Court endorses the Quranists' release and another refuses their appeal to release them from custody

في الأربعاء ٠٨ - أغسطس - ٢٠٠٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Supreme State Security Court today, Wednesday, supported the decision to release of the Quranists while another court of Shubra Misdemeanor Court rejected an appeal to release them from custody. The trial witnessed many strange incidents; relatives of the detainees were prevented by the judge from attending the trial, defendants only appear for a few minutes when the defense lawyer Nejad Buraei, and despite the recognition of Judge himself that there is no basis of the case against then, he decided however after receiving anonymous phone call to continue detaining of the accused pending investigations.

Security forces located at the court attacked all journalists who intended to cover the trial. They didn’t just prevent them from entering, but also grabbed what documents or recordings they had.

One of the detainees, Amr Tharwat who operates the Ibn Khaldoun Center, testified that he was cruelly tortured immediately after his arrest. He had a fractured nose and a thrombus in his foot as a result of that. He requested to be transferred to the hospital for medication before his case develops and worsen.

The defense team will continue to appeal against the detention of the Quranists once again after the end of the two weeks period.

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