آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-02-06
Fatwas: Part Twenty-Two
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Resurrection and Coccyx
Published in January 31, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … Sunnites claim that all human bones of the dead decompose except for the tailbone or the coccyx, as the human body will sprout out of it like a plant from seed on the Day of Resurrection … Is that true? … What is your opinion? … Thank you …
This is utter nonsense; as long as any notion in religion is never mentioned in, or derived from, the Quranic text, it is balderdash. We are not to add to absolute facts of the Quran about Resurrection Day; Sunnite myths has nothing to do with the Quranic Truth. The true thing in your question is the fact that resurrection is like plants sprouting from the earth, as per the Quran: "And God germinated you from the earth like plants. Then He will return you into it, and will bring you out again." (71:17-18); "God is He who sends the winds, which agitate clouds, which We drive to a dead land, and thereby revive the ground after it had died. Likewise is the Resurrection." (35:9). We are not to add any further fabricated details to this Quranic Truth. We know from the Quran as well that the earth and heavens will be destroyed entirely in the Last Day, with new eternal earth and heavens created by God, but after all human beings are resurrected and books of deeds will be shown and distributed among all human beings; see 84:1-15.
I'm At Loss
Published in February 1, 2017
Question: … Dear Dr. Prof. Mansour, … I don't know why I've chosen you to disclose what torments my mind … I'm at total loss and I can no longer think clearly anymore … Why God made me sterile? I long to have a child but I cannot make my wife happy to bear a child by me … Why doctors could not find remedy/cure for me?! Why God ordained me to suffer male infertility and to die childless? … I never denied God's existence … But who is God? Why does He not relieve suffering of people on earth? Why people die of hunger? … Why did God make you suffer persecution by Al-Azhar ignoramuses? Why people die of series diseases? Who is God? is he the one born of a virgin? Or the one who authored 114 Quranic Chapter?! Why people have different perceptions of God?! … I hate sinning and I dare not to dislike and disobey God … But I can no longer perform prayers at all, or any acts of worship … I still feel that God is nearer to me than I can imagine … I cannot be an atheist … I do not want God to hate me … I'm confused … Cold you please tell me anything to relieve my suffering? … You can publish my email message online along with your reply, but of course without mentioning my name and nationality … Thank you in advance …
Life is a test and one is free to choose one's lifestyle, stances, beliefs, actions, and so on and so forth. You are free to choose belief/disbelief, obedience/disobedience, etc. Yet, fates preordained by God cannot be changed and they are inevitable (one's birth, death, earning, and calamities), and therefore, one will not be judged by God regarding such four fates. Of course, these fates are part of lifetime test imposed by God on human beings: will they be thankful to God and be patient or would they be sinners and disobey God in rebellion. Hence, if one chooses faith/belief in God and performs God deeds, one will succeed in the test and enter Paradise for eternity. Otherwise, one will enter Hell for eternity if one chooses disbelief and disobedience, thus failing the test. Therefore, this is your decision and your choice about your real future in the Hereafter, while bearing the consequences; this applies to every human being. You cannot escape God; nor could one evades death or any of the preordained fates; nor can one possibly be absent during the Last Day and its Judgment.
Roundness of Earth
Published in February 2, 2017
Question: … Salam Aalykum, Dr. Ahmed Mansour, … I have been debating with several Muslims who believe the Quran says the earth is flat and not a globe shape … They use the verses " He who made the earth a stretched land for you; and traced in it routes for you …" (20:53); "We spread the earth, and placed stabilizers in it…" (15:17), among other verses to prove their point. What is your understanding of these verses? Do they really means that the earth is flat? You may respond in Arabic as I am an Arab … Thank you …
We have actually written many articles about cosmic verses that show miraculously certain scientific facts long before the era of science and the age of reason of humanity, and we have asserted in these articles how God mentions these scientific facts in a way that would not shock people in the 7th century A.D. and centuries that followed it, and at the same time never distorts the scientific unchangeable fact. The verses you mention and the ones you refer two actually show roundness and oval shape of Planet Earth. This roundness make people (who are like ants on a round watermelon or a giant ball, feeling no end to it) feel when they walk that as if the earth were flat, as it stretches to no end, peripheries, or borders in their sight. This is the meaning of spreading and stretching the earth to no end in the verses you have mentioned. Roundness of Earth is inferred from verses such as follows: " He created the heavens and the earth with reason. He wraps the night around the day, and He wraps the day around the night. And He regulates the sun and the moon, each running along a specific course…" (39:5); "And the earth after that He spread." (79:30); "He merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night; and He regulates the sun and the moon, each running for a stated term…" (35:13); "Another sign for them is the night: We strip the day out of it…" (36:37). This is the meaning also in the following Quranic phrase: "…God's earth is vast…" (4:97 and 39:10). Please accept our regards, and you are welcome to read more on our Quranism website.
Published in November 12, 2015
Question: … Dear Sir, … How about making chat-rooms in your website? … I should like dearly to communicate with fellow Quranists worldwide … What do you think? … Thank you …
We will study your proposed idea along with our technical supervisor and webmaster, our son Amir A. S. Mansour.
This Massage Proves the Success of Quranists
Published in February 13, 2014
Question: … You, Quranists, are saboteurs and troublemakers who desire eagerly to destroy Islam to make it vanish from the face of the Earth! You talk as if you were believers in the Quran and you perform all acts of worship, and yet, you deny the Holiness of prophets and imams and the words of wisdom uttered by Our Holy Prophet Muhammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him … You do nothing but to detract and mock the pearls of wisdom of the Sunna and its imams … You, A. S. Mansour, is a Shiite fool and ignoramus who never reads Sunnite books at all and their greatest Holy imam Al-Bokhary, Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him, except to ridicule and distort … All Quranists are dwarfs who seek fame and money by attacking their masters: the Sunnite imams. Our Holy Master Al-Bokhary, the Imam of all Muslims, will never be belittled by the words of the likes of you … You are the foresworn enemies of Islam, taught be Satan to corrupt the Islamic Umma … You are a gang of secular, laic criminals seeking to undermine the Quran and the Sunna Holy Hadiths … You are the worst sinners and criminals who disbelieve in God! … May God curse you forever and ever! …
God says in the Quran: "Say: "O my people, work according to your ability; and so will I. Then you will know. Who will receive a humiliating punishment, and on whom will fall a lasting torment."" (39:39-40); ""O my people, do as you may, and so will I. You will know to whom will come a punishment that will shame him, and who is a liar. So look out; I am on the lookout with you."" (11:93); "And say to those who do not believe, "Act according to your ability; and so will we." "And wait; we too are waiting."" (11:121-122); "Say, "O my people! Work according to your ability, and so will I." You will come to know to whom will belong the sequel of the abode." The wrongdoers will not prevail." (6:135); "Most surely We will support Our messengers and those who believe, in this life, and on the Day the witnesses arise. The Day when their excuses will not profit the wrongdoers, and the curse will be upon them, and they will have the Home of Misery." (40:51-52).
The Grave of Muhammad
Published in June 25, 2014
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … We know from history that once Prophet Muhammad died, people in Yathreb gathered in a meeting to decide about choosing a caliph/ruler … Was there any time to perform any funerary and burial ceremonies or rituals? … Where did Muhammad die? Was he buried in Yathreb or in Mecca? … What is your view as a historian? … Thank you …
There were no rituals whatsoever, and the corpse of Muhammad was not buried in a tomb or a graveyard at all; but inside the room of his wife Aisha, where she used to live during his lifetime and after his death, till she died herself.
May God Forgive us!
Published in November 12, 2014
Question: … Dear Sir, … Reading many of your articles and books so far, I could not help but notice some spelling mistakes in your quoted Quranic verses … I know you have poor technical support and you are hardly able to maintain your website, but I advise you to revise all Quranic verses quoted in all your archive … May God grant you, Sir, long life to enlighten minds of people and make them return to God's Word … Thank you …
In fact, we copy and paste Quranic verses from online Quran copies, and our fellow Quranist Mr. Ibrahim Dadi, from Algeria, revises and checks all spelling of the quoted Quranic verses in our writings and notifies us regularly about any mistakes and misspellings. Yet, part of the problem is because of Quranic e-texts found in cyberspace, because when the Quranic text is written first within an Office Word or Excel program, it differs from the one we find in printed copies of the Quran in how some words are spelled. The only copies with correct spellings throughout the text available online are PDF ones, and we cannot copy from them of course. Has any of our fellow beloved Quranists a good solution to that problem?
Published in October 21, 2006
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … How can we prove from the Quran that singing is permissible or prohibited in Islam? Some Sunnites quote the verse 31:6 to prove it is prohibited … What do you think? … Thank you …
Ordinary, ''secular'' singing is not prohibited in the Quran at all and it is not mentioned in it. Women's singing voices are not prohibited as Salafists claim. Even if 'secular'' ordinary singing (performed or listened to by others) contain sexual innuendos, this remains a minor mistake and not a full-fledged grave sin; all people cannot avoid small mistakes and minor sins all their lives. The only type of singing that is absolutely prohibited in Islam, in our view, is the so-called ''religious'' singing, because the Muhammadans who love it in their earthly religions are either spreading false religious notions by it, insulting to God, or mock and ridicule Quranic facts. Such religious singing turns Quranic facts into distracting diversions and playing for fun. This is a worse type of ridiculing and mocking Islam. As for the verse you mention, God says in the Quran: "Among the people is he who trades in distracting tales; intending, without knowledge, to lead away from God's way, and to make a mockery of it. These will have a humiliating punishment." (31:6). This means that those ''tales'' are any narratives, like hadiths and fiqh books, that distract Muhammadans from the divine Truth in the Quran. Let us remember that God gave us the best discourse, but the Muhammadans insist, for centuries until now, on following man-made discourses filled with falsehoods and fabrications ascribed forcibly to the religion of God and to Muhammad after his death. that contradict the Quran. Fabricated distracting narratives include all books of fabricators: all the imams/saints like Al-Bokhary, Al-Shafei, Ibn Hanbal, etc. and these authors had led others away from God's way: the Quran alone. "… And who speaks more truly than God?" (4:87); "God has sent down the best of narrations…" (39:23); "These are God's Verses which We recite to you in truth. In which message, after God and His revelations, will they believe?" (45:6); "And the Messenger will say, "My Lord, my people have abandoned this Quran."" (25:30). May God curse the Muhammadans imams!
Nonsense and Balderdash of the Sunnites about Prayers
Published in February 3, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've just read your book about prayers in Islam and how Quranists pray differently from the Sunnites and what are similar features of prayers of both Sunnites and Quranists … Pray allow me to ask you why you are so sure and ascertained of the shared features between both Sunnites and Quranists in prayers … I mean about what to say while prostrating and kneeling and so on … Sunnites vary a great deal in other elements related to prayers as we read in many Sunnite books of the four main doctrines … The Turkish-American thinker Edip Yüksel thinks that the daily prayers are three and not five! This is very confusing for new Quranists like myself! Would you write more on the topic of prayers to settle disputes once and for all? Would you refute Sunnite notions about prayers? … Thank you …
Indeed, we need not to write articles on refuting nonsensical notions and the balderdash of Sunnite scholars regarding prayers. It is enough that we have asserted many times in previous articles that the five daily prayers are part and parcel of Islam and that prayers' aim, like all acts of worship, is to attain piety and that we are to pray in reverence and devoutness to God alone while avoiding sinning between times of prayers (i.e., all our lifetimes, as much as we can) and all in the fear of our Lord. We have asserted in our writings that the heart must be filled with awe and reverence while addressing our Lord and keep in direct contact daily with Him. Of course, God allows alleviation and facilitation in acts of prayers, like allowing Tayammum and so on. Indeed, those who never observe piety in their daily life actions, their daily prayers will never bear fruit and they will be mere useless body movements; for instance, those Arab conquerors that committed the major sin of invading many countries, once Muhammad died, and thus engaged into looting, massacring, raping, and enslaving and committed the sin of Arabian civil war later on, used to pray the five daily prayers, while causing bloodbaths! This means that their prayers rendered useless and will be never of use to them in the Hereafter, as they lost piety and committed heinous acts of violence, aggression, and transgression. The second part of our book titled "Book of Prayers" will be soon finished and published online, and it will tackle history of prayers of the Muhammadans within the first century A.H.
Am I going to Hell?!
Published in November 10, 2012
Question: … Dear Sir, … I respect you very much, Sir, and I like your reformist writings … I take pride in being a Quranist like you … My question is as follows: Am I going to Hell?! … Let me explain the following first: I wanna make sure I will enter Paradise in the Hereafter … Of course, I believe in God and I'm 100% sure He exists, I perform all acts of worship, I sanctify and glorify no one beside God, I rejected Darwinism as regarding the creation of humankind and I think it applies to animals and plants only, I feel that I am no longer a polytheist, traditional believer, I avoid major, grave sins like fornication, theft, murder, etc. Yet, There are many things in the Quran that I tend to think that contradict modern science … Many ancient books of Quranic interpretations are filled with nonsensical notions … If I reject some Quranic verses, am I going to Hell because of that?! … Thank you very much for your time and pains to answer me…
Firstly, let us thank you for your praise of us, and we do not deserve such too much praise heaped on us; we are nothing but a researcher who seeks the Truth and voice his own points of view online. We gain benefits from others if they tell us something that we did not know before. Secondly, as for your question, one must believe every single verse of the Quran as the Absolute Truth; the fact that some verses are beyond your mental capacity to understand is not hindering this belief. The Quran does not contradict science; we refer you to our articles on that topic. Please read our archive of fatwas, articles, and books before you pose repeated questions. As for Paradise, it is only for all those pious human beings who believe in God alone, the Creator of the universe, without any other deities and performed good deeds in their lives toward people beside acts of worship.
Undermining Sunna with Certain Hadiths
Published in February 4, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read several hadiths ascribed to Muhammad about how he prevented others to write anything from him except the Quran … If these hadiths might be true, this undermines all Sunna and hadiths altogether, right? … But my question is: how come narrators of hadiths have retained such hadiths that undermine their collected/fabricated hadiths? … What do you think? … Thank you …
Indeed, we think that Muhammad never uttered any single narrative/hadith at all. Muhammad had conveyed from God the Quran, and nothing else, as the last divine message which is complete in itself. As for the ones you mention about prevention of writing of the so-called hadiths, they are fabricated by hadith-deniers among imams of theology in the early Abbasid Era who sought to undermine the authority and authenticity of hadiths as source of legislation in Islam; this is contradictory: they had fabricated hadiths about preventing people from writing down hadiths! Hence, hadith-deniers were at the time a minority among a vast majority of the Muhammadans who had believed in hadiths as primary discourses/narratives in their erroneous view of 'Islam', whereas the Quran was regarded by them as a secondary discourse/narrative! As for your question about fabricators of hadiths who have included in their books contradictory hadiths, this was because of their focus on 'authenticating' the series of narrators and not on the texts, themes, and topics of hadiths themselves. Hence, the result is that there are many hadiths contradicting one another in any Sunnite books sanctified by Sunnites! We refer you to the research authored by us about denying and undermining Sunna in the introduction of the Sunnite seminal book titled ''Sahih Moslem''.
Problems of a Fiancé
Published in March 14, 2010
Question: … Dear Sir, … Two months ago, my marriage contract has been signed, and my fiancée (but legal wife as per this contract) is a very good-looking, well-bred young woman … She is religious and so am I … Consummation of the marriage and the wedding ceremony are postponed until furnishing of my flat is finished, as per Egyptian customs in marriage these days … Wedding ceremony, as well as the consummation night, is planned to take places months later … The problem now is that I am allowed time alone with my fiancée, in her room in the house of her parents, since the marriage contract is signed … Whenever we are alone, I feel consumed by sexual energy and I have painful erections … I never touched her at all; she would not accept this, neither would I … I'm afraid to masturbate to relieve the tension … I cannot help visiting her so often, as require by customs … I'm afraid that this bent-up semen might cause any trouble in my genitalia! It is impossible for her and for me to consummate the marriage before the wedding night … Am I not to see her until then?! Shall we communicate only through the phones? What will she think of me in that case?! This might cause estrangement between us if I would not visit her regularly … She knows I love her and I'm sure she loves me … But I feel so guilty … Any advice? … Thank you …
Since the marriage contract has been signed already, she is your legal wife, not your fiancée, and you can (with her consent) make love to her, kiss her, touch her, etc. As for Egyptian customs of postponing consummation until one's house is furnished and wedding party is celebrated, you seem to want to adhere to the customs, hence, be patient and wait until the wedding night that you assert is drawing nearer. You can stop remaining with her alone at all, to void the pain of bent-up semen inside you; it is better to guard your seminal fluid, as you will need them in the early years of marriage. By the way, as a kind of endearment, tell your fiancée/wife/bride about your problem and she will understand how much you love and desire her, and make her help you by not insisting on remaining alone with you in her room. Laugh about the matter together; congratulations for you both in advance. We wish you a happy married life together.
Reward of Patience
Published in July 7, 2016
Question: … Dear Sir, … I underwent a surgery months ago, while suffering pains for one month of convalescence … Now, the surgeon has discovered that he made a certain mistake and insist on remaking the surgery again! This means I will have to suffer convalescence pains yet again … My question is as follows: would God reward me if I have patience and agree to undergo the surgical operation again? Was this mistake of the doctor's is part of fate preordained on me? … Thank you …
Yes, of course. You will be much rewarded by God if you accepted this ordeal/test as part of predestined matters. May God grant you complete healing this time and grant you the needed patience and make you steady in the monotheistic faith in Him.
A Wife Yet a Single Woman
Published in February 5, 2017
Question: … Dear Sir, … After long discussions three years ago, I've decided along with my husband that me and our small children will return to our homeland, after living in a European country for years, but my husband stayed behind … We feared that the children, who are adolescents, would be negatively influenced by the European permissible society, and acquire bad habits there, especially that our life in Europe was filled with so many hardships … I see my husband one week per year now when he comes to visit us; he refuses to leave Europe under the pretext that he loves living there and he must send us all money he can get … I suffer emotional starvation and I can no longer bear to be deprived of making love to my husband … What am I to do? … Shall I file for divorce and remarry?! I am 39 years old, by the way … Shall I return back to live with my husband? What about the children?! … Any advice? … Thank you …
We think that you took the wrong decision; children can be brought up in an excellent way anywhere, and might be corrupted and spoiled anywhere as well. It is hard for a wife to suffer sex-starvation and live away from her husband; this is unnatural. You are like a single mother or a divorcée, and this strange status should stopped at once. How could not you feel the trouble of being separated from your husband?! Talk frankly with your husband to find a solution; he is to visit you once every three months at least or you must return to live with him along with your children. Many good Muslims families live in the West and their offspring are brought up in a good Muslim way and keep to good morals in piety and real faith; they never fornicate, rink wine, or do drugs etc. God bless you and guide you.
How Quranic Verses Were Revealed
Published in October 16, 2011
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some Shiite and Sunnite narratives assume that the order of Quranic verses and chapters has been decided upon by the companions of Prophet Muhammad … Is that true?! Some even claim that there are missing verses! Why the Quran was not revealed as one text descended from Heaven as a whole? Why certain verses were revealed at certain times? …Would you please write an article to refute Shiite/Sunnites claims that undermine the Quran? … Thank you …
Our dear son, we advise you never to believe Sunnite, Shiite., and Sufi books at all on any topic related to Islam as a religion. As for your questions, let us assure you that the Quran was revealed as a whole inside the heart of Muhammad by the arch-angel Gabriel in the Night of Decree/ the Night Journey, in Mount Tur in Sinai, not Jerusalem, and as per verse 20:114, Muhammad uttered verses as per occasions according to divine inspiration about when and what to say from the verses. God preserves the Quran Himself, and when it was inside the heart of Muhammad, no devils could ever change it, and Muhammad has written its entirety himself in that order as per divine inspiration. After the death of Muhammad, God preserves the Quranic text against any distortion attempts until the end of days. We refer you to our article on that topic for more details. Hence, devilish narratives of haters of Islam throughout the centuries had authored countless books of hadiths and interpretations and fiqh to supplant, replace, and marginalize the Quran and make people focus instead on tomes of Sufi, Sunnite, and Shiite man-made earthly religions, as if these books were inspired by God as well to their authors, who ascribe their falsehoods to Muhammad centuries after his death. The Muhammadans, this way, are the worst enemies of the Quran, abandoned, discarded, and rejected by them. The scholars of fiqh suppose wrongly that their legislations supplant and control Quranic sharia laws. By the way, the order of Quranic Chapters and verses is authenticated now by the numerical miracles in them discovered recently by some Quranists, proving that this order was divinely ordained, and so was the special spelling of Quranic words that differ from both Middle-Ages Arabic and modern Arabic. We refer you to our article on that topic for more information.
Permissible or Prohibited
Published in October 4, 2014
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … I wanna ask you about your opinion about a certain accident that occurred in my village … Three villagers who were going to the airport to travel to Mecca to perform pilgrimage were in one car, followed by another car that carried some family members who accompanied them to see them off at the airport ... This second car accidentally fell into a water channel and all people in it drowned, because the three pilgrims did not make efforts to try and save them; they just waited for the police for a short while, and went to the airport to catch up with the plane, leaving their family members corpses at the bank of the water channel ... What do you think of this stance of these three pilgrims ? … Thank you…
This has nothing to do with what is permissible or prohibited in the Quran; rather, this is related to advice/promotion of the virtue and the advice against vice; the stance of these three pilgrims of not to attempt to save the victims is indeed a vice.
The Quranic Chapter 66
Published in November 5, 2006
Question: … Dear Sir, … Could you please shed light on the first verses of the Quranic Chapter 66? … What is the thing that Prophet Muhammad has prohibited for himself to please his wives and God has rebuked him in these verses for it? … Thank you …
We are not to surmise about details never mentioned in the Quran, so as not to fabricate distracting tales like Muhammadans did and do, especially the so-called interpreters of the Quran who undermine it indeed in their books. The story of Muhammad and his wives in this Chapter 66 shows how Muhammad was an ordinary human beings who had quarrels with his wives sometimes, and he prohibited for himself something permissible to please his wives at one time (we do not know what is this 'something', as the Quran never mentions it), and God has reproached him for prohibiting a legal, permissible thing. This prohibition was a violation of God's right to prohibit and allow things – prohibited things are always exceptions, and no one has the right to prohibit anything else beyond what is mentioned in the Quran as such. Prohibited food items are detailed elsewhere in the Quran, along with the command not to prohibit any more items, in these verses: 5:87, 10:59-60, and 16:116.
Are They Entering Paradise or Not?!
Published in May 23, 2008
Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in the USA, and I have excellent friends who are on a high moralistic level and very good people indeed who act kindly and charitably with everyone … I shudder because whenever I read the Quran, I feel that they are going to Hell because they are not Muslims and many of them are atheists … I feel sorry for them and I feel saddened … Is there any chance that such good non-believing people may be saved and delivered in the Hereafter because of their good conduct and charity? … Thank you for your time …
You should bear in mind two things: firstly, when God in the Quran tell us about the fates, in the Hereafter, of (dis)believers, the (mis)guided ones, the (dis)obedient ones, the hypocrites, the polytheists, the pious, the faithful, the charitable, etc., He talks about descriptions and not certain people by the name, in certain eras and locations. God makes the eternity in Paradise for those pious righteous ones who believed in God and performed good deeds during their lifetimes on earth. On the Day of Resurrection, each person, by the name, will know their fate and all deeds of all people will be known to all. The Quranic stories of prophets, including Muhammad, even does not contain names, with the exception of Zeid, adopted son of Muhammad, mentioned for a certain legislative reason. Hence, names of certain persons in history during Muhammad's lifetime cannot be divided by whims by us to decide who is going to Hell and who to Paradise; we are not to interfere in God' will and knowledge by ascribing things to Him to occur in the future. Hence, likewise, you cannot say your friends are going to Hell or to Paradise; this is simply none of your business; this is God's business and not anyone else's. during earthly life, all people are to live in peace and justice with one another; you are not to interfere in things related to the Last Day, as this is an Unseen Realm, and little is revealed about it in the Quran itself. It is God's right that mortals are not to add to, or meddle in, things God has chosen to be made unknown, or to reveal few facts about them in the Quran. It is balderdash that you would decide who's going to enter into Paradise or Hell; how would you know for sure. Be preoccupied instead of your own fate in the Hereafter; do not imitate the corrupt Muhammadans who have written volumes and books on that topic and have misled themselves and other generations for centuries. Get busy yourself instead in contemplating the Quran. read our entire Quranist archive on our website and reflect on our writings deeply.
A 'Dear' Friend!
Published in November 24, 2014
Question: … Dear friend, … I've accidentally come across your website, … Instead of Ahl-Alquran, people of the Quran, you should name it allies of Satan! … Your website is filled with glorification of the USA and Israel! … You slander Wahabi Saudi holy sheikhs! … You undermine Islam and the Quran with your heretic views! … You issue fatwas based on utter ignorance … You are a disgrace to Al-Azhar and to Islam! … You are among deniers of Sunna who will rot in Hell forever! …God's curse will fall upon you! …
We are happy to see a 'dear' friend who is verbally abusing us and defend the terrorist Saudi royal family! God bless the USA that shelters us and provides protection, dignity, and safety to us. You never read enough of our writings; otherwise, you will know that the Saudi royal family and its Wahabism in the KSA are the axes of evil and terrorism in the 20th and 21st centuries worldwide, especially in the Arab world. Is it impossible that the Wahabi clergy who have billions in their bank accounts be deemed as pious ones?! Quransts are poor, impecunious ones who have nothing but their intellect and their Quran beside their website. Wahabis of the KSA embassy used to command Mubarak to persecute and imprison us when we were in Cairo, Egypt. The Saudi ambassador used to command his agents in Al-Azhar to persecute and interrogate us in an inquisition-like interrogation. If you are a real 'friend' seeking to advise us, we advise you to read hundreds of our articles on the evil KSA and our book on it, so that you learn its history before you attack us unjustly: here is the link of our book (in English) titled: "The Wahabi Opposition Movements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Twentieth Century:
Meanings of Death
Published in July 4, 2014
Question: … Dear Sir, … What does death means in the Quranic verse 2:243? It seems here to differ from death before resurrection on the Last Day, right? … Thank you for your time …
God says in the Quran: "Have you not considered those who fled their homes, by the thousands, fearful of death? God said to them, "Die." Then He revived them…" (2:243). Death has many meanings in the Quranic text, and we refer you to our series of articles about Quranic terminology. We will confine our examples here, to reply briefly to your question, to the Quranic Chapter Two only. The first meaning of death, known to all humanity, is that souls forever leaves the bodies: "It is decreed for you: when death approaches one of you, and he leaves wealth, to make a testament in favor of the parents and the relatives, fairly and correctly-a duty upon the righteous." (2:180). Another meaning of death in the Quran is sleep: "Or like him who passed by a town collapsed on its foundations. He said, "How can God revive this after its demise?" Thereupon God caused him to die for a hundred years, and then resurrected him. He said, "For how long have you tarried?" He said, "I have tarried for a day, or part of a day." He said, "No. You have tarried for a hundred years…" (2:259). There is another meaning of death as temporary fainting because of being struck by God, as a form of punishment: as in 2:243 and in the following verses: "And recall that you said, "O Moses, we will not believe in you unless we see God plainly." Thereupon the thunderbolt struck you, as you looked on. Then We revived you after your death, so that you may be appreciative." (2:55-56).
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5170 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,675,711 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
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بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
دعوة للتبرع
قصيدة شوقى : (عبد الرحم ن المقد م ) علق على الفتو ى ...
الغرور: السؤا ل : ماذ يعنى ( الغرو ر ) فى القرآ ن ...
إضافة من عبدالله: عن عمر والشي طان فى لحظات قرآني ة : يقال...
مسألة ميراث: لي عمة متوفا ة عازبة وليس لها أولاد ,أبي...
الزنا والحتميات: هل الزنا الذى ينتج عنه ابناء يكون قضاء وقدر...