دابة الأرض

آحمد صبحي منصور في الأحد ١٠ - أبريل - ٢٠١٦ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال
Dear Sir, The reason I write this message to you is because I read from your hand that you describe the living creature coming out of earth talking to people as mentioned in (Sura Al Naml) as a virus or something in this direction. In my believe, how I read this article, the ant has a better chance being this creature as mentioned more than anything else. For more than 80% I agree on your views. I have tried as much as possible to build my opinion independently from any other sources accept the Quran even before learning about the Quran Group. If you are interested I am willing to discuss this remaining 20% of differences. For now I would be pleased if you could pay attention to the above mentioned subject because I think when you are convinced about my vision you could share this among your followers. Yours sincerely
آحمد صبحي منصور

رأيى فى ( الدابة ) التى ستكلم الناس أنها ستخرج من باطن الأرض ، وهذا مرتبط بموضوع يأجوج ومأجوج ، وهم فى إعتقادى يعيشون فى باطن الأرض وسيخرجون منها قبيل قيام الساعة ، حسبما جاء فى سورتى الكهف و الأنبياء . وهناك كتاب أعمل فيه فى هذا الموضوع ، و قد أشرت لذلك مرات عديدة فى الموقع .

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