NDRI Announcement: Think Tank LINKS Fellowships

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Call for Applications: Atlas Corps-CIPE Think Tank LINKS Fellowships

Dear Colleagues, Atlas Corps and the Center for International Private Enterprise have issued a call for applications for their Think Tank LINKS Fellowship for talented young professionals from developing countries with strong research backgrounds to shadow leading U.S. think tanks for six months. Fellows will be enrolled in a professional development training program and join a growing network of nonprofit leaders from around the world. Location: Fellows will be based at leading think tanks in Washington, DC area for six months (January through June 2014). They will serve 40 hours per week at their host think tanks, focused on a mutually agreed-upon research topic that relates to democratic and/or economic reforms. Fellows are expected to publish their research during the program through articles, blogs, and presentations. Logistics: CIPE and Atlas Corps will provide Fellows with logistical support regarding visa, health insurance, stipend, and international travel. Fellows will also receive a monthly living stipend that covers basic housing, food, and transportation for one person. Deadline: Priority deadline is July 15, 2013 but applications will be accepted until August 2, 2013. Fellows will be selected by October 2013. The program begins in January 2014 and completes in June 2014. Space is limited, apply early! Eligibility: CIPE and Atlas Corps are looking for qualified candidates who have:

  • Demonstrated research background relating to issues of democracy and economic reform
  • Bachelors degree or higher, preferably in Economics, Public Policy, Finance, or a related field
  • At least two (2) years of professional experiences with proven record of research-based work
  • Proficiency in English (both in writing and speaking)
  • Age 35 or younger
  • Currently working for a think tank, policy research institution, or a similar organization

After the initial screening by CIPE and Atlas Corps, top applicants will be interviewed and selected by the respective host think tanks’ staff. Preference will be given to non-OECD applicants. Responsibilities of Think Tank LINKS Fellows:

  • Conduct research on a topic that relates to democratic or economic reforms
  • Produce research results that meet the thematic and quality criteria set by CIPE, Atlas Corps, and the host think tank
  • Contribute to CIPE’s Development Blog to highlight key findings
  • Participate in Atlas Corps’ Nonprofit Management Series training sessions
  • Attend orientation, roundtable discussions, and other activities as required by CIPE, Atlas Corps, and the host think tank
  • Return to home country after the Fellowship

How to apply: Submit an online application at: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ZDZmgDl8FjSuaw4LmZ87gtd6aKsvQN88maKnAPcNw_KJS9AB3bktjsrYQjBt_C178nUHlBgsbjIRm6LqcpXveHUzPmHV50Qo2qyDg9fA0Db74XykLGcidSdJ9qR6g_x-X6PIxVCKO07wlTjsWWvGpYOHZxN2QhVa The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) strengthens democracy around the globe through private enterprise and market-oriented reform. CIPE is one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy. Since 1983, CIPE has worked with business leaders, policymakers, and journalists to build the civic institutions vital to a democratic society. CIPE’s key program areas include anticorruption, advocacy, business associations, corporate governance, democratic governance, access to information, the informal sector and property rights, and women and youth. Atlas Corps is an international nonprofit that addresses critical issues by developing leaders, strengthening organizations, and promoting innovation through an overseas fellowship of skilled nonprofit professionals. Profiled as a “best practice” in international exchange by the Brookings Institution and the World Economic Forum, and featured in the Washington Post and Forbes as a model social entrepreneurship program, Atlas Corps engages experienced leaders committed to the nonprofit sector in 12-18 month, professional service fellowships at leading organizations to learn best practices, build organizational capacity, and return home to create a global network of nonprofit leaders. Our network of Fellows includes 108 nonprofit leaders from 32 countries. Atlas Corps Fellows serve at organizations such as Ashoka, Cato Institute, Habitat for Humanity, Heritage Foundation, McKinsey & Company, Project On Middle East Democracy (POMED), the UN Foundation, and the U.S. Peace Corps. For further information, please contact:

Kindly, Melissa Aten-Becnel International Forum for Democratic Studies National Endowment for Democracy melissaa@ned.org Follow the Forum on Twitter! Forum Twitter Follow Button   
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