Abraham and Mecca

آحمد صبحي منصور في الثلاثاء ٢٢ - مايو - ٢٠٠٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال
The last article by you which I read is the article, or booklet, on Salat, most precisely the story of Ibraheem having travelled to "Mecca" to build a "house". My question is: Why would Ibrahim travel from Syria/Jordan to come to Mecca and build a house then return back and leave this house for the Meccans idolators to fill it with their gods? We also learn from the Quraan that (no warner came before Muhammad). In what identity did Ibraheem come to Mecca? Wasn't he a warner? This will contradict this verse. The verse you quoted says that "We have assigned the place of the house NOT TO SET PARTNERS WITH GOD". I believe the phrase in capital letters is the "place of the house", i.e anywhere where no parterners are set besides God. That cancels Mecca completely, then and nowadays, where the "Ka'ba" is full of idols such as the foot prints of ibraheem with their floral dsign, the black stone, the concorde-like structures representing the devi (!!)..etc..etc.
آحمد صبحي منصور
Please read my article about (Al Hajj: A Known months ), it may explain to you how the Holly Sacred Mosque is so important in Islam before and after Abraham. It is a bad habit that people usually worship the building of (Al Qa'aba ) itself and make a lot of idols , to worship them beside Allah. This happened before and after the Prophet Mohammed, and we still have it now.
There was not prophet before Mohammad in the Arabs during 8 centuries, while there were a lot of prophets in Israeli 12 tribes, since their grand father Jacob.
This is an Quranic and historic fact.

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