Your step-brother is never to be trusted; do not give him the money, and you must be made as a guardian to his and his sister's inheritance till they both come of age (i.e., till they reach the age of 21 and be deemed as reasonable persons). Your sister is an orphan and her mother and brother have no right to spend her inheritance money; you must be guardian to her money of inheritance as per law. Yet, you have committed a sin by taking advantage of their conditions to buy their shares of the house of your Dad with a small sum; God says in the Quran: "...and do not cheat the people out of their rights..." (11:85). Another important point is that one cannot buy the inheritance shares in the house of two underage persons (i.e., your step-sister and step-brother), and the only one who can receive her share in cash is your father's widow. We repeat: you must be a guardian on the shares of both your step-sister and step-brother till they reach the legal age of 21. May God guide you.
About Sheikh Nasr and "Quranic Moments"
Published in August 20, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Thank you for your episode in defense of sheikh M. Abdullah Nasr; yet, I should have liked you to explain further the direct responsibility of the head of Al-Azhar for the incarceration of Mr. Nasr, as some people assume that a Salafist lawyer is behind the case against Mr. Nasr …Thank you …
The link of the subtitled-into-English episodes is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81Ay74OgD4U
Please help us spread it through cyberspace. As for ''some people'' you mention, they are either naïve ones or among our foes who do not deserve our attention to refute their view. Any reasonable person knows about the corrupt judiciary system in Egypt, because we tend to think that it is a tool of the military regime ruling Egypt now used by Al-Sisi (and Mubarak before him) as a weapon to terrorize 'enemies' of this regime; i.e., reformist thinkers. These reformist thinkers include Quranists, and other non-Quranists like Dr. Saad Eddine Ibrahim, Eslam Al-Beheiry, M. Abdullah Nasr, and some youths who led the 2011 revolt. Of course, the criminal head of Al-Azhar has rejected the incessant calls of Al-Sisi to renew and reform the religious discourse in Egypt; Ahmed Al-Tayyib is the one punishing the Azharite sheikh Mr. Nasr, whereas the Salafist lawyer you mention is a mere tool employed by Al-Sisi and Al-Azhar to get rid of all their foes.
Hating an Episode of "Quranic Moments"
Published in August 21, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Though I admire very much your YouTube show "Quranic Moments", and I'm still not a Quranist, until now at least, I hate very much the episode about your view of allowing Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men … I do think that this mixed marriage is a major sin and it contradicts the Quranic verse about not to marry polytheists unless they believe first; as for the verse you've quoted, it tackles the fact that Muslim men can marry Christian and Jewish women and that Muslims can eat food made by Christians and Jews … Thus, I see no proof at all inside the Quran to legalize the marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men … Peace be with you …
We think you are referring to the episode in this subtitled video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDI6hI8ko9A
In addition to what we have asserted and proven in this episode you mention, we assert that Quranic sharia legislations of Islam are based on justice and fairness. God says in the Quran: "As for those who have not fought against you for your religion, nor expelled you from your homes, God does not prohibit you from dealing with them kindly and equitably. God loves the equitable." (60:8). Thus, it is NOT fair and just to allow Muslim men to marry Jewish and Christian women, and any non-Muslim women in general, and to prevent Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men. Please watch these two subtitled videos on the same topic, for further explanation and understanding, on these links:
Zakat for the Greater Bairam!
Published in August 21, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I know that you believe that the lesser Bairam (after Ramadan) and the greater Bairam (after pilgrimage) are never part of Islam and that Quranism contains no religious feasts of any type, but my question is as follows: why Sunnites assume that there is a zakat money to be paid in the lesser Bairam and they made no similar zakat for the greater Bairam?! …Thank you …
We have asserted many times that any zakat/alms or money donations for charity are not related to any occasions or timings; they can be paid in all times. God says in the Quran: "Those who believe...and give from what We have provided for them." (2:3); this means that once you receive any money as earnings, you must donate some of it for charity: for those needy ones and for God's sake to defend His religion. God urges us to do so readily and promptly: "...and give its due on the day of its harvest..." (6:141); this means that we are NOT to wait for annual zakat of the Sunnite religion or any annual secular or quasi-religious feast to pay zakat.
Food of the People of the Book
Published in August 22, 2017
Question: … How come you dare to say that Muslims can eat food made by People of the Book?! Christians eat the flesh of pigs in differ sorts: pork, ham, etc. and we must not eat it; where is your mind and knowledge, man?!…Thank you …
It is not ourselves who say that we can eat food prepared by People of the Book; God says that in the Quran: "Today all good things are made lawful for you. And the food of those given the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them..." (5:5). You can believe or disbelieve in God's Word as you choose. Besides, flesh of pigs is prohibited by God for the People of the Book among other prohibited food items mentioned in this verse: "For the Jews We forbade everything with claws. As of cattle and sheep: We forbade them their fat, except what adheres to their backs, or the entrails, or what is mixed with bone...." (6:146), and many Jews still adhere to avoiding these prohibited food items until now, but Christians rejected this and they eat flesh of pigs and drink wine; their deeds cannot be used to judge Quranic text. When you express your protest against our writings next time, be more polite with those who exceed you in knowledge and are older than you are; before you protest against anything, check the Quranic text first, if you really believe in it.
About Houris, Again
Published in August 22, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … What does the verse 78:33 mean? How does it refer to houris in Paradise? … Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "And splendid spouses, well matched." (78:33), and this verse comes in the context of describing Paradise; this means that houris are pretty, very good looking, and lovely in their pleasing manners and attentiveness toward Paradise dwellers who will marry them.
Azan in History
Published in April 20, 2013
Question: … Dear Sir, … Reading your great website, I am surprised by your saying that the Azan phrases have been changed several times, as per history sources, but you said that history books are not always true; so I don't understand why you said that about the Azan. Would you please explain this further to me? … Thank you …
In our article tackling this topic of Azan phrases and how they have been changed, we have written that as per the Quran, the Azan must never contain names of any mortals beside God's name, as must be the case in all true monotheistic/Islamic acts of worship, as mosques must be dedicated only to God and NOT to mortals (prophets or non-prophets). Of course, all books of history contain relative information, not absolute facts. We do believe that it is logical to expect that the Muhammadans readily changed the Azan phrases after the death of Muhammad. We refer you to our book on principles of researching history and how to verify events and stories by historians like ourselves; besides, the Quran is the criterion to judge such historical narratives. By the way, events and practices of today's Muhammadans reflect the authenticity of many narratives of history.
Mercenaries Do Anything for Money
Published in August 4, 2007
Question: … Dear Sir, … I have been reading through your great website, and I think what you write about the Quran is very good in defending it. There is an Egyptian man in the USA called Mark Gabriel, who says he was a Muslim but converted to Christianity. He keeps attacking the Quran in all his books and writings. So, I believe if you can have an open debate with him, it would be a very good chance for you to defend Islam against the acts of many Muslims that this stupid man talks about and blames Islam for it. In his books, Mark Gabriel talks a lot about what happened to him in Egypt, and that he was a professor at Al-Azhar University. So, I believe you may have known him before, and I am sure you can be helpful in that. So, do you have some clear idea about him and why he left Islam, and can you give me such information?… Thank you …
We have read one book authored by this person you have mentioned; he is a liar who pretends to be a graduate from History Department, Al-Azhar University, the same Department where we have spent many years of our life as a student then a professor. This man was never a student there, we assure you. We tend to think he was never a Muslim/Muhammadan, but he was born and raised as a Christian and he might have fabricated a story about himself to be able to immigrate and gain money. Such mercenaries who get paid to seek to undermine the Quran do not deserve our attention or yours, especially that the Quran prohibits real pious believers from debating with the unjust ones among the People of the Book. This person is free to choose and do whatever he likes; if he does not repent, God will punish him in the Hereafter.
Entering into Hell and Entering into Paradise
Published in December 24, 2006
Question: … Dear Sir, … What does this Quranic phrase (about Hell) mean: "...There is not one of you but will enter to it..." (19:71)? …Thank you …
This means that some of those surrounding Muhammad during his lifetime were not real believers and will die as such, entering into Hell on the Last Day. Within God's Omniscience, He knows those who deserve to dwell in Hell as per their deeds and their lack of faith (or corrupt faith of polytheism): "We are fully aware of those most deserving to scorch in it." (19:70). God says the following to Muhammad about polytheists in the context of the Quranic Chapter 19: "By your Lord, We will round them up, and the devils, then We will bring them around Hell, on their knees. Then, out of every sect, We will snatch those most defiant to the Dominant Lord. We are fully aware of those most deserving to scorch in it.There is not one of you but will go down to it. This has been an unavoidable decree of your Lord." (19:68-71). Thus, the phrase you ask about speaks about polytheists in general who die without repentance. After all polytheists, sinners, disbelievers, and disobedient ones enter into Hell on the Last Day, good and pious believers who obeyed God will enter into Paradise: "Then We will rescue those who were pious, and leave the unjust ones in it, on their knees." (19:72), and this order of sinners entering into Hell BEFORE pious ones entering into Paradise is asserted in these verses: "Those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in throngs...the verdict of punishment is justified against the disbelievers...Enter the gates of Hell, to abide therein eternally...And those who feared their Lord will be led to Paradise in throngs...Peace be upon you, you have been good, so enter it, to abide therein eternally." (39:71-73). God says the following about the fact that polytheists and their deities/gods will enter into Hell, while Paradise dwellers will be saved: "You and what you worship besides God are fuel for Hell. You will enter into it. Had those been gods, they would not have entered into it. All will abide in it. In it they will wail. In it they will not hear. As for those who deserved goodness from Us-these will be kept away from it. They will not hear its hissing, and they will forever abide in what their hearts desire." (21:98-102). God says about Moses' Pharaoh and his people as they will enter into Hell on the Last Day: "He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection, and will lead them into the Fire. Miserable is the place into which they will enter." (11:98). Those who will enter into Hell will dwell there for eternity and will never get out of it: "And herd the sinners into Hell; they enter into it in groups." (19:86); "As for those who disbelieve, for them is the Hell-Fire, wherein they will never be finished off and die, nor will its punishment be lightened for them. Thus We will repay every disbeliever. And they will scream therein, "Our Lord, let us out, and we will act righteously, differently from the way we used to act." Did We not give you a life long enough, in which anyone who wanted to understand would have understood? And the warner did come to you. So taste. The unjust ones will have no helper." (35:36-37).
Um Qirfa!
Published in December 12, 2010
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm Dr. M. Eilal… I draw great pleasure in reading your great writings, especially the researches on history; I'd like to ask you about the authenticity of one story: about a dignified lady in Arabia called Um Qirfa who was murdered brutally by Zeid Ibn Haretha… Is that story true or false, in your view as a historian? … Thank you very much …
You are welcome, Dr. Eilal, to our website. As for the fictional story to which you refer, it is mentioned only by the historian Ibn Saad in his seminal book titled "Al-Tabakat Al-Kobra", and it goes as follows: a tribe attacked and robbed a trade caravan led by Zeid Ibn Haretha, and Muhammad sent troops to take revenge against this tribe, and some soldiers of these troops, commanded by Zeid, murdered a notable old woman of the tribe, called Um Qirfa, by tying her limbs to two camels and flogging the camels to move in opposite directions till the poor woman's body was ripped into two halves! When the troops returned to Yathreb, Muhammad got out naked while carrying his clothes on his shoulders to congratulate the troops in joy and mirth! Thus, this fake story aims to insult Prophet Muhammad, making appear as if he were a head of a gang/assassins who murdered an old woman in that brutal manner that was never known in Arabia at the time. Muhammad was sent as a mercy to the humankind: "We did not send you except as mercy to humankind." (21:107) and NOT to massacre the humankind. Even pre-Islamic era men in Arabia rarely killed women at all; let alone an old peaceful woman who never committed any aggression. This story is 100% fake and false.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5123 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 57,055,827 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,452 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,828 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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