CONCLUSION of the book
1- Before the creation of Adam, the Lord God has created all souls of all (fe)male human beings. Each soul enters its body/embryo in a preordained time; the Lord God makes the inseminated ova and the embryos turn into males or females as per the appearance and features of souls. This is part of fates imposed and predetermined by the Lord God.
2- Instincts instilled by the Lord God into human babies make them move their limbs, drink, eat, defecate, urinate,...etc. The senses of hearing and seeing are formed into their hearts/souls and the human children begin to interact and feel what surrounds them; they can recognize their parents and they begin to listen to words and they talk to others later. If the soul is that of a female, its awareness develops in the feelings of any females; for instance, female children love dolls and play the role of mothers before they attain puberty; as adolescents, human females are attracted to human males; likewise, male children play with toys made for boys and develop certain feelings; as adolescents, human males are attracted to human females; both human males and females assume the roles assigned to their sex as per the societies where they live.
3- Souls have their own senses of hearing, seeing, thinking and feeling. Souls control the human physical bodies and their bodily senses. Thus, the souls are all-seeing regarding the bodies and physical senses; this is similar to spies/agents of enthroned tyrants in the totalitarian Middle-East countries who watch their citizens. This explains why the Muhammadans with their physical ears and eyes hear and read the Quranic verses which refute and debunk the myth of the so-called intercession of human souls on behalf of other human souls on the Resurrection Day but the awareness of their souls hardly pays any attention. This is because their souls adhere to disbelief and polytheism; i.e., the Muhammadans prefer devilish hadiths (e.g., the ones about intercession) to the Quranic verses; this is why their souls are screened from the Quran by thick veils which prevent the Quranic preaching, guidance, and Light from reaching the awareness and senses of their souls. "And if you call them to guidance, they will not hear. And you see them looking at you, yet they do not see." (7:198). This dulling/numbing of the senses of the soul is the reason why there are foolish polytheists who worship a male deity born out of a womb and suffered 'deicide' while being crucified and he could not save himself. Their souls' reasoning faculties and senses are blocked as their souls cling to such a myth which has taken the form of a false religion. Likewise, some creatures like cows, rats, and monkeys are being worshiped and deified in India; foolish polytheistic Muhammadans worship, deify, and sanctify allies/saints and their tombs/mausoleums as if such entombed corpses were alive and had omnipotence and omniscience to control the fates of people, though if such corpses would move about and get out of their tombs to greet and smile at their worshipers, such worshipers would panic and run in fright. The Muhammadans worship, venerate, and sanctify Al-Bokhary and his book of hadiths though most of them never read this two-volume book at all; yet, many of them in Egypt (and elsewhere) insulted and went mad at our person when we have refuted, criticized, and undermined Al-Bokhary book; this is because their souls are biased for this sanctified book of theirs and they side against the Quran. Yet, most of them never pondered on Al-Bokhary hadiths and they never used the Quran as the Criterion to judge and refute any hadiths.
4- There are two levels inside each one of the human souls.
4/1: There is the level of instincts shared with most animals; we remember as we were, in 1974, in Cairo, Egypt, a young lecturer at Al-Azhar University preparing our PhD thesis about the influence of Sufism in Egypt during the Mameluke Era, we went every day on foot to the Central Library, Cairo University, which was located 4 km away from our rented apartment; we gathered material and took down notes from 8 AM to 5 PM and then eat lunch and return home on foot; all the time, our mind was thinking of the data we gathered; at night, we organized, labeled, and commented on the material we gathered. Within our daily journey on foot between our apartment and Cairo University's Central Library and then back to our apartment, we were engrossed in thought about the data we collected; meanwhile, we avoided pushing our body accidentally into passers-by and cars...etc. At one time while we were going back home on foot, a friend of ours greeted us and we never saw or heard him; he blamed us later at Al-Azhar University, informing us of what happened, but we apologized to him and explained our being too busy with thoughts filling our mind. The analysis of this situation is as follows: there is a minimum level of soul's instincts and awareness which enable the body to move about in safety and unconsciously avoid pushing the body accidentally into people, vehicles, or things despite the fact that our soul was too busy thinking about analyzing the data for our PhD thesis. This is like donkeys in the fields inside villages which instinctively know their way back home without people riding and guiding them. Yet, there is a higher level of awareness inside the human souls which never exists inside animals.
4/2: The higher level inside human souls is the human free will and freedom of choice; this differentiates between human beings and animals; animals, of course, behave instinctively as they seek food, water, and shelter and they defend themselves and multiply...etc. Animals will not be judged on the Last Day and they have no free will or freedom of choice. Of course, the human free will and freedom of choice which constitute the higher level of awareness inside human souls are created within such souls by the Lord God: "And the soul and He who proportioned it. And inspired it with its wickedness and its righteousness. Successful is he who purifies it. Failing is he who corrupts it." (91:7-10). Thus, souls of all human beings freely and consciously choose evil or good, sinning or piety, polytheism or monotheism,...etc. while bearing full responsibility for their fates on the Last Day either in Hell or in Paradise. Only pious monotheists follow the instinct of righteousness inculcated into their souls.
5- The human souls control the human bodies; the bodies are like garments which clothe and cover the souls to enable them to exist and function in the physical Planet Earth; this means that the human bodies are neutral; they obey the commands of the souls. Let us exemplify this point.
5/1: Before the awareness and senses of hearts/souls are developed, babies never feel things and others around them; this applies to sleepers and to persons suffering from madness; they lack consciousness; in such cases, the souls' level of instincts controls their bodies. Within normal human adults, the awareness and senses of hearts/souls are developed and they are able to think, reflect understand, ponder, realize, recognize, and discern.
5/2: Reaching into adolescence, human beings are responsible for their deeds chosen freely unless insane or psychologically disturbed. We note the following.
5/2/1: The Lord God does not punish or blame those whose souls are forced into violating Quranic laws: "Whoever renounces faith in God after having believed - except for someone who is compelled, while his heart rests securely in faith - but whoever willingly opens up his heart to disbelief - upon them falls wrath from God, and for them is a tremendous torment." (16:106); "...And do not compel your girls to prostitution, seeking the materials of this life, if they desire to remain chaste. Should anyone compel them - after their compulsion, God is Forgiving and Merciful." (24:33); "...There is no blame on you if you err therein, barring what your hearts premeditates. God is Forgiving and Merciful." (33:5). Thus, some deeds which are prohibited might not be sinful as they seem to onlookers; e.g., those who consume pork, ham, or bacon without knowing what type of meat they are consuming; those who consume food during days of Ramadan as they are ill or fatigued because of traveling. This means that the discerning aware souls take conscious decision; only the Omnipotent Lord God knows if someone falls into sinning on purpose or not.
5/2/2: The looks of the human eyes and the eyes of souls: Souls control and direct the looks addressed by the bodily eyes: "Tell the believing men to restrain their looks...Tell the believing women to restrain their looks..." (24:30-31). The physical, bodily eyes of pious souls restrain their lustful looks; in contrast, the physical, bodily eyes of impious souls never restrain their lustful looks and they leer on purpose and search for looking intentionally at (semi)naked bodies. The same applies to the sense of hearing; physical ears of impious souls seek to hear blasphemous and four-lettered words and sexual talking about illicit sex; pious souls hate to hear blasphemies, swearwords, sexual talking,...etc.
5/2/3: Killing is allowed in Islam ONLY in cases of self-defense fighting against aggressors and those attacking one to kill him/her. Yet, the same act of killing is prohibited murder in Islam when a sinful soul kills an innocent peaceful person; worse still is to ascribe the heinous crime of massacring innocent, peaceful people to religion; this grave injustice is still committed by sinful souls of Wahabi terrorists and was committed by sinful souls of caliphs and Arabs (and those who now follow their footsteps) who invaded, conquered, looted, and fought...etc. to establish an Arab empire once Muhammad died.
6- The following points are about the human souls in this transient world.
6/1: They can choose, based on their free will, to weave their eternal bodies of the Hereafter (either in Hell or in Paradise) as per their deeds and faiths.
6/2: They never choose their fates, features, appearance, times of births and deaths, families, provisions, duration of life, calamities/ adversities, and tests preordained by the Lord God within this temporary existence on earth. Yet, they can choose freely their deeds and actions and religious beliefs.
6/3: This means human souls choose freely (im)piety, (mis)guidance, polytheism or monotheism, sins or good deeds,...etc. Human souls are created by the Lord God as free agents. The Lord God promises Paradise for the pious ones and Hell for the unjust disbelievers. The Lord God does not break His promises.
7- Hence, it is a foolish thing that human beings fall into the trap of worshiping their temporary, physical bodies (or bodies of other human beings) created from dust and they disregard purifying their eternal souls within piety.
7/1: The human beings forget the fact that their bodies are merely outer garments for their eternal souls; such garments/bodies will die and decompose in order to return into its origin: dust. The human bodies will never revive again on the Resurrection Day.
7/2: The human beings forget the fact that their physical bodies are changeable; they are born weak during babyhood and childhood, they get stronger in adulthood, and they get weak again when they reach the old age: "God is He Who created you weak, then after weakness gave you strength, then after strength gave you weakness and gray hair. He creates whatever He wills. He is the Omniscient, the Omnipotent." (30:54). This is predestined fate imposed on the transient, frail human bodies. Talking about the so-called longevity in the West will never prevent death, weakness, and ailments to which the human flesh is heir.
7/3: Thus, science and plastic surgeries will never be able to beautify old men and women or remove their signs of aging: "Whomever We grant old age, We reverse his development. Do they not understand?" (36:68). Viewers are saddened by comparing between photos of young pretty actresses and the recent photos of the same actresses in their old, senile age.
The human bodies are mere clothes or garments for the human souls; such clothes get old and are worn out and they are thrown eventually into a dustbin known as tombs or tombs where they decompose and turn into bones and dust. It is very foolish that human beings focus only on reforming their bodies which are temporary clothes while they disregard reforming their eternal souls by performing many good deeds within monotheism to purify themselves and acquire new, eternal bodies woven by their good deeds and monotheistic faith so that their souls would be clothed in such eternal, new bodies on the Resurrection Day and in Paradise. We hope our readers would heed the warning and focus on inheriting the Eternal Life in Paradise in the Hereafter.