hello mr Subhy Mansour, god bless you
sometimes in job settings where i work like shops in my society there are lots of girls and women who are authority or my coworker and when she wants to guide ...
Dear Sir I have 3 sons. The eldest went to USA for studies and got job there and after that left Islam and married a American women. He is not in touch with us for more than a year. My second son is u...
I have one request. As Ahl AlQuran non Arabic speaking members, we need a genuine translation and interpretation of Quran. There are thousands of translations but most of them fail to make proper in...
Salaamun Alakum respected Teachers .I pray this finds you all in the best of health ,I am a convert from the UK for over 14 years from Christianity My journey has been difficult due to the confusio...
Dear Sir,
Salamun Alaikum,
In your article titled “Quranic Terminology: Al-Halqoom” and a recent Quranic Moments youtube show No.1010 dated 30th April 2020, you mentioned that at the...
Asalaam alaykum Dr Mansour Iam a new Quran only Muslim after researching for few years came to realise that Islam is only about Quran and Hadith has nothing to do with Islam. I would like if possible ...
Selam, my name is Metin Can,
The reason i am writing to you all today is to ask a few questions. I live in California and was interested in some of your work. I have been reading some of your work ...
I am married and Alhamdulillah blessed with a baby girl she is 5 months old now. With lots of love respects for you from deep of my heart. You are doing most great job by spreading the word of Allah t...
Asalam Alikum dearest Brother.
Alhamdullilah and
thankyou for your work and sharing your knowledge.
I have many asks and have been in Quran alone Journey for around 5 years.
I am so sorry for...
Hello I and my sister never known our biological father , we Grow up as Muslim's Because Mother was Married to a Muslim Man who took care of us, when my mother passed away she left us a will , she wan...