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PART I: Those who believe in Muhammad are disbelievers: The belief is not in Muhammad but in what has descended upon Muhammad

PART II: Ponderings on the Quranic verses 7:156-158

PART III: The problematic issue for polytheists regarding the fact that the messenger/prophet Muhammad was a mortal human being

PART IV: The messenger/prophet Muhammad was a mortal human being subjected to harm, disease, and death

PART V: The messenger/prophet Muhammad was a mortal human being; why could not polytheistic disbelievers accept this fact?! 

PART VI: How the contemporaries of Muhammad dealt with him as a human being during his lifetime

PART VII: How the mortal prophet and human being, Muhammad, was ridiculed by disbelievers

PART VIII: Worshiping names by the polytheistic disbelievers

PART IX: The names of the last prophet in the Holy Quran

PART X: The names invented by the polytheists for their imaginary deity (the Prophet) Muhammad

PART XI: The problem of polytheists was with Muhammad the messenger and not with Muhammad as a person

PART XII: The polytheists denied and disbelieved in the Book and in the Quranic verses and not in Muhammad as a person



Those Who Believe In Muhammad Are Disbelievers
Those Who Believe In Muhammad Are Disbelievers

Auth ored by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy

About this book:
This is the full title: (Those Who Believe In Muhammad Are Disbelievers: The Belief Is Not In Muhammad But In What Has Descended Upon Muhammad). Typically, the series of articles written separately then compiled here began by answering a question we received. By asserting that the belief in Muhammad is a form of disbelief, we mean those disbelievers who deify him as we seek peaceful religious reform by elucidating Quranic facts about defining belief/monotheism and disbelief/polytheism . We hope the Muhammadans, or the so-called Umma of Muhammad, would turn into monotheists who never deify things or mortals. This is why we say they are polytheistic disbelievers who deify Muhammad. In contrast, their declaring others as disbelievers means accusations of apostasy resulting in murdering innocent ones.