ßÊÇÈ Each Human Soul Has Two Bodies
FOREWORD of the book

في الأربعاء ١٩ - فبراير - ٢٠٢٥ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

FOREWORD of the book





1- As usual, at first, we thought that the Quranist topic at hand would entail one lengthy article; yet, the more Quranic facts we discover as we study, analyze, and research the Quranic text as per the Quranist methodology, the more we realize how we know little about the Quran despite our studying its text for more than 40 years. The topic at hand entailed a series of articles which are compiled into a book form; it is the book you are reading now. We hope that the Lord God will grant us enough lifetime to go on with writing our several unfinished books; if we die, we expect that our fellow Quranists would complete such books whose initial articles are published on our website. The Quranist methodology of research will yield the same results when such books might be finished by our dear fellow Quranists after our own death.  

2- In fact, we realize now that the more one dedicates time, pondering, and reasoning to the Lord God's Book, the Holy Quran, the more will be the number of unknown-before Quranic facts inferred by one's mind and the more one will feel so ignorant however numerous the Quranic facts one has reach. The Holy Quran is the Lord God's Word and no one dares to claim that s/he grasps fully all its verses; this is beyond the capacity of the human brain. Yet, at the same time, the Quran is made easy to remember (as per the Quranic Chapter 54) for those who, despite their different IQ levels, ardently and sincerely seek guidance within monotheism and dedicate their religion entirely and only to the Lord God. The Quranic text has deeper levels for those who seek to delve deeper into meticulous analyzing, studying, and researching the Quranic verses to get to know, discover, and learn more Quranic facts. Our writings within our online archive prove this fact beyond a shadow of doubt.  

3- As for the misguided misguiding ignoramuses, they prefer ignorance and feel comfortable with it. They never make the slightest intellectual effort to ponder on the Quranic verses; they merely copy and paste from the books of exegeses, commentaries, and interpretation authored by some other ignoramuses of the Middle-Ages during the Abbasid and the Mameluke eras. If such books were 'sufficient', why does Azharite low- and high-rank clergymen continue to exist until now in Egypt?! Why do they appear in the media? Why does Al-Azhar University continue to exist?! Why Sunnite Wahabi/Salafist (non-)Azharite televangelists appear on TV in Egypt and in the Arab world?! Why do they regurgitate statements, ideas, and views from centuries-old books?!   

4- We began this book by writing an article about the Quran-based fact that every human soul has two bodies: the physical body created from mud/dust which does clothe the soul during its lifetime on earth and the eternal body of the Hereafter either in Hell or in Paradise. We received many questions about the same topic via our email address and our website; we had to write more articles to provide lengthy answers; these articles about this topic are the ones compiled in this book which you are reading now. We begin by defining some Quranic terms like (souls), (hearts), and (chests), and then, we talk about the mechanism of the relation between souls and their two bodies: the earthly one of this world and the eternal one of the Hereafter. May the Lord God come to our help and aid.